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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 413

413. (Verse 17) For the great day of his anger is come. That this signifies the Last Judgment upon the evil, will be plain from the following passages from the Word; the Last Judgment, which is signified by the great day, is upon both the evil and the good; judgment upon the evil is called a day of indignation, of wrath, of anger, and of vengeance, whereas judgment upon the good is called the time of the Lord's coming, the year of [the Lord's] good pleasure, the year of the redeemed, the year of salvation. Every one, as well the evil as the good, is judged immediately after death, when he enters into the spiritual world, where he is to live for ever; for a man is then immediately designed either for heaven or for hell; he who [is designed] for heaven is connected with a certain heavenly society, into which he will afterwards come, and he who [is designed] for hell is connected with the infernal society into which he will afterwards come. Still, however, [some] time intervenes before they go thither, in order principally that they may be prepared, the good to be divested of the evils which adhere to them from the body in the world, and the evil, to be divested of the goods which outwardly adhere to them from teachers and religion, according to the Lord's words in Matthew:

"Whosoever hath, to him shall be given, that he may have more abundantly; whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath" (13:12; 25:29).

This delay also takes place for this reason, that the affections, which are of many kinds, may be so arranged and reduced to a ruling love that the man-spirit may become wholly his own love. Still, however, many both evil and good, are reserved to the Last Judgment; but only those of the evil who from habit acquired in the world, could live a moral life in externals, and those of the good who had imbibed falsities from ignorance and from their religion; but others, after a definite time, are separated from them, the good being elevated into heaven, and the evil cast into hell, and this before the Last Judgment.

[2] The reason why the Last Judgment is called the great day of the anger of God, is, because it appears to the evil, who are cast down into hell, as if God from anger and wrath did this, because then destruction [overtakes] them, which comes from above, and also from the east, where the Lord is as a Sun, and because then they are in terrors, grief, and also torments. Nevertheless there is no anger at all in the Lord, for He is love and mercy itself, and good itself, and pure love and essential good cannot be angry, for this is contrary to its essence. But this appearance is from this fact: when the last state [of the church arrives], which is when evils on the earth and at the same time in the spiritual world are so much increased that dominion inclines on their side, and the equilibrium between heaven and hell is thereby destroyed, this having perished, the heavens where the angels are begin to labour, then the Lord from the Sun displays His strength, that is His love for protecting the angels, and for restoring the state which labours and begins to grow weak; from which strength and power, the Divine truth united to the Divine good, which in its essence is the Divine love, penetrates through the heavens to the places below, where the evil have come together; and because they cannot bear such an influx and presence of the Divine love, they begin to tremble, to be in anguish and torment; for thereby the goods and truths are dissipated which they had learnt to counterfeit in their speech and actions only in externals, and their internals are opened, which are nothing but evils and falsities; and because they are diametrically opposite to the goods and truths which flow in from the interior, and yet they have made evils and falsities their life, hence they experience trembling, anguish, and torment, to such a degree, that they can no longer endure them, whence they flee away, and cast themselves into the hells which are under the mountains and rocks, where they can be in their evils and in the falsity of evils. This is specifically signified by the words explained above:

"They said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb."

[3] From these things it is evident why it is that the anger of the Lamb is mentioned, and why it is that the Last Judgment is called the great day of His wrath, although it is the Divine love, whose operation, strictly considered, is that all may be saved, for it is the desire to save, thus not anger at all, but love. The same also happens when an evil spirit, who is able to counterfeit an angel of light, ascends into heaven. When he comes thither, since be cannot bear the Divine good and Divine truth, which are therein, he begins to feel anguish and torment, insomuch that he casts himself down with all his might, nor rests until he is in the hell corresponding with his evil. It is from this appearance, and also from the fact of their being punished whilst they do evils, that in the Word there are so often attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, indignation, anger, wrath, yea, fury, and vengeance; but to adduce all the passages where those things are attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, is here passed over because of their abundance. Some only shall be adduced, in which the Last Judgment is called a day of the indignation, of the anger, of the wrath, and of the vengeance of Jehovah and God.

