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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 423

423. Having the seal of the living God.- That this signifies the Divine Will, is evident from the signification of to have the seal of any one, which means to have the command, for a command is confirmed by a seal; therefore to have the seal of the living God, is to have the Divine command. The Divine command here denotes the Divine Will, because by the angel who had the seal ascending from the rising of the sun, is signified the Divine Love going forth from the Lord; and everything that goes forth from the Divine Love is the Divine Will. There are also Divine commands not from the Divine Will, but of leave and permission, many of which were given to the sons of Israel. They were permitted, for example, to have several wives, and to give them bills of divorcement, besides other things of a similar nature. Those commands were of permission, and were given because of the hardness of their hearts, as the words of the Lord in Matthew plainly show (19:8); and Mark (10:4, 5). But commands that are immediately from the Divine Love are all of the Divine Will; therefore it is also said, "the seal of the living God," the Lord being called the living God from the Divine Love, for love is the very life of man, and the life of all things is from the Divine Love.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 423

423. Having the seal of the living God, signifies the Divine will. This is evident from the signification of "having the seal" of anyone, as meaning to have command, for a command is confirmed by a seal; therefore "to have the seal of the living God" means to have Divine command. Here Divine command means the Divine will, because "the angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal," signifies Divine love proceeding from the Lord; and whatever goes forth from Divine love is the Divine will. There are also Divine commands that are not from the Divine will, but from sufferance and permission, many of which were given to the sons of Israel, as that it was permitted them to take several wives, and to give bills of divorcement, with other like things. These commands were from permission, given because of the hardness of their hearts (as is evident from the Lord's words in Matthew 19:8; and Mark 10:4, 5); but the commands that are immediately from the Divine love are all of the Divine will; therefore it is said, "the seal of the living God;" for the Lord is called "the living God" from the Divine love, for love is man's very life, and the Divine love is the source of the life of all.

Apocalypsis Explicata 423 (original Latin 1759)

423. "Habentem sigillum Dei vivi." - Quod significet Divinam voluntatem, constat ex significatione "habere sigillum" alicujus, quod sit in mandato habere, nam mandatum sigillo confirmatur: inde "habere sigillum Dei vivi", est habere Divinum mandatum. Quod Divinum mandatum hic sit Divina voluntas, est quia per "angelum ascendentem ab ortu solis", qui habebat sigillum, significatur Divinus Amor exiens a Domino; et quicquid ex Divino Amore exit, hoc est Divina voluntas. Sunt etiam mandata Divina quae non ex Divina voluntate, sed ex venia et permissione, quorum plura data sunt filiis Israelis; sicut quod liceret eis plures uxores ducere, ac libellos repudii dare, praeter similia alia: illa mandata erant ex permissione, data propter duritiem cordis illorum (Ut constat ex Domini verbis apud Matthaeum, cap. 19:8; et Marcum, cap. 10:4, 5); sed mandata quae immediate ex Divino Amore sunt, illa omnia sunt Divinae voluntatis: quare etiam dicitur "sigillum Dei vivi", Dominus enim "Deus vivus" vocatur ex Divino Amore, nam amor est ipsa vita hominis, et Divinus Amor est ex quo omnium vita.

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