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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 268

268. (Verse 3) And he that sat was in aspect like a jasper and a sardius. That this signifies the appearance of the Lord as to Divine truth translucent from the Divine good of the Divine love is evident from the signification of one sitting upon the throne, as being the Lord as to the Last Judgment, which was treated of just above (n. 267); and from the signification of in aspect like, as being appearance also from the signification of a jasper stone, as being the spiritual love of truth, of which we shall treat in what follows; and from the signification of a sardine stone, as being the celestial love of good, thus by a jasper and a sardius, to which the Lord appeared like, is signified Divine truth translucent from the Divine good of the Divine love.

[2] That a jasper signifies the Divine love of truth, or Divine truth proceeding is evident from those passages in the Word where it is mentioned, as in Exodus 28:20, and in Ezekiel 28:13; also in the Apocalypse:

"The light" of the holy Jerusalem "was like unto a stone most precious, like to a jasper stone, clear as crystal" (21:11.).

By the light of the holy Jerusalem is signified the Divine truth of the church shining, and by the light truth itself shining, by Jerusalem the church as to doctrine; this is likened to a jasper stone, because jasper has a similar signification. And in another place:

"The building of the wall" of the holy Jerusalem "was of jasper, and the city was pure gold like unto pure glass" (21:18).

The wall of the holy Jerusalem is said to be of jasper, because by wall is signified Divine truth defending; and on account of this signification of wall, the first stone of its foundation is said to be jasper (verse 19), foundation signifying the truth upon which the church is founded.

[3] The sardius is also mentioned, because by that stone is signified good, here Divine good, because it is said of the Lord. It is this stone which is called pyropus; and since it shines as it were from fire, by both is signified the translucence of truth from good. (That all precious stones signify the truths of heaven and of the church derived from good, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873. This is why in the breast-plate of Aaron, which is called the Urim and Thummim, were set twelve precious stones, and by them responses were given, and this by their shining forth, and at the same time by perception of the thing inquired about, or by a living voice.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 268

268. Verse 3. And He that sat was in aspect like to a jasper stone and a sardius, signifies the Lord's appearance in respect to Divine truth pellucid by virtue of the Divine good of the Divine love. This is evident from the signification of "One sitting upon the throne," as being the Lord in respect to the Last Judgment (of which just above, n. 267; and from the signification of "in aspect like," as being appearance; from the signification of "jasper stone," as being the spiritual love of truth (of which in what follows); and from the signification of a "sardius stone" as being the celestial love of good; thus "a jasper stone and a sardius," which the Lord appeared like, signify Divine truth pellucid, by virtue of the Divine good of the Divine love.

[2] That a "jasper" signifies the Divine love of truth, or Divine truth proceeding, is evident from passages in the Word where it is mentioned, as Exodus 28:20; and Ezekiel 18:13; also in Revelation:

The light [luminare] of the holy Jerusalem was like unto a stone most precious, as it were a jasper stone, shining like crystal (Revelation 21:11);

"the light of the holy Jerusalem" signifies the Divine truth of the church shining, "the light" truth itself shining, and "Jerusalem" the church in respect to doctrine; this is likened to "a jasper stone," because "jasper" has a like signification.


The building of the wall [of the holy Jerusalem] was of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like unto pure glass (Revelation 21:18).

The "wall" of the holy Jerusalem is said to be "of jasper," because "wall" signifies Divine truth guarding; and because of this signification of "wall," the first stone of its foundation is said to be jasper (verse 19), "foundation" signifying the truth upon which the church is founded.

[3] The "sardius" is mentioned because that stone signifies good, here Divine good, because the Lord is described. This is the stone that is called "pyropus" [firestone], and since it shines as by fire, both names signify the translucency of truth from good. (That all precious stones signify the truths from good of heaven and of the church, see Arcana Coelestia 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873; for this reason twelve precious stones were set in the breastplate of Aaron, which is called the Urim and Thummim, and by them responses were given, and this by their shining forth, and at the same time by a perception as to the thing interrogated or by a living voice, n. 9905)

Apocalypsis Explicata 268 (original Latin 1759)

268. (Vers. 3.) "Et Sedens erat similis aspectu lapidi jaspidi et sardio." - Quod significet apparentiam Domini quoad Divinum Verum pellucens a Divino Bono Divini Amoris, constat ex significatione "Sedentis super throno", quod sit Dominus quoad ultimum judicium (de qua mox supra, n. 267); ex significatione "similis aspectu", quod sit apparentia; ex significatione "lapidis jaspidis", quod sit spiritualis amor veri (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "lapidis sardii", quod sit caelestis amor boni: ita per "lapidem jaspidem et sardium", quibus Dominus similis aspectu apparebat, significatur Divinum Verum pellucens ex Divino Bono Divini Amoris.

[2] Quod "jaspis" significet Divinum Amorem Veri seu Divinum Verum procedens, constat ex locis in Verbo ubi nominatur, ut Exodus 28:20, et Ezechiel 28:13; tum in Apocalypsi,

"Luminare" Sanctae Hierosolymae "simile lapidi pretiosissimo, sicuti lapidi jaspidi, instar crystalli splendenti" (21:11);

per "luminare sanctae Hierosolymae" significatur Divinum Verum ecclesiae lucens, (per) "luminare" ipsum verum lucens, et (per) "Hierosolymam" ecclesia quoad doctrinam; hoc assimilatur lapidi jaspidi, quia "jaspis" simile significat: et alibi,

"Structura muri" sanctae Hierosolymae "erat jaspis, et urbs aurum purum simile vitro puro" (21:18);

"murus" sanctae Hierosolymae dicitur "ex jaspide", quia per "murum" significatur Divinum Verum tutans; et quia per "murum" id significatur, ideo primus lapis fundamentorum ejus dicitur "jaspis" (vers. 19); "fundamentum" significat verum super quo fundatur ecclesia.

[3] Dicitur etiam "sardius", quoniam per illum lapidem significatur bonum, hic Divinum Bonum quia de Domino; est hic lapis qui vocatur "pyropus", qui quia sicut ex igne lucet, per utrumque significatur translucentia veri ex bono. (Quod omnes lapides pretiosi significent vera caeli et ecclesiae ex bono, videatur n. 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873; inde est quod in pectorali Aharonis, quod vocatur Urim et Thummim, positi fuerint duodecim lapides pretiosi, et per illos data responsa, et hoc par exsplendescentiam, et simul tunc per rei interrogatae perceptionem, aut per vivam vocem, videatur n. 9905.)

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