[4] As in the following. In Isaiah:

"Behold the day of Jehovah cometh, cruel both with indignation and with the wrath of anger, to lay the land desolate, and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. I will shake the heaven; the earth shall be shaken out of her place, in the indignation of Jehovah, and in the day of the wrath of his anger" (13:9, 13).

By a day cruel and of the wrath of Jehovah's anger is meant the Last Judgment; and because it is evil which waxes hot, and falsity which is angry, therefore it is called a day of the wrath of anger. By the land, which shall be laid desolate, and which shall be shaken out of her place, is meant the earth which is in the spiritual world, for there just as in our world there are lands; and those lands, during the continuance of the Last Judgment, are laid desolate and shaken out of their places, for then the mountains and hills are overturned, and the valleys sink into marshes, and the face of all things is changed. Still, however, by the earth, in the spiritual sense, is meant the church everywhere, for in the spiritual world the face of the earth is like the state of the church with those who dwell upon the earth there, therefore when the church perishes the earth also perishes, for they make one; and then in place of the former earth, a new one exists; but these changes are unknown to us on our earth. Nevertheless, they are to be declared, that it may be known what is meant by, the earth shall be laid waste, and shall be shaken out of its place.

[5] In Zephaniah:

"While the wrath of the anger of Jehovah has not yet come upon you; while the day of Jehovah's anger has not yet come upon you, ye shall peradventure be hid in the day of Jehovah's anger" (2:2, 3).

Here also, by the wrath of anger and by the day of Jehovah's anger is meant the Last Judgment. In Lamentations:

"He remembered not the footstool of his feet in the day of his anger" (2:1).

By the footstool of Jehovah's feet is meant the worship of the Lord in the natural world, for this reason that the whole heaven, together with the church in the world, is before the Lord as the image of one man (as may be seen in the work concerning Lamentations 2:22).

The day of Jehovah's anger is the Last Judgment; that there is then no longer any good of love and truth of faith in the church, but evil and falsity, is signified by, there was not any "who escaped and remained; those whom I have educated and nourished hath mine enemy consumed." That there was none who escaped and remained, signifies that there was no good and truth; whom I have educated and nourished, denote those who are of the church, who have all spiritual food, or the knowledge of good and truth from the Word; the enemy who hath consumed them, denoting evil and falsity.

[6] In the Apocalypse:

"Thy wrath is come, the time of judging the dead, and of giving reward unto thy servants, and to them that fear thy name, both small and great; and of destroying them that destroy the earth" (11:18).

From these words it is evident that by anger, or the day of anger, is meant the Last Judgment, for it is said, "Thy wrath is come, the time of judging the dead."

In Isaiah:

"For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. And I have trodden the people in mine anger, and made them drunk in my wrath" (Isaiah 63:4-6).

The combats of the Lord, by which He subjugated the hells, are here treated of, thus the Last Judgment, which was accomplished by Him when He was in the world; for by the combats, which were temptations admitted into Himself, He subjugated them and thus effected the Last Judgment. This is the judgment which is meant by the day of Jehovah's anger and wrath in the Word of the Old Testament; but the Last Judgment which is at this day performed by the Lord, is meant by the day of His anger as mentioned in the Apocalypse. That a last judgment was performed by the Lord, when He was in the world, may be seen in the work concerning the 61:1, 2).

[7] In the same:

"The day of the vengeance of Jehovah, and the year of retributions for the controversy of Zion" (34:8).

