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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 351

351. (Verse 1) And I saw. That this signifies the manifestation of the states of those who belong to the church where the Word is, is clear from the things seen by John, treated of in this chapter, and in those immediately following, as denoting manifestations of the state of those who belong to the church, where the Word is. For the opening of the seals of the book which was in the Lord's hand is treated of, and the things which were then seen, which were four horses, one white, another red, the third black, and the fourth pale, and afterwards the souls of those that were slain for the Word of God, also an earthquake, and at length seven angels who had seven trumpets. By all these things are signified manifestations of the state of those who belong to the church, as is evident from the particulars viewed in the internal sense. It is said, the church where the Word is, because the Lord's church is in the whole earth, but specifically where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known. The state of those who belong to this church, is especially treated of in this prophetic book, here in general, but afterwards specifically. The reason why this church is especially treated of is, because the presence of the Lord, and thence of the angels of heaven, with the men of this earth, is by the Word, for this is written by pure correspondences; hence it is, that the presence of the Lord and of the angels of heaven, is also with those who are around or outside, and who are called Gentiles. (This is evident from those things that are mentioned and shown in the work on Heaven and Hell, concerning the conjunction of heaven with the man of the church, by the Word, n. 114, 303-310; and in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 244, 246, 255-266.)

[2] For the church in the whole earth appears before the Lord as one man, for it makes one with the angelic heaven. (That it appears before the Lord as one man, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 59-102.) In this man, the church, where the Word is, and whereby the Lord is known, is like the heart and like the lungs. With those who are in celestial love, the church is like the heart; and with those who are in spiritual love, like the lungs; therefore, as all the members, viscera, and organs of the body live from the heart and from the lungs, and from their influx and thence presence, thus also all in the whole earth, those who constitute the universal church, [live] from the church where the Word is; for thence the Lord flows in with love and with light, and vivifies and enlightens all who are in any spiritual affection of truth, wherever they are. The light of heaven, or the light in which the angels of heaven are, who are from this earth, is from the Lord by means of the Word; thence light is shed forth as from the midst into the circumferences in every direction, thus to those who are there, who, as stated, are the Gentiles who are outside our church. But this shedding forth of light takes place in heaven from the Lord, and what is done in heaven also flows into the minds of men, for the minds of men make one with the minds of spirits and angels. Now this is the reason why, in this prophetical book, those are especially treated of who belong to the church where the Word is; those also are then treated of who belong to the church where the Word is not, although not proximately; for the arrangement of those who are around, is according to the order in which those are who are in the midst.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 351

351. Verse 1. And I saw, signifies the manifestation of the states of those who are of the church where the Word is. This is evident from the things that John saw, which are described in this chapter and in what follows, as being the manifestations of the state of those who are in the church, where the Word is: for there is here treated "the opening of the seals of the book" that was in the Lord's hand, and what was then seen, namely, "four horses, one white, another red, the third black, and the fourth pale," and afterwards "the souls of those that were slain for the Word of God," also "an earthquake," and finally "seven angels who had seven trumpets." All these things signify the manifestations of the state of those who are of the church, as can be seen from the particulars viewed in the internal sense. It is said, the church where the Word is, because the Lord's church is in the whole world, but in a special sense where the Word is, and where the Lord is known through the Word. The state of those who are of this church is especially treated of in this prophetic book, here in general, but afterwards particularly. This church is especially treated of because the Lord, and thus the angels of heaven, are present with the men of this earth by means of the Word; for the Word is written by pure correspondences: from this it comes that the Lord and the angels of heaven are present also with those who are around or outside the church, who are called Gentiles [nations] (as can be seen from the things mentioned and shown in the work on Heaven and Hell, on the Conjunction of Heaven with the Man of the Church by Means of the Word n. 114, 303-310; and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 244, 246, 255-266).

