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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 453

453. Which no man could number.- That this signifies that the quality and measure of good and truth with them are known to the Lord alone, is evident from the signification of number, which denotes the quality of a thing; and of numbering, which denotes to know the quality of a thing, in the present case, the quality of good and truth with those who are now treated of. That it also signifies that the Lord alone knows this, is meant by no man being able to number them. For no man, or angel, knows what the quality of good and truth is with another, in their entire series and connexion, but merely something of it appearing in externals; and yet every quality is of infinite extension, for it is united and associated with innumerable things which lie interiorly concealed, which exist exteriorly, and are extended on all sides. None sees these things but the Lord alone. And therefore the Lord alone arranges and disposes all according to their quality, for He sees the nature and quality of every one, and what will happen to him to eternity, because the Lord's sight, which is called Omniscience, foresight, and providence, is eternal. For this reason no one knows the quality of good and truth with another, but the Lord alone. It appears to be a strange thing that to know the quality of good and truth is signified by numbering, for he who reads these words, remaining merely in the sense of the letter, cannot see any other meaning in them than that the multitude was so great that it could not be numbered; when nevertheless number, in the spiritual sense, signifies quality, and therefore numbering signifies to know the quality, and to arrange and dispose in agreement with it.

[2] On account of this signification of numbering punishment was inflicted, because David numbered the people, concerning which it is thus written in the second book of Samuel:

"The anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel, therefore he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. And the king said to Joab, Go now through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, and number ye the people, that I may know the number of the people." Joab dissuaded him, but the word of the king prevailed. "And David's heart smote him after he had numbered the people; and David said, I have sinned greatly in what I have done; and now I beseech thee, O Jehovah, take away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly." Wherefore the prophet Gad was sent to David, offering him three punishments, of which he chose the pestilence, and of this seventy thousand men died" (2 Samuel 25:1 to end).

Who cannot see that no sin is committed in numbering a people, but that the sin was so great that a choice of one of three punishments was given to David, and he chose the pestilence of which seventy thousand men died? The reason of this was, that Israel and Judah represented, and thence signified, the kingdom of the Lord in the heavens and in the world, and numbering signified to know their quality, and to arrange and dispose accordingly, and this belongs to the Lord alone. It is therefore evident that to number, in the Word, has such a signification.

[3] Similarly in Moses:

"When thou takest the sum of the sons of Israel according to those that are numbered, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto Jehovah, in numbering them; that there be no plague among them in numbering them" (Arcana Coelestia 10216-10232).

[4] In Daniel:

Because Belshazzar drank wine out of the vessels of gold and silver which were brought from the temple at Jerusalem, a hand went forth and wrote on the wall, "Thou art numbered, thou art weighed and art divided, God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it" (373:3).

Again, in Isaiah:

"By the cutting off my days, I shall go to the gates of hell (the grave) 1; I am numbered, the residue of my years" (38:10).

These are the words of Hezekiah the king, when he was sick, and by being numbered is signified, explored and concluded.

[5] That to number, and to be numbered, have a different signification in the spiritual sense of the Word from that which appears in the letter or in its natural sense, is also evident from this fact, that with the angels in heaven, numbers and measures have no place in their spiritual ideas, that is to say they do not think from number or measurement, but from the quality of a thing, and such thought falls into numbers and measures when it descends thence into the natural sphere. And yet the Word is written equally for angels as for men, wherefore angels by numbers and by numbering, in the Word, perceive the quality of the thing treated of, while men understand numbers and numbering. This is still further evident from this fact, that every number in the Word signifies something connected with a thing or state. Concerning this see above (n. 203, 336, 429, 430).

[6] Since in some places in the Word the expression "to number" is used, which signifies to know the quality of a thing, and to arrange and dispose according to it I will also adduce the following by way of confirmation.

In Isaiah:

"A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of the nations gathered together; Jehovah Zebaoth numbering the host of war" (175, 331). Tumult is stated of the eager desire to fight, in the present case, against truths; Jehovah Zebaoth numbering the host of war, signifies the arrangement by the Lord of truths from good against the falsities from evil. The Lord in the Word is called Jehovah Zebaoth, from truths and goods fighting against falsities and evils, for Zebaoth signifies hosts, and hosts signify the truths and goods of heaven and of the church; and to number signifies to arrange them, and war signifies spiritual combat.

[7] Again, in the same prophet:

"Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, who bringeth out their host by number; he calleth them all by name" (40:26).

The host of heaven, in the sense of the letter, means the sun, moon, and stars, for these in the Word are called the host of Jehovah; but, in the spiritual sense, host signifies all the goods and truths of heaven, and of the church in their entirety, for the sun signifies the good of love, the moon the good of faith, while the stars signify the knowledges of good and truth. It is therefore evident what is signified by, "Lift up your eyes, and behold who hath created these things." By creating, when used of goods and truths, is signified to form these in man, and to regenerate him; by leading out the host by number, is signified to arrange goods and truths according to their quality in those who possess them; to call them all by name, signifies to know the quality of all and to dispose according to it.

