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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 307

307.(270), thus those who are in intelligence and wisdom above the rest; for all intelligence is from good by means of truths, or by means of truths from good, and from no other source. One of the elders, signifies a society of heaven, because by an angel in the Word, is not meant one angel, but a whole society (as may be seen above, n. 90, 302); thus also by one of the elders. A society is meant which is in wisdom above the rest, because he taught that it is the Lord alone, who as to the Human procured to Himself Divine Wisdom, that He might know, have cognisance of, and explore every one, and the states of the life of all in general, and of each one in particular. These things are signified by his saying, "Weep not; behold, the lion which is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof"; for to know this, namely, that it is the Lord alone who is such, pertains to the wisdom of the angels of heaven; and this the angelic societies of the third or inmost heaven know from perception, or from influx from the Lord. The others also know it, yet not from perception, but from the enlightenment of the understanding. The angels of the third or inmost heaven have perception; the angels of the second and the ultimate heaven have enlightenment of the understanding; they are distinguished by this, that perception is full confirmation from influx from the Lord, but enlightenment of the understanding is spiritual sight. Those have the latter, who are in charity towards the neighbour and thence in faith: but those have perception, who are in love to the Lord. (What perception is may be further seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 135-140.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 307

307. Verse 5. And one of the elders, signifies a society of heaven superior in wisdom to the rest. This is evident from the signification of "elders," as being those who are in truths from good, and abstractly truths from good (of which above, n. 270, thus those who are superior to the rest in intelligence and wisdom; for all intelligence is from good through truths, or through truths from good, and from no other source. "One of the elders" signifies a society of heaven because "an angel" in the Word does not mean one angel, but a whole society (See above, n. 90, 302); in like manner also "one of the elders." A society superior in wisdom to the rest is meant, because this elder declared that it is the Lord alone who acquired to Himself Divine wisdom in respect to the Human in order that He might know, recognize, and explore everyone, and the states of the life of all in general, and of each one in particular; which things are signified by his saying, "Weep not; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath overcome to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof;" for to know this, namely, that it is the Lord alone who is such, belongs to the wisdom of the angels of heaven; and the angelic societies of the third or inmost heaven know this from perception, that is, by influx from the Lord. The others also know it, yet not by perception but by the illustration of the understanding. The angels of the third or inmost heaven have perception; angels of the second and of the last heaven have illustration of the understanding; the difference is this, that perception is full confirmation by influx from the Lord, but the illustration of the understanding is spiritual sight. This those have who are in charity towards the neighbor and in faith therefrom; but the former, namely, perception, those have who are in love to the Lord (See further what perception is, in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 135-140).

Apocalypsis Explicata 307 (original Latin 1759)

307. [Vers. 5.] "Et unus ex senioribus." - Quod significet societatem caeli quae prae reliquis in sapientia, constat ex significatione "seniorum", quod sint qui in veris ex bono sunt, et abstracte vera ex bono (de qua supra, n. 270 1

); ita qui in intelligentia et sapientia prae reliquis, nam omnis intelligentia est ex bono per vera seu per vera ex bono, et non aliunde ulli. Quod per "unum ex senioribus" significetur societas caeli, est quia per "angelum" in Verbo non intelligitur unus angelus, sed integra societas (videatur supra, n. 90, 302); ita quoque per "unum ex senioribus." Quod intelligatur societas quae prae reliquis in sapientia, est quia docuit quod Dominus solus sit, qui quoad Humanum Sibi comparavit Divinam Sapientiam, ut sciat, cognoscat et exploret unumquemvis, ac status vitae omnium in communi et singulorum in particulari, quae significantur per illa quae dixit, nempe, "Ne fleto, ecce vicit Leo qui est ex tribu Jehudae, Radix Davidis, aperire librum et solvere septem sigilla ejus"; hoc enim scire, nempe quod Dominus solus sit qui talis, est sapientiae angelorum caeli, et hoc sciunt ex perceptione seu ex influxu a Domino societates angelicae in tertio seu intimo caelo. Reliquae etiam sciunt, sed non ex perceptione, verum ex illustratione intellectus; perceptio est angelis tertii seu intimi caeli, illustratio intellectus est angelis secundi et ultimi caeli: distinguuntur per id, quod perceptio sit confirmatio plena ex influxu a Domino, illustratio autem intellectus est visus spiritualis; hic est illis qui in charitate erga proximum et inde fide sunt; illa autem, nempe perceptio, est illis qui in amore in Dominum sunt. (Porro quid perceptio, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 135 et 140.)


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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