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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 46

46. Who also am your brother. That this signifies, and concerning the good of love to Him, is evident from the signification of brother, as denoting the good of love. The reason why a brother signifies the good of love is, because in heaven there are only spiritual affinities and fraternities. For brotherhood, there, is not the result of birth, nor do those who were brothers in the world know each other there as such, but each one is known to another from the good of love; those who are most nearly conjoined in that good, as brethren, and others, according to the conjunction by good, as kindred and as friends. Hence it is that by brother in the Word is signified the good of love. This also the Lord teaches where it is said:

"One said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee; but he answered, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? My mother and my brethren are they who hear the Word of God and do it" (Heaven and Hell 205. See also what is said in Arcana Coelestia 685, 917, 2739, 3612, 3815, 4121; that therefore, by brethren in the Word, are meant those who are conjoined by good, see n. 2360, 3303, 3803, 3815, 4121, 4191, 4267, 5409, 6756, 10490. That they are called brethren by the Lord, who are in the good of love and of faith from Him, see n. 4191, 5686, 5692, 6756; that people are also called brethren from spiritual affinity, n. Arcana Coelestia 6756; that charity and faith, thus good and truth, are brethren, and in what respect, n. 367, 3160, 9806; that good and truth are also brother and sister, and in what respect, n. 2508, 2524, 3160; that good and truth are also married partners, and in what respect, n. 3160; that man with brother denotes truth with good, n. 3459, 4725.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 46

46. Who also am your brother, signifies and respecting the good of love to Him. This is evident from the signification of "brother," as being the good of love. "Brother" signifies the good of love, because in heaven there are no other than spiritual relationships, thus no other brotherhoods; for those there do not become brothers by birth; moreover, those who were brothers in the world do not recognize each other there, but each regards the other from the good of love; those most closely conjoined regarding each other as brothers; and others, according to their conjunction by good, regarding each other as kinsmen and as friends. This is why in the Word "brother" signifies the good of love. This, moreover, the Lord teaches where it is said:

One said unto Jesus, Behold, Thy mother and Thy brethren stand without seeking to speak with Thee: but He answered and said, Who is My mother, and who are My brethren? (Heaven and Hell 205; and in the Arcana Coelestia 685, 917, 2739, 3612, 3815, 4121; consequently by "brethren" in the Word are meant those who are conjoined by good, n. 2360, 3303, 3803, 3815, 4121, 4191, 4267, 5409, 6756, 10490; that the Lord calls those "brethren" who are in the good of love and of faith from Him, n. 4191, 5686, 5692, 6756; that they are called "brethren" also from spiritual kinship, n. 6756; that charity and faith, thus good and truth, are brethren, in what respect, n. Arcana Coelestia 367, 3160, 9806; that good and truth are also brother and sister, in what respect, n. 2508, 2524, 3160; that good and truth are also married partners, in what respect, n. 3160; that "man with brother" means truth with good, n. 3459, 4725)

Apocalypsis Explicata 46 (original Latin 1759)

46. "Qui et frater vester." - Quod significet et de bono amoris in Ipsum, constat ex significatione "fratris", quod sit bonum amoris. Causa quod "frater" significet bonum amoris, est, quia in caelo non aliae affinitates dantur quam spirituales, ita nec aliae fraternitates: non enim ibi ex aliqua nativitate fiunt fratres; et quoque qui fratres fuerunt in mundo, non ibi se cognoscunt; sed quisque alterum cognoscit ex bono amoris, illi qui conjunctissime ut fratres, et reliqui secundum conjunctionem per bonum ut affines et ut amici. Inde est quod per "fratrem" in Verbo significetur bonum amoris. Hoc etiam Dominus docet, dicendo,

"Dixit quidam ad Jesum, Ecce mater tua et fratres tui foris stant, quaerentes Tibi loqui; at Ipse respondens dixit, Quae est mater mea, et qui sunt fratres mei?"... Mater mea et fratres mei ii sunt, qui audiunt verbum Dei et faciunt illud" (Matthaeus 12:47-50; Luca 8:19-21);

et alibi,

"Unus est vester Magister, Christus, omnes autem vos fratres estis" (Matthaeus 23:8).

Inde patet, quid sit esse frater in Domino. (Sed videantur quae de hac re prius ostensa sunt; ut quod in caelo omnes consociati sint secundum affinitates spirituales, quae sunt boni amoris et fidei, et quod illi se cognoscant sicut affines, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 205, et in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 685, 917, 2739, 3612, 3815, 4121:

quod inde per "fratres" in Verbo intelligantur qui conjuncti per bonum, n. 2360, 3303, 3803, 3815, 4121, 4191, 4267, 5409, 6756, 10490.

Quod "fratres" a Domino dicti sint, qui in bono amoris et fidei ab Ipso sunt, n. 4191, 5686, 5692, 6756. Quod etiam "fratres" dicti sint ex affinitate spirituali, n. 6756. Quod charitas et fides, ita bonum et verum, fratres sint, quo respectu, n. 367, 3160, 9806. Quod bonum et verum etiam sint frater et soror, quo respectu, n. 1

2508, 2524, 3160. Quod etiam bonum et verum sint conjuges, quo respectu, n. 3160. "Vir cum fratre" quod sit verum cum bono, n. 3459, 4725.)


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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