[2] For the church in the whole world is before the Lord as One Man, for it makes a one with the angelic heaven. (That it is before the Lord as One Man, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 59-102.) In this Man the church where the Word is and where the Lord is known thereby is like the heart and the lungs; with those who are in celestial love the church is like the heart, and with those who are in spiritual love like the lungs; consequently, as all the members, viscera, and organs of the body live from the heart and from the lungs, and from their influx and consequent presence, so all in the whole earth, who constitute the church universal, live from the church where the Word is; for the Lord flows in therefrom with love and with light, and vivifies and enlightens all who are in any spiritual affection for truth, wherever they are. The light of heaven, or the light in which are the angels of heaven who are from this earth, is from the Lord by means of the Word; from this as from a center light is diffused into the circumferences in every direction, thus to those who are there, who, as was said, are the Gentiles that are outside of our church. But this diffusion of light is effected in heaven by the Lord, and what is done in heaven flows also into the minds of men, for the minds of men make one with the minds of spirits and angels. It is for this reason that those are especially treated of in this prophetical book who are of the church where the Word is; then those also are treated of who are of the church where the Word is not, although not proximately, for the arrangement of those who are in the circumferences follows according to the order in which those are who are in the center.

Apocalypsis Explicata 351 (original Latin 1759)

351. (Vers. 1.) "Et vidi." - Quod significet manifestationem statuum eorum qui ab ecclesia ubi Verbum, constat ex visis a Johanne, de quibus in hoc capite et in mox sequentibus, quod sint manifestationes status eorum qui ab ecclesia ubi Verbum; agitur enim de "aperitione sigillorum libri" qui in manu Domini, ac de illis quae tunc visa sunt, quae fuerunt "quatuor equi", unus albus, alter rufus, tertius niger, et quartus pallidus, ac postea "animae occisorum propter Verbum Dei", tum "terrae motus", et tandem " 1

septem angeli qui habebant septem tubas"; per quae omnia significantur manifestationes status eorum qui ab ecclesia, ut constare potest a singulis in sensu interno spectatis. Ecclesia ubi Verbum, dicitur, quia Domini ecclesia est in universo terrarum orbe, sed in specie ubi Verbum, et per id Dominus notus; de statu eorum qui ab hac ecclesia, in Libro hoc Prophetico imprimis agitur, hic in genere, sed postea in specie. Quod de hac ecclesia imprimis agatur, est causa, quia praesentia Domini et inde angelorum caeli apud homines hujus telluris est per Verbum, hoc enim conscriptum est per meras correspondentias; inde fit ut quoque praesentia Domini et angelorum caeli sit apud illos qui circumcirca seu extra eam sunt, qui Gentes vocantur (ut constare potest ex illis quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno, De Conjunctione Caeli, cum Homine Ecclesiae per Verbum. n. 114, 303-310, et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 244, 246, 255-266, dicta et ostensa sunt).

[2] Ecclesia enim in universo terrarum orbe est coram Domino sicut unus Homo, unum enim facit cum caelo angelico. (Quod id coram Domino sit sicut unus Homo, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 59-102.) In hoc Homine est ecclesia ubi Verbum et per id Dominus notus, sicut cor et sicut pulmo; ecclesia apud illos qui in amore caelesti sunt sicut cor, et apud illos qui in amore spirituali sunt sicut pulmo: quare sicut omnia membra, viscera et organa corporis vivunt ex corde et ex pulmone, et ex eorum influxu et inde praesentia, ita quoque omnes in universo terrarum orbe, qui ecclesiam universalem constituunt, ab ecclesia ubi Verbum; influit enim inde Dominus cum amore et cum luce, ac vivificat et illustrat omnes qui in aliqua affectione veri spirituali sunt, ubicunque sunt. Lux caeli, seu lux in qua sunt angeli caeli qui ab hac tellure, est a Domino per Verbum; inde propagatur lux ut e medio in peripherias undequaque, ita ad illos qui ibi sunt, qui, ut dictum est, sunt Gentes quae extra nostram ecclesiam: sed haec propagatio lucis fit in caelo a Domino; et quod fit in caelo hoc quoque influit in mentes hominum, nam mentes hominum unum faciunt cum mentibus spirituum et angelorum. Haec nunc causa est quod in hoc Libro Prophetico imprimis agatur de illis qui sunt ab ecclesia ubi Verbum; agitur etiam tunc de illis qui ab ecclesia ubi non Verbum, tametsi non proxime; sequitur enim dispositio eorum qui circum sunt secundum eum ordinem in quo sunt qui in medio.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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