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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 333

333. And we shall reign on the earth. That this signifies the power that belongs to the Lord alone by means of the Divine truth, united to the Divine good, and the power and wisdom thence to those who are of the Lord's spiritual and celestial kingdom, is clear from the signification of reigning, as denoting to be in truths and goods, and thence, from the Lord, to be in the power of resisting the evils and falsities that are from hell; and because truths and goods are from the Lord alone, and all power is in truths from good, therefore by reigning is signified the power that belongs to the Lord alone by means of the Divine truth united to the Divine good, and the power thence to those who are in the Lord's spiritual and celestial kingdom. He who does not rightly understand the Word in the spiritual sense, will suppose that they will be as kings and priests, and reign with the Lord; but, in the spiritual sense, by kings are meant truths, and by priests goods apart from persons, or in persons, from the Lord; hence it follows that truths from good shall reign, thus the Lord alone, from whom they are. The angels indeed possess great power; but still they have no power of themselves; indeed should one who is in heaven believe that he has power from himself, he is instantly deprived of it, and then he is altogether impotent. The reason it is said in the sense of the letter, that they shall reign, is, because the sense of the letter is personal; wherefore, when in that [sense] it is said, that they shall be kings and priests, it is also said that they shall reign; but in the spiritual sense everything associated with person is put off, and thence everything of dominion belonging to it, and it is left to the Lord alone.

Similar to this case is that in which the Lord said to His disciples, that they should sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30). Then what the Lord said to Peter, That to him belonged the keys of the kingdom of the heavens (Matthew 16:19). By this is not meant that the disciples and Peter should have that power, but the Lord alone; because, in the spiritual sense, by the twelve disciples are meant all the truths and goods of the church from the Lord; and by Peter is meant truth from good from the Lord. (That by the disciples are meant all the truths and goods of the church from the Lord, may be seen above, n. 20:4, 6; 22:4.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 333

333. And we shall reign upon the earth, signifies the power that belongs to the Lord alone through Divine truth united to Divine good, and power and wisdom therefrom that those have who are of the Lord's spiritual and celestial kingdoms. This is evident from the signification of "to reign," as being to be in truths and goods, and thence to be from the Lord in the power to resist the evils and falsities which are from hell; and since truths and goods are from the Lord alone, and truths have all power from good, "to reign" signifies the power that belongs to the Lord alone through Divine truth united to Divine good, and the power therefrom that those have who are in the Lord's spiritual and celestial kingdoms. He who has no right understanding of the Word in the spiritual sense will suppose that such are to be like kings and priests, and are to reign with the Lord; but in the spiritual sense "kings" mean truths, and "priests" goods, abstractly from persons, that is, the truths and goods that are in persons from the Lord; from which it follows that it is truths from good that are to reign, thus the Lord alone from whom these are. The angels, indeed, are in great power, but not one of them from himself; yea, if anyone in heaven believes that he has power from himself he is instantly deprived of it, and then becomes wholly powerless. It is said in the sense of the letter that these are to reign, because the sense of the letter is personal; when therefore it is said in that sense that they are to be "kings and priests," it is also said that they are "to reign;" but in the spiritual sense everything of person is put off, and thus everything of dominion belonging to person, and dominion is left to the Lord alone.

[2] These are like those things that the Lord said to His disciples:

That they were to sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30);

so also what the Lord said to Peter:

That he had the keys of the kingdom of the heavens (Matthew 16:19);

which does not mean that the disciples and Peter were to have that power, but the Lord alone, since in the spiritual sense the "twelve disciples" mean all the truths and goods of the church, which are from the Lord, and "Peter" means truth from good, which is from the Lord. (That "disciples" mean all truths and goods of the church, which are from the Lord, see above, n. Revelation 20:4, 6; 22:5.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 333 (original Latin 1759)

333. "Et regnabimus super terra." - Quod significet potentiam quae soli Domino per Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono, ac inde potentiam et sapientiam illis qui e regno Domini spirituali et caelesti sunt, constat ex significatione "regnare", quod sit in veris et bonis esse, et inde a Domino in potentia resistendi malis et falsis quae ab inferno; et quia vera et bona sunt a solo Domino, et omnis potentia est veris ex bono, quare per "regnare" significatur potentia quae soli Domino per Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono, et inde illis potentia qui in regno Domini spirituali et caelesti sunt. Qui non Verbum in sensu spirituali rite intelligit, putabit quod sicut reges et sacerdotes futuri sint, et cum Domino regnaturi; sed in sensu spirituali per "reges" intelliguntur vera et per "sacerdotes" bona abstracte a personis, seu in personis a Domino; inde sequitur quod vera ex bono regnatura sint, ita solus Dominus a quo illa. Angeli quidem in magna potentia sunt, sed usque nullus a se; immo qui in caelo credit quod in potentia sit a se, momento deprivatur illa, et tunc prorsus nihil valet. Quod in sensu litterae dicatur quod "regnaturi sint", est quia sensus litterae est personalis; quare cum in eo dicitur quod "futuri sint reges et sacerdotes", etiam dicitur quod "regnaturi"; at in sensu spirituali exuitur omne personae, et inde quoque omne dominii quod illis, et relinquitur soli Domino.

[2] Haec similiter se habent prout illa quae Dominus ad suos discipulos dixit

Quod sessuri super duodecim thronis, et judicaturi duodecim tribus Israelis (Matthaeus 19:28; Luca 22:30);

tum quae Dominus dixit ad Petrum

Quod ei essent claves regni caelorum (Matthaeus 16:19);

per quae non intelligitur quod discipuli et quod Petrus illam potestatem habituri sint, sed quod solus Dominus; quoniam in sensu spirituali per "duodecim discipulos" intelliguntur omnia vera et bona ecclesiae quae a Domino, et per "Petrum" intelligitur verum ex bono quod a Domino. (Quod per "discipulos" intelligantur omnia vera et bona ecclesiae quae a Domino, videatur supra, n. 100, 122.

Quod "Petrus" significet verum ex bono quod a Domino, in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 57; et supra, n. 9, 206, 209. Quod omnis potentia sit vero ex bono quod a Domino, ita soli Domino, et quod angelis inde potentia, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 228-233.) Quod per "regnabimus" etiam significetur quod illis sapientia a Domino, est quia per "reges" et "sacerdotes" significantur vera et bona, et omnis sapientia est ex veris quae ex bono a Domino: dicitur quod regnaturi "super terra", quia per "terram" intelligitur ecclesia Domini in caelis et in terris (videatur supra, n. 304); etiam quod "terra" ibi non significet terram, patet, sicut quod nec futuri reges et sacerdotes.

Quod "regnare" significet in veris ex bono esse, et inde in potentia et sapientia a Domino, est quia "regnum" significat caelum et ecclesiam quoad vera, et "rex" verum ex bono.

(Quod "regnum" in Verbo significet caelum et ecclesiam quoad vera, videatur supra, n. 48; et quod "rex" verum ex bono, etiam supra, n. 31; simile per "regnare" significatur in sequentibus, cap. 20:4, 6; 22:5.)

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