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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 292

292. And cast their crowns before the throne. That this signifies humiliation and acknowledgment in heart at the time that nothing of good is from them, but that all is from the Lord, is evident from the signification of crown as being good and wisdom therefrom (concerning which see above, n. 272); and from the signification of casting their crowns before the throne, or laying them down there, as being to acknowledge, from humiliation, that the good thereby signified is not from themselves, but from the Lord alone; for to cast away is to renounce self; and to lay them down before the throne is to acknowledge that it is from the Lord alone. The good here signified by crowns is the good of love and of charity; this good flows in from the Lord alone, and is received by the angels of heaven and by the members of the church in truths from the Word. Truths from the Word, both with angels and with men, are in their memory; from this the Lord calls them out, and conjoins them to good, in proportion as the angel or the man is in the spiritual affection of truth; he has this affection when he lives according to truths from the Word; conjunction is effected in the interior or spiritual man, and thence in the exterior or natural man. This conjunction constitutes the church in man while on earth, and afterwards constitutes heaven in him. It is evident therefore that without such conjunction no one can be saved, and also that no conjunction of good and truth can be effected unless man lives a life of love; to live a life of love is to do the precepts of the Lord, for to love is to do, since what a man loves that he wills and that he does, but what he does not love that he does not will and therefore does not do.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 292

292. And cast off their crowns before the throne, signifies humiliation, and then acknowledgment in heart that there is nothing of good from themselves, but that everything is from the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "crown," as being good and wisdom therefrom (See above, n. 272); also from the signification of "to cast off before the throne," that is to lay down there, as being to acknowledge from humiliation that this is not from oneself but from the Lord alone; for "to cast off" is to renounce from oneself, and "to lay down before the throne" is to acknowledge that it is from the Lord alone. The good here signified by "crowns" is the good of love and of charity; this good flows in from the Lord alone, and is received by the angels of heaven and by the men of the church in the truths that are from the Word. Truths from the Word with angels and men are in their memory; from it the Lord calls them out and conjoins them with good so far as the angel or man is in the spiritual affection of truth, and this affection he has when he lives according to the truths from the Word. Conjunction is effected in the interior or spiritual man, and from that in the exterior or natural man. This conjunction makes the church with man while he lives on the earth, and afterwards makes heaven with him; from which it is clear that without such conjunction no one can be saved; also that there is no conjunction of good and truth unless the man is living the life of love; to live the life of love is to do the Lord's commandments, for to love is to do, since what man loves that he wills and that he does, but what he does not love that he does not will and therefore does not do.

Apocalypsis Explicata 292 (original Latin 1759)

292. "Et abjiciebant coronas suas coram throno." Quod significet humiliationem et tunc agnitionem corde quod nihil boni ex illis, sed quod omne a Domino, constat ex significatione "coronae", quod sit bonum et inde sapientia (de qua supra, n. 272); et ex significatione "abjicere coram throno", seu ibi demittere, quod sit ex humiliatione agnoscere quod id non a semet sed a solo Domino, nam "abjicere" est sibi abdicare, et "demittere coram throno" est agnoscere quod id a solo Domino. Bonum quod hic per "coronas" significatur, est bonum amoris et charitatis; hoc bonum influit a solo Domino, ac recipitur ab angelis caeli et ab hominibus ecclesiae in veris quae ex Verbo. Vera quae ex Verbo apud angelum et apud hominem in eorum memoria sunt; exinde Dominus evocat illa et conjungit bono quantum angelus aut homo in affectione veri spirituali est, quae ei est quando vivit secundum vera ex Verbo. Conjunctio fit in interiori seu spirituali homine, et inde fit in exteriore seu naturali homine. Conjunctio illa facit ecclesiam apud hominem dum in terris vivit, et postea facit caelum apud illum: inde patet quod absque illa conjunctione nemo possit salvari, tum quod nulla conjunctio boni et veri detur nisi homo vivat vitam amoris: vivere vitam amoris est facere praecepta Domini, nam amare est facere; quod enim homo amat hoc vult et hoc facit; quod autem non amat hoc non vult et ideo non facit.

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