[8] For name in the Word signifies the quality of a thing and state, as in John:

"The sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out" (10:3).

In this passage, by leading out and calling by name are signified similar things to those contained in the words above quoted from Isaiah. That name signifies the quality of a thing and state, see above (n. Psalm 147:4).

To number the host of the stars, and call them all by their names, signifies to know all goods and truths, and to dispose them according to their quality in heaven and the church. What other object could there be in saying, that Jehovah numbereth the stars, and calleth them by their names?

[9] In Jeremiah:

"In the cities of the mountain, in the cities of the plain, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the circuit of Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him that numbereth" (449:6); by the flocks passing under the hands of him that numbereth them, are signified interior goods and truths according to their order and quality in the church. For by flocks are signified interior goods and truths, interior and spiritual goods and truths being meant by the animals of the flock, as lambs, sheep, she-goats, rams, and kids; but exterior or natural goods and truths, are meant by those of the herd, as calves, heifers, cows, and oxen. That this is the case may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1565, 2566, 5913, 6048, 8937, 10609).

[10] Again, in David:

"Mount Zion shall be glad, the daughters of Judah shall exult, because of thy judgments. Walk about Zion, go round about her; number the towers thereof. Set your heart to her bulwarks, distinguish her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following" (Psalm 48:11-13).

Mount Zion, which shall be glad, signifies the celestial church, in which those are who are in love to the Lord; the daughters of Judah, who shall exult, signify the affections for good and truth with those who are of that church. Because of thy judgments signifies because of the Divine truths which they have from the Lord. Walk about Zion, and go round about her, signifies to embrace the things of that church from love. Number the towers thereof, signifies to meditate on the higher or interior truths of that church; to number means to see and meditate on their quality, and towers denote higher or interior truths. Set your heart to her bulwarks, signifies to love the exterior truths which defend that church against falsities. Distinguish her palaces, signifies to perceive the goods of truth, for houses denote goods, and palaces the nobler goods of truth; That ye may tell it to the generation following, signifies the permanence of them to eternity.

[11] In Isaiah:

"He that walketh in justice, and speaketh uprightly; shall see the king in his beauty; they shall behold the land that is far off. Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is he that weighs? where is he that counted the towers? Thou shalt not see an obdurate people, a people of depths of lip" (Isaiah 33:15-19).

To walk in justice and speak uprightly, signifies to live in the good of love and charity, and to think and perceive truths. For to walk signifies to live, while the term "justice" is used in reference to good, and uprightness, in reference to truth. He shall see the king in his beauty, signifies that they shall become wise, for king signifies truth from good, and beauty its wisdom, for in this, Divine Truth is in its own beautiful form; They shall behold the land that is far off, signifies the extension of wisdom into heaven, for land signifies the church, and also heaven, and far off signifies extension there. Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is he that weighs? where is he that counted the towers? signifies remembrance of the state of the church when there is neither intelligence nor wisdom, and when there is falsification of interior truths. Terror denotes that state, scribe denotes intelligence, he that weighs denotes wisdom, towers denote interior truths, and to destroy their quality by falsifications is here signified by numbering them. Thou shalt not see an obdurate people, signifies those who are in falsities of evil, and in the abstract, those falsities; A people of depths of lip, signifies falsities of doctrine confirmed even until they appear as truths; lip signifies the truth of doctrine, here, the falsity which they shall not see.

[12] That to number also signifies to dispose wickedly, consequently to destroy by falsifications, is evident in the same prophet:

"Ye have seen the breaches of the house of David, that they are many; and ye have gathered together the waters of the lower pool. And ye have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, in order that ye may break down the houses to fortify the wall" (Isaiah 22:9, 10).

The house of David means the church in regard to truths of doctrine; and the breaches thereof signify falsities breaking in. To gather together the waters of the lower pool, signifies to collect many things from the sense of the letter of the Word, and from the natural man. The pools in Jerusalem signified truths, such as they are in the exterior and interior senses of the Word; the waters of the higher pool, truths in the interior sense of the Word; and the waters of the lower pool, those in the exterior sense, which is the sense of the letter of the Word. For waters denote truths, and the pools in Jerusalem have a signification similar to that of the lakes and the seas outside Jerusalem, that is to say, the gathering together of truths. To number the houses of Jerusalem, signifies to falsify the goods of truth; for the houses of Jerusalem signify the goods of the truth of the church, and to number signifies to apprehend them perversely; and to dispose wickedly, that is to interpret falsely, or to falsify. In order that ye may break down the houses to fortify the wall, signifies, to destroy those goods in order to build up a doctrine in which are pure falsities, a wall denoting the truth of doctrine defending, in the present case, falsified, because destitute of good.

[13] From these things the signification of "the days are numbered," "steps," and "hairs," in the following passages is evident.

In David:

"To number our days" (Psalm 90:12).

In Job:

"Thou numberest my steps" (14:16).

