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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 291

291. And worshipped him that liveth unto the ages of the ages. That this signifies humiliation, and acknowledgment in heart at the time that from the Lord is life eternal, is evident from the signification of falling down and worshipping, as being such humiliation and acknowledgment; and from the signification of that liveth unto the ages of the ages, as being that from the Lord is life eternal (concerning which see just above, n. 289). Humiliation, and acknowledgment in heart that all truth and all good are from the Lord, and hence all intelligence, wisdom and felicity, can be granted only to anyone while he is in a state of humiliation; for when anyone is in this state, he is removed from his proprium, and man's proprium neither receives nor acknowledges anything of good and of truth from the Lord, for it is nothing but evil, and evil rejects all the good and all the truth of heaven and the church. It may be seen therefore why there is humiliation, and whence it is that by falling down and worshipping is signified humiliation, and acknowledgment from the heart at the time.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 291

291. And worshiped Him that liveth unto ages of ages, signifies humiliation, and then acknowledgment that from the Lord is eternal life. This is evident from the signification of "falling down and worshiping," as being humiliation and then acknowledgment in heart; also from the signification of "Him that liveth unto ages of ages," as being that from the Lord is eternal life (See just above, n. 289). It is said humiliation, and then acknowledgment in heart, namely, that from the Lord are all good and all truth, and thence all intelligence, wisdom, and blessedness, since this acknowledgment is not given with anyone except in a state of humiliation; for when in humiliation, then man is removed from what is his own [ex suo proprio]; and what is man's own [proprium] receives and acknowledges nothing of good and truth from the Lord, for what is man's own [proprium] is nothing but evil, and evil rejects all good and all truth of heaven and the church. From this it can be seen why there must be humiliation, and why "falling down and worshiping" signifies humiliation, and then acknowledgment in heart.

Apocalypsis Explicata 291 (original Latin 1759)

291. "Et adorabant Viventem in saecula saeculorum." Quod significet humiliationem et tunc agnitionem quod a Domino vita aeterna, constat ex significatione "procidere et adorare", quod sit humiliatio et tunc agnitio corde; et ex significatione "Viventis in saecula saeculorum", quod sit quod a Domino vita aeterna (de qua mox supra, n. 289). Humiliatio et tunc agnitio corde dicitur, nempe quod a Domino sit omne bonum et omne verum, et inde omnis intelligentia, sapientia et felicitas; (haec enim agnitio) non datur apud aliquem nisi dum in humiliatione est; nam cum in humiliatione est, tunc remotus est a suo proprio; et proprium hominis non quicquam boni et veri a Domino recipit et agnoscit, est enim proprium hominis non nisi quam malum, et malum rejicit omne bonum et omne verum caeli et ecclesiae: inde constare potest cur humiliatio, et unde est quod per "procidere et adorare" significetur humiliatio et tunc agnitio corde.

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