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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 330

330. Out of every tribe and tongue. That this signifies from all those who are in truths as to doctrine and as to life, is clear from the signification of a tribe, as denoting all truths and goods in the aggregate (concerning which see above, n. 39); for those things are signified by the twelve tribes, and hence by every tribe is signified something of truth and good, therefore by out of every tribe is signified from all those who are in any kind of truth and good; and from the signification of tongue as denoting the doctrine of life and faith. That tribes signify all truths and goods in the aggregate, will be shown more fully in its proper article below. Similarly, that tongue signifies the doctrine of life and faith, thus religion. (Those [passages] only shall be adduced here that are shown in the Arcana Coelestia concerning the signification of the tribes, namely, the twelve tribes of Israel represented, and thence signified, all truths and goods in the aggregate, n. 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335; similarly the twelve apostles of the Lord the like, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 6397. There were twelve, because twelve signifies all, n. 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913. Because the twelve tribes represented, and thence signified, all truths and goods in the aggregate, therefore they represented heaven and the church, n. 6337, 6637, 7836, 7891, 7996. The twelve tribes signify various things according to the order in which they are named, and thus also all things of heaven and the church with variety, n. 3862, 3926, 3939, 4603 et seq., 6640, 10335; therefore, replies could be given and were given by the Urim and Thummim, on which the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraven in precious stones, n. 3858, 6335, 6640, 9863, 9865, 9873, 9874, 9905.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 330

330. Out of every tribe and tongue, signifies by all who are in truths in respect to doctrine and in respect to life. This is evident from the signification of "tribe," as being all truths and goods in the complex (of which see above, n. 39; for these are meant by the twelve tribes, and therefore each tribe signifies something of truth and good, therefore "out of every tribe" signifies out of all who are in any kind of truth and good. It is evident also from the signification of "tongue," as being the doctrine of life and faith. That "tribes" signify all truths and goods in the complex will be shown more fully below in its own paragraph; likewise that "tongue" signifies the doctrine of life and faith, thus religion. (Here will be presented only what is shown in Arcana Coelestia respecting the signification of "tribes," namely, that the twelve tribes of Israel represented and thence signified all truths and goods in the complex, n. 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335; that the twelve apostles of the Lord have a like signification, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 6397; that there were twelve because "twelve" signifies all, n. 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913. Because the twelve tribes represented and thus signified all the truths and goods in the complex they therefore represented heaven and the church, n. 6337, 6637, 7836, 7891, 7996. That the twelve tribes signify various things according to the order in which they are named, thus in different ways all things of heaven and the church, n. 3862, 3926, 3939, 4603 seq., 6337, 6640, 10335; therefore responses could be given and were given by the Urim and Thummim, where the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraven on precious stones, n. 3858, 6335, 6640, 9863, 9865, 9873, 9874, 9905)

Apocalypsis Explicata 330 (original Latin 1759)

330. "Ex omni tribu et lingua." - Quod significet ab omnibus qui in veris quoad doctrinam et quoad vitam sunt, constat ex significatione "tribus", quod sint omnia vera et bona in complexu (de qua supra, n. 39), illa enim per "duodecim tribus" significantur, et inde per unamquamvis tribum aliquid veri et boni; quare per "ex omni tribu" significatur ex omnibus qui in aliquo genere veri et boni sunt; et ex significatione "linguae", quod sit doctrina vitae et fidei.

Quod "tribus" significent omnia vera et bona in complexu, in suo articulo infra plenius ostendetur; pariter quod "lingua" significet doctrinam vitae et fidei, ita religionem. (Hic solum adducentur quae de significatione "tribuum" in Arcanis Caelestibus, ostensa sunt: nempe, Quod duodecim tribus Israelis repraesentaverint et inde significaverint omnia vera et bona in complexu, n. 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335:

quod similia duodecim apostoli Domini, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 6397: causa quod duodecim fuerint, est quia "duodecim" significant omnia, n. 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913. Quia duodecim tribus repraesentaverunt et inde significaverunt omnia vera et bona in complexu, quod inde repraesentaverint caelum et ecclesiam, n. 6337, 6637, 7836, 7891, 7996. Quod duodecim tribus varia significent secundum ordinem in quo nominantur, ac ita quoque omnia caeli et ecclesiae cum varietate, n. 3862, 3926, 3939, 4603, seq., 6337, 6640, 10335. Quod ideo responsa dari potuerint et data sint per Urim at Thummim, ubi nomina duodecim tribuum Israelis lapidibus pretiosis insculpta fuerunt, n. 3858, 6335, 6640, 9863, 9865, 9873, 9874, 9905.)

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