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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 306

306. (303, 304); or, what is the same, that no one is such as to be able to know, have cognisance of, and explore all men, and all things pertaining to them.

As to what concerns grief of heart, which is signified by, "I wept much," on account of the disorder and ruin of all, if no one is such as to be able to know, have cognisance of, and explore all men, and all things pertaining to them, I will briefly explain:- In order that the angelic heaven may exist and subsist, all things therein must be in order; for, unless it were in order, it would be dissipated; for the angelic heaven is divided into societies, and the societies are arranged according to the affections of truth and good, which are manifold and innumerable. This arrangement depends solely on the infinite Wisdom of the One who knows all things, has cognisance of all things, and explores all things, and hence disposes and arranges them. This One is the Lord alone; therefore it is said in the Word, that judgment is His, and that He has all power in the heavens and on earth, and here that He took the book and loosed the seals thereof. Moreover, unless heaven were in order, the world, that is, men on the earth, could not exist and subsist; for the world depends upon heaven and its influx into the spiritual and rational things of men; in a word, all things would perish. But these things may be better comprehended from what is set forth in the work concerning Heaven and Hell, and also in the small work concerning the Last Judgment, and indeed from everything there, if read with attention. The reason why it is said to know, to have cognisance of, and to explore, is, because these things are signified by opening the book, by reading and looking into it; for by the book are signified all things with men, spirits, and angels, or all the states of their life as to love and faith; therefore by opening the book, is signified to know those things; by reading the book, is signified to have cognisance of them: and by looking into the book, is signified to explore them.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 306

306. Verse 4 (303, 304); or, what is the same, that no one is such as to be able to know, recognize, and explore all men, and all things pertaining to men. In regard to grief of heart (which is signified by "I wept much"), on account of the disorder and destruction of all things if no one is such as to be able to know, recognize, and explore all men, and all things pertaining to men, I will briefly explain. That the angelic heaven may exist and subsist all things therein must be in order; for unless heaven were in order it would be dissipated; for the angelic heaven is divided into societies, and the societies are arranged according to the affections of truth and good, and these are manifold and numberless. This arranging depends solely on the infinite wisdom of the One who knows all things, recognizes all things, and explores all things, and thence disposes and arranges all things. This One is the Lord alone; therefore it is said in the Word, that to Him belongeth judgment; and that He has power in the heavens and on the earth; and here that "He took the book and loosed the seals thereof." Moreover, unless heaven were in order, the world, that is, men on the earth, could not exist and subsist, since the world depends upon heaven and its influx into the spiritual and rational things of men; in a word, all things would perish. (But this may be better comprehended from what is set forth in the work on Heaven and Hell, also in the little work on The Last Judgment, and in fact, from everything there if read with attention. ) It is said to know, to recognize, and to explore, because this is signified by "to open the book, to read, and to look thereon;" for the "book" signifies all things with man, spirit, and angel, or all the states of their life in respect to love and faith; therefore "to open the book" signifies to know these things; "to read the book" signifies to recognize them, and "to look upon the book" signifies to explore them.

Apocalypsis Explicata 306 (original Latin 1759)

306. [Vers, 4.] "Et ego flebam multum, quod nemo dignus inventus aperire et legere librum nec inspicere eum." - Quod significet dolorem cordis ob inordinationem et interitum omnium, si nemo posset omnes et omnia eorum scire, cognoscere et explorare, constat ex significatione "flere" quod sit dolere, inde "flere multum" est dolere ex corde seu dolor cordis; [I] quod sit ob inordinationem et interitum omnium, sequitur: et ex significatione "quod nemo dignus inventus aperire et legere librum nec inspicere eum", quod sit quod nemo talis sit ut scire possit status vitae omnium in communi et singulorum in particulari (de qua supra, n. 303, 3O4 [a]); seu quod idem, quod nemo talis sit ut possit omnes et omnia eorum scire, cognoscere et explorare. Quod attinet dolorem cordis (qui significatur per "flebam multum") ob inordinationem et interitum omnium, si nemo talis sit ut possit omnes et omnia eorum scire, cognoscere et explorare, velim paucis exponere:-Ut caelum angelicum existat et subsistat, erunt omnia ibi in ordine; illud enim, nisi in ordine foret, dissiparetur: caelum namque angelicum distinctum est in societates, et societates ordinatae sunt secundum affectiones veri et boni, et hae sunt multiplices et innumerae; haec ordinatio unice dependet ex infinita Sapientia Unius qui scit omnia, cognoscit omnia, et explorat omnia, et inde disponit et ordinat omnia. Hic Unus est solus Dominus; quapropter in Verbo dicitur, quod Ipsi judicium, quodque Ipsi potestas in caelis et in terris; et hic, quod "Ipse acceperit librum et solverit sigilla ejus." Praeterea, nisi caelum in ordine foret, non potuisset mundus, hoc est, homines in terris, existere et subsistere; nam mundus dependet a caelo et ejus influxu in spiritualia et rationalia hominum; verbo, interirent omnia. (Sed haec melius comprehendi possunt ex illis quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno, et quoque in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio, ostensa sunt, et quidem ex singulis ibi, si cum attentione legantur.) Quod dicatur scire, cognoscere et explorare, est quia illa significantur per "librum aperire, legere et inspicere"; per "librum" enim significantur omnia quae sunt apud hominem, spiritum et angelum, seu omnes status vitae eorum quoad amorem et fidem; quare per "aperire librum" significatur scire illa, per "legere librum" significatur cognoscere illa, et per "inspicere librum" significatur explorare illa.

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