By the day of vengeance of Jehovah, just as by the day of His anger and wrath, is signified the Last Judgment, for revenge is attributed to Jehovah or the Lord for the same reason as anger and wrath, namely, from appearance. Those who denied the Divine, and were hostile in heart and mind against the goods and truths of the church, consequently, against the Lord from whom they are, who are all such as live wickedly, are cast down into hell; and because this takes place with them as with enemies, vengeance like anger is attributed to the Lord (concerning which see above). The year of retributions signifies the same as the day of vengeance, but it is said of falsities, whereas the day of vengeance [is said] of evils; the controversy of Zion signifies the rejection of the truth and good of the church, Zion denoting the church. Moreover, the time of the Last Judgment is in other places called the day of Jehovah, the day of visitation, the day of slaughter, and the day of the coming; the day of the Lord's coming in Malachi 3:2; and in Matthew 24:3, 27, 37, 39.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 413

413. Verse 17. For the great day of His anger is come, signifies the Last Judgment upon the evil. This is evident from the following passages from the Word. The Last Judgment, which is signified by "the great day," is upon the evil and also upon the good; the judgment upon the evil is called "a day of indignation," "of wrath," "of anger," and "of vengeance," while the judgment upon the good is called "the time of the Lord's coming," "the year of His good pleasure," "the year of the redeemed," "the year of salvation." Everyone, whether evil or good, is judged immediately after death, when he enters the spiritual world, where he is to live to eternity, for man is then immediately marked out either for heaven or for hell; he that is marked out for heaven is connected with some heavenly society into which he will afterwards come, and he that is marked out for hell is connected with the infernal society into which he will afterwards come. There is, however, an interval of time before they go thither, chiefly for the purpose of preparation; for the good, that the evils that adhere to them from the body in the world may be wiped away; and for the evil, that the goods that adhere to them outwardly from teachers and from religion may be taken away; according to the Lord's words in Matthew:

Whosoever hath, to him shall be given, that he may have more abundantly; whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath (Matthew 13:32; 25:29).

This delay occurs for this reason also, that the affections, which are of many kinds, may be so arranged and reduced to the ruling love that the man-spirit may become wholly his own love. Yet many of them, both evil and good, were reserved for the Last Judgment; but only such of the evil as from habit acquired in the world had been able to lead a moral life in externals, and such of the good as from ignorance and from their religion had been imbued with falsities; but the rest, when their time had been fulfilled, were separated from these, the good were elevated into heaven, and the evil were cast into hell, and this before the Last Judgment.

[2] The Last Judgment is called "the great day of the anger of God" because to the evil who are cast down into hell it appears as if it were God who did this from anger and wrath, for the destruction that then comes upon them comes from above, and also from the east where the Lord is as a sun, and they are then in terrors, griefs, and also in torments. But the Lord has no anger whatever, for He is love and mercy itself and good itself; and pure love and good itself cannot be angry; for this is contrary to its essence. But it so appears for this reason: when the last state is reached, which is when evils on the earth and at the same time then in the spiritual world have so increased that the supremacy inclines to their side, and thereby the equilibrium between heaven and hell is perishing, and this perishing, the heavens where the angels dwell begin to labor, then the Lord from the sun directs His energy, that is His love, to protecting the angels and restoring the state which labors and begins to totter; and by this energy and power Divine truth united to Divine good, which in its essence is Divine love, penetrates through the heavens to the places below, where the evil have associated themselves together; and because they cannot endure such influx and presence of the Divine love they begin to tremble, and to be in anguish and torment; for thereby the goods and truths which they have learned to feign by speech and action merely in externals, are dispersed, and their internals, which are nothing but evils and falsities, are opened; and as these are in direct opposition to the goods and truths that flow in from within, although they have made evils and falsities their life, they experience such tremor, anguish and torment, that they can no longer maintain themselves, therefore they flee away and cast themselves into the hells which are under the mountains and rocks, where they can be in evils and in the falsities of their evils. This in particular is signified by the words explained above, "They said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb."

[3] From this it can be seen why the words "the anger of the Lamb" are used, and why the Last Judgment is called "the great day of His anger," although it is the Divine love that is meant, the operation of which viewed in itself is to save all, for it is a will to save, thus not anger at all, but love. The like is true when an evil spirit who can feign himself an angel of light ascends into heaven. When he comes thither, as he cannot endure the Divine good and the Divine truth that are there, he begins to feel anguish and torment to the extent even that he casts himself down with all his might, nor does he rest until he is in the hell corresponding to his evil.

