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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 414

414. And who is able to stand? That this signifies, who shall bear and live? is plain from the signification of standing, when it is before the Lord, as denoting to bear [His presence] and live; here, that they are not able to bear it and live; for, as said above, the wicked not only come into trembling for fear, from the influx and consequent presence of the Lord, that is, of the Divine good and the Divine truth strongly and powerfully going forth and proceeding from Him, but also into torments from interior conflict, therefore, unless they fled thence and cast themselves down, they could not live; for from fear and torment death as it were befalls them; for the presence of the Divine mortifies evil as it vivifies good; from this state of such it is then said, "who is able to stand?" As also in Malachi:

"Who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth?" (3:2).

In Nahum:

"Who can stand up before his indignation? and who can stand in the fierceness of his anger?" (1:6).

And in Joel:

"The day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who shall bear it?" (2:11).

Moreover, the expression, to stand, like [the expressions] to walk and to sit, in the Word, signifies, to be, and, to live; and, to stand, the same as to consist and subsist. As in Luke:

"The angel answered Zachariah, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God" (1:19).

And in the same:

"Watch all the time, that ye may be accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man" (21:36).

And because to stand also signifies to be, it is also said of Jehovah, in Isaiah,

"Jehovah standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge" (3:13, 14).

And in David:

"God hath stood in the assembly of God; he shall judge in the midst of the gods" (Psalms 82:1).

But whence it is that to stand signifies to be, shall be told elsewhere.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 414

414. And who is able to stand? signifies, who shall sustain and live? This is evident from the signification of standing, when it is before the Lord, as meaning to sustain and live, here, not able to sustain it and live; for, as was said above, the evil, from the influx and consequent presence of the Lord, that is, of Divine good and Divine truth going out and proceeding from Him with power and might, come not only into the tremors from fear, but also into torments from interior conflict, consequently unless they flee away and cast themselves down they cannot live, for from fear and torment death as it were befalls them, for the presence of the Divine brings death to the evil as it brings life to the good. From this their state it is then said, "Who is able to stand?" As also in Malachi:

Who sustaineth the day of His coming, and who shall stand when He shall appear (Malachi 3:2)?

In Nahum:

Who shall stand before His indignation; and who shall stand up in the glow of His anger (Nahum 1:6)?

And in Joel:

The day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who shall sustain it? (Joel 2:11).

Moreover, "to stand," like walking and sitting, in the Word signifies to be and to live; and "to stand," has a similar meaning with to stand firm and stand still. As in Luke:

The angel answered Zachariah, I am Gabriel, that standeth before God (Luke 1:19).

And in the same:

Be wakeful at every season, that ye may be accounted worthy to stand before the Son of man (Luke 21:36).

And elsewhere. And as "to stand" also signifies to be, it is said of Jehovah, in Isaiah:

Jehovah hath stood up to plead, and standeth to judge (Isaiah 3:13).

And in David:

God stood in the congregation of God; He shall judge in the midst of the gods (Psalms 82:1).

But why "to stand" signifies to be shall be told elsewhere.

Apocalypsis Explicata 414 (original Latin 1759)

414. "Et quis potest stare?" Quod significet Quis sustinebit et vivet constat ex significatione "stare", cum coram Domino, quod sit sustinere et vivere; hic non posse sustinere et vivere. Nam, ut supra dictum est, mali ex influxu et inde praesentia Domini, hoc est, Divini Boni ac Divini Veri fortiter et potenter exeuntis et procedentis ab Ipso, non modo in tremores ex formidine, sed etiam in cruciatus ex interiori conflictu veniunt: quare nisi inde fugiant et se dejiciant, non possunt vivere; obvenit enim ex tremore et cruciatu sicut mors: praesentia enim Divini mortificat malos sicut vivificat bonos. Ex hoc statu eorum tunc dicitur, "Quis potest stare?" Ut quoque apud Malachiam,

"Quis sustinet diem adventus Ipsius, et quis stabit cum apparuerit?" (3:2);

apud Nahum,

"Coram indignatione Ipsius quis consistet? et quis stabit in excandescentia irae Ipsius?" (1:6);

et apud Joelem,

"Magnus est dies Jehovae et terribilis valde, et quis sustinebit eum?" (2:11.)

Praeterea vox "stare", sicut "ambulare" et "sedere", in Verbo significat esse et vivere; et "stare" simile quod "consistere" et "subsistere":

- Ut apud Lucam,

"Respondens" angelus Sachariae", (dixit) Ego sum Gabriel stans coram Deo" (1:19);

et apud eundem,

"Vigilate omni tempore, ut digni habeamini... ad standum coram Filio hominis" (21:36);

et alibi. Et quia "stare" quoque significat esse, etiam dicitur de Jehovah:

Apud Esaiam,

"Jehovah stitit Se ad litigandum, et stans ad judicandum (3:13);

et apud Davidem,

"Deus stetit in caetu Dei, in medio deorum judicabit" (Psalms 82:1).

Sed unde hoc quod "stare" significet esse, alibi dicetur.

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