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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 454

454. Out of every nation, and [of all] tribes.- That these words signify all those who are in the good of life according to the doctrinals of their religion, is evident from the signification of nation, as denoting those who are in good, concerning which see above (n. 175, 331); here, those who are in the good of life; and from the signification of tribes, as denoting the goods and truths of the church in their whole extent, concerning which see also above (n. 431). But because those who are in the good of life according to their religion, are here treated of, by tribes are signified the doctrinals of religion, which they believe to be truths and goods; for these also are meant by tribes, when such are treated of in the Word, whereas, the tribes of Israel, which we have spoken of above, mean all those who are in the genuine truths and goods of the church, and in the abstract those truths and goods. Out of every nation and [of all] tribes, here therefore signifies all those who are in good of life according to the doctrinals of their religion.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 454

454. Out of every nation and all tribes, signifies all who are in good in respect to life according to the doctrinals of their religion. This is evident from the signification of "nation," as being those who are in the good (on which see above, n. 175, 331), here those who are in the good of life; also from the signification of "tribes," as being the goods and truths of the church in the whole complex (on which see also above, n. 431. But here, as those who are in the good of life according to their religion are treated of, "tribes" signify the doctrinals of religion that such believe to be truths and goods, and this is what is meant by "tribes" in the Word when such are treated of; while "the tribes of Israel," which were treated of above mean all who are in the genuine truths and goods of the church, and in an abstract sense those truths and goods. So here, "out of every nation and all tribes" signifies all who are in good in respect to life according to the doctrinals of their religion.

Apocalypsis Explicata 454 (original Latin 1759)

454. "Ex omni gente et tribubus." - Quod significet omnes qui in bono sunt quoad vitam secundum doctrinalia suae religionis, conStat ex significatione "gentis", quod sint qui in bono (de qua supra, n. 175, 331), hic qui in bono vitae: et ex significatione "tribuum", quod sint bona et vera ecclesiae in omni complexu (de qua etiam supra, n. 431); hic autem, quia agitur de illis qui in bono vitae sunt secundum religionem suam, per "tribus" significantur doctrinalia religionis quae credunt esse vera et bona; haec quoque in Verbo intelliguntur per "tribus", quando de illis agitur; at per "tribus Israelis", de quibus supra actum est, intelliguntur omnes qui in genuinis veris et bonis ecclesiae sunt, et abstracte illa vera et bona. Quare hic per "ex omni gente et tribubus" significantur omnes qui in bono sunt quoad vitam secundum doctrinalia suae religionis.

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