It is from this appearance, and because when they do evils they are punished, that indignation, anger, wrath, and even fury and vengeance, are so often in the Word attributed to Jehovah, that is, the Lord; but a presentation of all the passages where these are attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, is here omitted because there are so many of them, and a few only will be cited, in which the Last Judgment is called "the day of the indignation," "of the anger," "of the wrath," and "of the vengeance" of Jehovah and God, as in the following.

[4] In Isaiah:

Behold the day of Jehovah cometh, cruel and of indignation and of the glowing of anger, to lay the land waste, and He shall destroy its sinners out of it. I will make heaven to tremble, the land shall quake out of its place, in the indignation of Jehovah of Hosts, and in the day of the glowing of His anger (Isaiah 13:9, 13).

"A day cruel and of the glowing of Jehovah's anger" means the Last Judgment; and because it is evil that glows, and falsity that is angry, it is called "a day of the glowing of anger." "The land that shall be laid waste, and that shall quake out of its place," means the land that is in the spiritual world, for there are lands there the same as on our globe; and those lands, while the Last Judgment is going on, are "laid waste" and "quake out of their place," for the mountains and hills are then overturned, and the valleys sink down into marshes, and the face of all things there is changed. Nevertheless, "land" in the spiritual sense means the church everywhere, for in the spiritual world the face of the land is similar to the state of the church with those who dwell upon the land there, consequently when the church perishes the land also perishes, for they make one; and then in place of the former land a new one comes into existence; but these changes are unknown to us on our earth. Nevertheless they must be made known, in order that it may be understood what is meant by "the land shall be laid waste, and shall quake out of its place."

[5] In Zephaniah:

When the glowing of the anger of Jehovah hath not yet come upon you; when the day of the anger of Jehovah hath not yet come upon you, it may be ye shall be hid in the day of Jehovah's anger (Zephaniah 2:2-3).

Here, too, "the glowing of anger" and "the day of Jehovah's anger" mean the Last Judgment. In Lamentations:

He doth not remember the footstool of His feet in the day of His anger (Lamentations 2:1).

"The footstool of Jehovah's feet" means the worship of the Lord in the natural world, for the reason that the whole heaven, together with the church in the world, is before the Lord a semblance of one man (as may be seen in Lamentations 2:22).

"The day of Jehovah's anger" is the Last Judgment; that there is then no longer any good of love nor any truth of faith in the church, but evil and falsity is signified by "there was none that escaped nor any residue; those whom I brought up and nourished hath mine enemy consumed;" "there was none that escaped nor any residue" signifying that there was no good nor truth; "whom I brought up and nourished" meaning those who are of the church, who have all spiritual food or the knowledge of good and truth from the Word; "the enemy that consumed them" meaning evil and falsity.

[6] In Revelation:

Thine anger came, the time of judging the dead, and of giving the reward to Thy servants, and to those that fear Thy name, and of destroying them that destroy the earth (Last Judgment 46.) The subjugation of the hells is here signified by "I have trodden them down in Mine anger, and have made them drunk in My wrath;" "the year of the redeemed" signifies the judgment upon the good who are saved.

[7] In the same:

The spirit of the Lord Jehovih is upon me, to proclaim the year of Jehovah's good pleasure, and the day of vengeance for our God; to comfort all that mourn (Isaiah 61:1, 2).

The day of vengeance of Jehovah, the year of retributions for the controversy of Zion (Isaiah 34:8).

