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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 300

300. Sealed with seven seals. That this signifies altogether hidden, namely, the state of the life of all in heaven and on the earth, is evident from the signification of being sealed with seals, as denoting to be hid, for what is contained in a book sealed with seals, no one knows before it is opened and read; and from the signification of seven, as denoting all persons and all things, also what is full and whole (concerning which see above, n. 257); thus also altogether, because this means fully and wholly.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 300

300. Sealed up with seven seals, signifies altogether hidden, namely, the state of life of all in heaven and on the earth. This is evident from the signification of "sealed with seals," as being to be hidden, for what is contained in a book sealed up with seals no one knows until it is opened and read; also from the signification of "seven," as being all persons and all things, also what is full and entire (See above, n. 257); thus also altogether, because this means fully and wholly.

Apocalypsis Explicata 300 (original Latin 1759)

300. "Obsignatum sigillis septem." - Quod significet prorsus reconditum, nempe statum vitae omnium in caelo et in terra, constat ex significatione "obsignari sigillis", quod sit recondi; nam quid in libro obsignato sigillis continetur, nemo scit priusquam aperitur et legitur: et ex significatione "septem", quod sint omnes et omnia, ac plenum et totum (de qua supra, n. 257), ita quoque prorsus, quia hoc est plene et in totum.

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