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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 424

424. And he cried with a great voice.- That this signifies Divine command, is evident from the signification of "a great voice," which, when from the Lord, denotes a Divine command. The very command that was given also follows, that the four angels should not hurt the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads. It is said "a great voice," and that "he cried," because the expressions "great" and "a cry" are used in the Word of the good of love. That "great" is spoken of the good of love, and "much" of truths from good, may be seen above (n. 336:1, 337); and that "cry" is spoken of the affections that pertain to love, may be seen above (n. 393). Because this command was from the Divine Love, and the Divine Will, it is therefore said here, "he cried with a great voice."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 424

424. And he cried with a great voice, signifies Divine command. This is evident from the signification of "a great voice," when from the Lord, as meaning Divine command. The command itself, uttered by the voice, also follows, namely, that "the four angels hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till the servants of God were sealed on their foreheads." It is said "a great voice" and "he cried," because "great" and also "crying" are predicated in the Word of the good of love (that "great" is predicated of the good of love, and "many" of truths from good, see above, n. 336, 337; and "crying" of the affections that are of love, see above, n. 393); here, therefore, as this command was from the Divine love and from the Divine will, it is said, "he cried with a great voice."

Apocalypsis Explicata 424 (original Latin 1759)

424. "Et clamavit voce magna." - Quod Significet Divinum mandatum, constat ex significatione "vocis magnae", cum a Domino, quod sit Divinum mandatum; ipsum mandatum, quod protulit, etiam sequitur, Ne scilicet quatuor angeli "damno afficerent terram, neque mare, neque arbores, usque dum signati essent servi Dei super frontibus eorum." Quod dicatur "vox magna", et quod "clamaverit", est quia "magnum" in Verbo praedicatur de bono amoris, et quoque "clamor"; (quod "magnum" praedicetur de bono amoris, ac "multum" de veris ex bono, videatur supra, n. 336(a), 337; et quod "clamor" de affectionibus quae sunt amoris, supra, n. 393): hic itaque quia mandatum hoc erat ex Divino Amore et ex Divina voluntate, dicitur "Clamavit voce magna."

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