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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 45

45. (Verse 9) I John. That this signifies doctrine concerning the Lord, is evident from the representation of John, because in the highest sense, by him is meant the Lord as to doctrine (see above, n. 19), therefore by him is also signified doctrine concerning the Lord. For to know the Lord is the chief of all things of doctrine, or the first and last thereof, the principal thing of the church being to know and acknowledge the Lord's Divine; for it is conjoined with His Divine by acknowledgment and faith, and apart; from such conjunction nothing of doctrine is of any account. This is the reason why the Divine has been revealed. The Divine which has been revealed is the Divine Human; and without the acknowledgment of the Divine in the Lord's Human there is no salvation (as may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 280-310). It is for this reason that John representing the Lord as to doctrine, also represents doctrine concerning the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 45

45. Verse 9. I, John, signifies doctrine respecting the Lord. This is evident from the representation of "John;" that by him is meant in the highest sense, the Lord in respect to doctrine (See above, n. 19) wherefore also by "John" is signified doctrine respecting the Lord; for to know the Lord is the chief thing of all things of doctrine, or the first and the last thereof; for the primary thing of the church is to know and acknowledge its Divine; for it is conjoined with its Divine by means of acknowledgment and faith, and without conjunction with the Divine all things of doctrine are of no account; this, moreover, is the reason why the Divine has revealed Itself. The Divine that has revealed Itself is the Divine Human. (That without acknowledgment of the Divine in the Lord's Human there is no salvation, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 280-310.) From this now it is that "John," because he represents the Lord in respect to doctrine, also represents doctrine respecting the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 45 (original Latin 1759)

45. (Vers. 9.) "Ego Johannes." - Quod significet doctrinam de Domino, constare potest ex repraesentatione Johannis, quod in supremo sensu per illum intelligatur Dominus quoad doctrinam (videatur supra, n. 19); quare etiam per illum significatur doctrina de Domino, nam cognoscere Dominum est principale omnium doctrinae, seu primum illorum et ultimum; primarium namque ecclesiae est cognoscere et agnoscere suum Divinum, nam Divino suo per agnitionem et fidem conjungitur, et absque conjunctione cum Divino omnia doctrinae nihili sunt; quae etiam causa est, quod Divinum se revelaverit. Divinum quod se revelavit, est Divinum Humanum. (Quod absque agnitione Divini in Humano Domini nulla salus, multis ostensum videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 280-310). Inde nunc est quod "Johannes", quia repraesentat Dominum quoad doctrinam, etiam repraesentet doctrinam de Domino.

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