"The day of vengeance of Jehovah," like "the day of His anger and wrath," signifies the Last Judgment. This is because vengeance is attributed to Jehovah or the Lord for the same reason anger and wrath are-namely, from the appearance that those who have denied the Divine and have been hostile in heart and mind to the goods and truths of the church, consequently hostile to the Lord who is the source of these, are cast down into hell (as are all who live wickedly). And because these are treated as enemies, vengeance, like anger, is attributed to the Lord (See above). "The year of retributions" signifies the like as "the day of vengeance," but it is predicated of falsities, while "the day of vengeance" is predicated of evils; "the controversy of Zion" signifies the rejection of the truth and good of the church; "Zion" meaning the church. In other places also, the time of the Last Judgment is called "the day of Jehovah," "the day of visitation," "the day of slaughter," and "the day of the coming":

The day of the Lord's coming (Malachi 3:2; Matthew 24:3, 27, 37, 39).

Apocalypsis Explicata 413 (original Latin 1759)

413. (Vers. 17.) "Quia venit dies magnus irae Ejus." - Quod significet ultimum judicium super malos, constabit ex locis sequentibus e Verbo. Ultimum judicium quod significatur per "diem magnum" est super malos, et quoque super bonos; judicium super malos vocatur "dies indignationis", "excandescentiae", "irae" et "vindictae"; at judicium super bonos vocatur "tempus adventus Domini", "annus beneplaciti", "annus redemptorum", "annus salutis." Unusquisque tam malus quam bonus judicatur statim post mortem cum intrat mundum spiritualem, ubi acturus est vitam in aeternum, nam tunc statim designatur homo vel ad caelum vel ad infernum; qui ad caelum is alligatur societati cuidam caelesti, in quam postea venturus est; et qui ad infernum, is alligatur societati infernali, in quam postea venturus est: at usque intercedit tempus antequam illuc veniunt, ex causa praecipue ut praeparentur, boni ut eis abstergantur mala quae eis adhaerent ex corpore in mundo, et mali ut adimantur eis bona quae extrinsecus adhaerent illis ex magistris et religione; secundum Domini verba apud Matthaeum,

"Quicunque habet dabitur ei ut abundantius habeat; quicunque non habet, etiam quod habet auferetur ab eo" (13:12; 25:29):

haec mora etiam fit ob illam causam, ut affectiones, quae multi generis sunt, componantur et redigantur ad amorem regnantem, ut homo spiritus sit totus suus amor. At usque multi ex illis, tam mali quam boni, reservati sunt ad ultimum judicium; sed solum illi mali qui moralem vitam in externis ex habitu in mundo agere potuerunt, et illi boni qui falsis ex ignorantia et ex religione imbuti sunt; reliqui autem post exactum tempus ab illis separati sunt, boni in caelum elevati, ac mali in infernum conjecti, et hoc ante ultimum judicium.

[2] Quod ultimum judicium dicatur "dies magnus irae Dei", est quia apparet malis, qui dejiciuntur in infernum, sicut Deus ex ira et excandescentia hoc faciat; quia tunc illis exitium quod desuper venit et quoque ab oriente, ubi est Dominus ut Sol, et quia tunc in terroribus, doloribus et quoque cruciatibus sunt: sed usque prorsus nulla est ira Domino, est enim ipse Amor et Misericordia et ipsum Bonum; ac purus Amor et ipsum Bonum non potest irasci, est enim id contra essentiam ejus. Sed apparentia illa est inde: quando ultimus status, qui est quando mala in terris et simul tunc in mundo spirituali tantum aucta sunt ut dominium pendeat a parte illorum, et per id pereat aequilibrium inter caelum et infernum, quo pereunte, caeli, ubi angeli, incipiunt laborare, tunc Dominus e Sole intendit virtutem suam, hoc est, amorem suum ad tutandum angelos, et ad restituendum statum qui laborat et incipit labefactari; ex qua virtute et potentia, Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono, quod in sua essentia est Divinus Amor, penetrat per caelos ad inferiora, ubi se consociaverunt mali; et quia illi non sustinent influxum et praesentiam talem Divini Amoris, incipiunt tremiscere, angi et cruciari; per id enim dissipantur bona et vera quae loquela et actionibus solum in externis mentiri edocti sunt, et aperiuntur interna, quae non sunt nisi quam mala et falsa; et haec quia e diametro opposita sunt bonis et veris, quae ab interiori influunt, et tamen mala et falsa fecerunt vitam eorum, inde illis tremor, angor et cruciatus, tales ut non amplius consistere possint; unde aufugiunt et se conjiciunt in inferna, quae sub montibus et petris, ubi in malis et in falsis maii sui esse possunt: hoc in specie significatur per verba supra explicata, "Dicebant montibus et petris, Cadite super nos, et abscondite nos a facie Sedentis super throno, et ab ira Agni."

