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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 267

267. And, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and upon the throne one sitting. That this signifies the Lord as to the Last Judgment is evident from the signification of throne, as being, in general heaven, specifically the spiritual heaven, and abstractly the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord. The reason why it also signifies judgment is that all are judged from Divine truth; and also all in heaven (concerning which see above, n. 254; and that the Son of man signifies the proceeding Divine truth may also be seen above, n. 53 and 151.) The reason why throne here signifies judgment is that the subject treated of in this chapter is the arrangement of all things for judgment, as may be seen above (n. 258).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 267

267. And behold, a throne was set in heaven, and upon the throne One sitting, signifies the Lord in respect to the Last Judgment. This is evident from the signification of "throne," which in general means heaven, in particular the spiritual heaven, and abstractly Divine truth proceeding from the Lord; it also signifies judgment, because all are judged by Divine truth; and also all who are in heaven (of which see above, 254; and that "the Son of man" signifies Divine truth proceeding, see n. 53, 151.) Here "throne" signifies judgment because the arrangement of all things for judgment is treated of in this chapter (See above, n. 258).

Apocalypsis Explicata 267 (original Latin 1759)

267. "Et ecce thronus positus in caelo, et super throno Sedens." - Quod significet Dominum quoad ultimum judicium, constat ex significatione "throni", quod in genere sit caelum, in specie caelum spirituale, et abstracte Divinum Verum procedens a Domino; quod etiam significet judicium, est quia omnes judicantur ex Divino Vero, et quoque omnes in caelo (de qua supra, n. 253(a)): quod "Sedens super throno" sit Dominus, patet. Quod Domino soli sit judicium, etiam Ipse docet apud Matthaeum,

"Quando venerit Filius hominis in gloria sua, et omnes sancti angelicum Ipso, sedebit super throno gloriae suae; ac congregabuntur ante Ipsum omnes gentes, et separabit eos ab invicem, sicut pastor separat oves ab hircis" (25:31, 32 1

, seq.):

et apud Johannem,

"Non Pater judicat quemquam, sed judicium omne dedit Filio... potestatem dedit judicium facere, quia Filius hominis est" (5:22, 27):

quoniam nemo judicatur ex Divino Bono, sed ex Divino Vero, ideo dicitur quod "Pater non judicet quemquam", sed Filius, quia "Filius hominis est"; "Pater" enim significat Divinum Bonum, ac "Filius hominis" Divinum Verum procedens.

(Quod "Pater" significet Divinum Bonum, videatur supra, n. 254; et quod "Filius hominis" Divinum Verum procedens, etiam supra, n. 53 et 151.

Quod "thronus" hic significet judicium, est quia agitur in hoc capite de ordinatione omnium ad judicium, videatur supra, n. 258.)


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