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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 345

345. And honour, and glory. That this signifies that to Him alone belong all Divine good and Divine truth, and thence all the good of love and the truth of faith which angels and men possess, is clear from the signification of honour and glory, when said of the Lord, as denoting the Divine good and the Divine truth (concerning which also see above, n. 280). And because by honour and glory, when said of the Lord, are signified Divine good and Divine truth, consequently, when said of man, by honour and glory are signified all the good of love and the truth of faith, from which angels and men have all wisdom and intelligence. These things are said by those who are in the ultimates of heaven, who know, although they do not see and perceive, this; for all those who belong to the church know, because it is according to doctrine, that all good and truth are from God, and those who lead a good life retain and believe this, neither do they examine how it happens; hence it is that they also are in heaven, although in its ultimate. But those who become spiritual, not only know, but also see and perceive that it is so; consequently they are in the higher heavens. When these come into the spiritual world, they see truths and perceive them in the light of heaven; nor do they admit the precept received by many in the world, that the understanding should be under some blind obedience to faith. It is different with those who are in the ultimates of heaven, who, because they do not see and perceive, remain in that precept; but still they are instructed, and being instructed, they know truths.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 345

345. And the honor and the glory, signifies that to Him alone belongs every Divine good and Divine truth, and therefore every good of love and truth of faith that angels and men have. This is evident from the signification of "honor and glory," as being, when said of the Lord, Divine good and Divine truth (See also above, n. 288. And as "honor and glory" signify, when said of the Lord, Divine good and Divine truth, so when said of man they signify every good of love and truth of faith, from which are all the wisdom and intelligence that angels and men have. These things were said by those who are in the lowest parts of heaven, who know this, although they do not see and perceive it. For all who are of the church know, because it is according to doctrine, that every good and truth is from God; and those who live a good life retain and believe this without investigating how it comes; for this reason these also are in heaven, although in its lowest part. But those who have become spiritual not only know but also see and perceive that this is so; consequently these are in the higher heavens. When such come into the spiritual world they see truths and perceive them in the light of heaven; nor do they admit the rule accepted by many in the world, that the understanding must be under some blind obedience to faith. With those who are in the lowest parts of heaven it is otherwise, because they do not see and perceive; these remain in that rule, but still they are instructed, and when instructed they know truths.

Apocalypsis Explicata 345 (original Latin 1759)

345. "Et honor et gloria." - Quod significet quod Ipsi soli sit omne Divinum Bonum ac Divinum Verum, ac inde omne bonum amoris ac verum fidei quae angelis et hominibus, constat ex significatione "honoris" et "gloriae", cum de Domino, quod sit Divinum Bonum ac Divinum Verum (de qua etiam supra, n. 288 1

); et quia per "honorem" et "gloriam", cum de Domino, significatur Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum, inde, cum de homine, per "honorem" et "gloriam" significatur omne bonum amoris et verum fidei, ex quibus omnis sapientia et intelligentia est angelis et hominibus. Haec dicta sunt ab illis qui in ultimis caeli sunt, qui sciunt hoc tametsi non vident et percipiunt; sciunt enim omnes qui ab ecclesia, quia ex doctrina est, quod omne bonum et verum sit a Deo; et qui vitam bonam egerunt, illi retinent hoc et credunt, nec scrutantur quomodo hoc fit; inde est quod illi etiam in caelo sint, tametsi in ultimo ejus: at qui spirituales facti sunt, illi non modo sciunt sed etiam vident et percipiunt quod ita sit; inde hi sunt in caelis superioribus. Hi cum in mundum spiritualem veniunt, vident vera et percipiunt illa in luce caeli, nec admittunt normam in mundo a multis receptam, quod intellectus erit sub aliqua obedientia caeca fidei: aliter illi qui in ultimis caeli sunt, quia non vident et percipiunt; manent in illa norma, sed usque instruuntur ac instructi sciunt vera.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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