[3] Ex his constare potest unde est quod dicatur "ira Agni", et unde est quod ultimum judicium dicatur "dies magnus irae Ipsius", tametsi est Divinus Amor, cujus operatio in se spectata est ut salventur omnes; nam est voluntas salvandi, ita prorsus non ira, sed amor. Simile etiam fit quando malus spiritus qui mentiri potest lucis angelum, ascendit in caelum; quo cum venit, quia non sustinet Divinum Bonum ac Divinum Verum quod ibi, incipit angi et cruciari; usque adeo ut se summo nisu dejiciat deorsum, nec quiescat prius quam in inferno correspondente suo malo.

Ex hac apparentia est, tum ex ea quod puniantur dum faciunt mala, quod in Verbo toties tribuatur Jehovae, hoc est, Domino, indignatio, ira, excandescentia, immo furor et vindicta: sed omnia illa loca afferre ubi illa tribuuntur Jehovae, hoc est, Domino, propter copiam hic supersedetur; solum aliqua afferentur ubi ultimum judicium vocatur "dies indignationis", "irae", "excandescentiae" et "vindictae" Jehovae et Dei; ut in sequentibus:-

[4] Apud Esaiam,

"Ecce dies Jehovae venit crudelis, et indignationis et excandescentiae irae, ad ponendum terram in vastitatem, et peccatores ejus perdat ex ea. ...Caelum commovebo, concutietur terra e loco suo in indignatione Jehovae (Zebaoth), et in die excandescentiae irae Ipsius" (13:9, 13):

per "diem crudelem et excandescentiae irae Jehovae" intelligitur ultimum judicium; et quia malum est quod excandescit et falsum quod irascitur, ideo dicitur "dies excandescentiae irae": per "terram" quae ponetur in vastitatem et quae concutietur e loco suo, intelligitur terra quae in mundo spirituali, nam ibi aeque terrae sunt ut in nostra tellure; et illae terrae, cum perstat ultimum judicium, "ponuntur in vastitatem", et "concutiuntur e loco suo", nam tunc montes et colles evertuntur, et valles desidunt in paludes, ac facies omnium ibi mutatur: at usque per "terram" in spirituali sensu intelligitur ecclesia utrobivis, nam in mundo spirituali facies terrae similis est statui ecclesiae apud illos qui super terra ibi habitant; quapropter cum perit ecclesia etiam perit terra, nam unum faciunt; et tunc loco prioris terrae nova existit. Sed hae mutationes ignotae sunt nobis in nostris terris; quae tamen propalandae sunt, ut sciatur quid intelligitur per quod "terra ponetur in vastitatem" et "concutietur e loco suo."

[5] Apud Zephaniam,

"Quum nondum venit super vos excandescentia irae Jehovae, dum nondum venit super vos dies irae Jehovae:... forte abscondemini in die irae Jehovae" (2:2, 3):

etiam hic per "excandescentiam irae" et per "diem irae Jehovae" intelligitur ultimum judicium. In Threnis,

