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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 34

34. Amen. That this signifies Divine confirmation, is evident from the signification of amen, as being truth, for this is meant by amen in the Hebrew language. And as all truth which is truth, is Divine, therefore amen, when used in the Word, signifies Divine confirmation. For truth confirms all things, even Divine truth itself; and because the Lord was Divine truth itself when he was in the world, therefore the Lord so frequently used the word amen.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 34

34. Amen, signifies Divine confirmation. This is evident from the signification of "Amen," as meaning truth, for this is the meaning of Amen in the Hebrew; and as all truth which is truth is Divine, "Amen," when said in the Word, signifies Divine confirmation. For truth confirms all things, and Divine truth confirms itself; and it was because the Lord when He was in the world was Divine truth itself, that He so frequently said "Amen" [usually translated "Verily"].

Apocalypsis Explicata 34 (original Latin 1759)

34. "Amen." - Quod significet confirmationem Divinam, constat ex significatione "amen", quod sit veritas, hoc enim significatur per amen in lingua Hebraea; et quia omnis veritas quae veritas est Divina, ideo "amen", cum dicitur in Verbo, significat Divinam confirmationem. Verum enim confirmat omnia, ac Divinum Verum se ipsum; et quia Dominus erat ipsum Divinum Verum, cum fuit in mundo, ideo Dominus toties dixit "Amen. "

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