"Non recordatur scabelli pedum suorum in die irae suae" (Threni 2:1):

per "scabellum pedum Jehovae" intelligitur cultus Domini in mundo naturali, ex causa quia universum caelum una cum ecclesia in mundo coram Domino est instar unius Hominis (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 78-86); intimum caelum facit caput, reliqui pectus et crura, et ecclesia in terris facit pedes; inde quoque est quod "pedes" significent naturale: etiam caeli insistunt ecclesiae quae apud humanum genus sicut homo suis pedibus (ut constare potest ex illis quae in eodem opere, n. 87-102, AC 291-302, ostensa sunt). Quia ultimum judicium venit quando non amplius fides quia non charitas, ita quando finis ecclesiae est, patet quid intelligitur per "Non recordatur scabelli pedum suorum in die irae suae." Et alibi,

"Non in die irae Jehovae evasor et residuus; quos educavi et nutrivi, hostis meus consumpsit" (Threni 2:22):

"dies irae Jehovae" est ultimum judicium; quod tunc non bonum amoris et verum fidei amplius in ecclesia, sed malum et falsum, significatur per "Non evasor et residuus; quos educavi et enutrivi, hostis meus consumpsit"; "non evasor et residuus" significat non bonum et verum; "quos educavi et nutrivi" sunt illi qui ab ecclesia, quibus omnis cibus spiritualis, seu cognitio boni et veri ex Verbo est; "hostis" qui eos consumpsit est malum et falsum.

[6] In Apocalypsi,

"Venit ira tua, tempus mortuos judicandi, et dandi mercedem servis tuis... et timentibus nomen tuum, ... et perdendi perdentes terram" (11:18):

ex his patet quod per "iram" seu "diem irae" intelligatur ultimum judicium, nam dicitur "Venit ira tua, tempus mortuos judicandi." Apud Esaiam,

"Dies vindictae in corde meo, et annus redemptorum meorum Venit;... conculcavi populos in ira mea, et inebriavi eos in excandescentia mea" (63:4, 6):

agitur ibi de pugnis Domini quibus subjugavit inferna, ita de ultimo judicio quod ab Ipso factum est cum fuit in mundo; nam per pugnas, quae fuerunt tentationes in Se admissae, subjugavit illa, ac ultimum judicium fecit: hoc judicium est quod intelligitur per "diem irae et excandescentiae Jehovae" in Verbo Veteris Testamenti: sed ultimum judicium quod hodie a Domino peractum est, intelligitur per "diem irae" Ipsius in Apocalypsi: (quod ultimum judicium factum sit a Domino cum fuit in mundo, videatur in opere De Ultimo Judicio 46): subjugatio infernorum significatur ibi per "Conculcavi eos in ira mea, et inebriavi eos in excandescentia mea": "annus redemptorum" significat judicium super bonos qui salvati sunt.

[7] Apud eundem,

"Spiritus Domini Jehovih super me, ... ad proclamandum annum beneplaciti Jehovae, et diem vindictae Deo nostro, ad consolandum omnes lugentes" (61 [1,] 2):

apud eundem,

"Dies vindictae Jehovae, annus retributionum pro lite Zionis" (34:8):

per "diem vindictae Jehovae", similiter ac per "diem irae et excandescentiae" Ipsius, significatur ultimum judicium; tribuitur enim Jehovae seu Domino vindicta ex simili causa ex qua ira et excandescentia, nempe ex apparentia quod illi qui negarunt Divinum, et hostili corde et animo fuerunt contra bona et vera ecclesiae, proinde contra Dominum a quo illa, qui omnes sunt qui male vivunt, in infernum dejiciantur; quod quia fit cum illis sicut cum hostibus, tribuitur Domino vindicta sicut ira (de qua re supra): "annus retributionum" significat simile quod "dies vindictae"; sed dicitur de falsis, at "dies vindictae" de malis: "lis Zionis" significat rejectionem veri et boni ecclesiae ("Zion" est ecclesia). Praeterea tempus ultimi judicii aliis in locis vocatur "dies Jehovae", "dies visitationis", "dies occisionis, et "dies adventus:"

"Dies adventus Domini", apud Malachiam (cap. 3:2), et apud Matthaeum (24:3, 27, 37, 39).

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