And again:

"Doth he not see my ways, and number all my steps?" (31:4).

In Luke:

"The hairs of your head are all numbered" (12:7).

In all these passages, to number signifies to know the quality from the least to the greatest, and to arrange and dispose, that is, to provide in agreement with it. The signification of days, steps, and hairs, has been stated and shown elsewhere.


1. The gates of hell (the grave)." The Latin is "ad portas inferni (sepulchri)." The A.V. and R. V. have the gates of the grave; the R.V. puts "Heb. Sheol" in the margin.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 453

453. Which no one could number, signifies that the Lord alone knows of what quality and how much of good and truth there is in them. This is evident from the signification of "number," as meaning what is the quality of a thing, so "to number" means to know the quality of a thing, here, the quality of the good and truth with those now treated of. It also signifies that the Lord alone knows this, as is meant by "which no one could number;" for no man and no angel knows the quality of good and truth with another in every series and connection, but only something of it that is apparent in externals; and yet every quality is of infinite extension, for it joins and associates itself with innumerable things that lie concealed within, and that abide without, and that spread out in every direction. All this no one sees but the Lord alone; therefore it is the Lord alone by whom all are arranged and disposed according to their quality, for He sees the quality of everyone, thus what his nature is and what will happen to him to eternity, since the Lord's sight which is called omniscience, foresight, and providence, is eternal. This is why no one except the Lord alone knows the quality of good and truth with anyone. It may seem strange that "to number" signifies to know the quality of good and truth, for one reading these words and remaining in the meaning of the letter can have no other thought than that it means simply that the multitude was too great to be numbered; yet in the spiritual sense "number" signifies quality, and thus "to number" signifies to know the quality, and to arrange and dispose according to it.

[2] Because of this signification of numbering a punishment was inflicted upon David for numbering the people, which is thus described in the second book of Samuel:

Again the anger of Jehovah glowed against Israel, and He incited David against them saying, Go, number Israel and Judah. And the king said to Joab, Go now to and fro through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to Beersheba, and number ye the people, that I may know the number of the people. Joab dissuaded him, but the king's word prevailed. And David's heart smote him after that he had numbered the people; and David said, I have sinned exceedingly in that I have done; but now let, O Jehovah, I beseech thee, the iniquity of Thy servant pass away, for I have done very foolishly. So the prophet Gad was sent to David, announcing to him three punishments, and of these David chose the pestilence, of which seventy thousand died (2 Samuel 24:1-25 to the end).

Who does not know that there is no iniquity in numbering a people? Yet here the iniquity was so great that David, on account of it, was threatened with three punishments from which he was to choose one, and of the pestilence which he chose seventy thousand died. But there was a reason for this, namely, that "Israel and Judah" represented, and thence signified, the Lord's kingdom in the heavens and on the earth, and "to number" signified to know their quality, and to arrange and dispose accordingly, and that this belongs to the Lord alone; which shows that "to number" in the Word has this signification.

[3] "To number" has a like meaning in Moses:

When thou takest up the sum of the sons of Israel as to the numbering of them, then shall they give every man an expiation for his soul unto Jehovah in numbering them, that there be no plague among them in numbering them (Arcana Coelestia 10216-10232.)

[4] In Daniel:

Because Belshazzar drank wine out of the vessels of gold and of silver from the temple at Jerusalem, a hand went forth and wrote on the wall, Numbered, thou art numbered, weighed, and divided. God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it (373.)

[5] In like manner in Isaiah:

By the relinquishment of my days I shall go to the gates of hell [of the grave]; I am numbered, the remainder of my years (203, 336, 429, 430).

[6] As numbering is mentioned in some passages of the Word, and it signifies to know the quality of a thing, and to arrange and to dispose according to it, I will also cite these passages in confirmation. In Isaiah:

A voice of a tumult of the kingdoms of nations gathered together; Jehovah of Hosts numbering the host for war (175, 331); and "tumult" is predicated of the eagerness for fighting, here against truths; "Jehovah of Hosts numbering the host" signifies the arrangement of truths from good by the Lord against the falsities from evil; the Lord is called in the Word "Jehovah of Hosts," from truths and goods fighting against falsities and evils, for "zebaoth" means hosts, and "hosts" signify the truths and goods of heaven and the church; and "to number" signifies to arrange these, and "war" signifies spiritual combat.

[7] In the same:

Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these things, who hath led out their host in number, who calleth them all by name (Isaiah 40:26).

The "host of the heavens" means in the literal sense, the sun, moon, and stars, for these are called in the Word "the host of Jehovah," but in the spiritual sense "host" signifies all the goods and truths of heaven and the church in the complex, for the "sun" signifies the good of love, the "moon" the good of faith, and the "stars" signify the knowledges of good and truth; this makes clear the signification of "Lift up your eyes and see who hath created these things." "To create," when predicated of goods and truths, signifies to form them with man, and to regenerate him; "to lead out the host in number" signifies to arrange truths and goods according to the quality of those with whom they are; "who calleth them all by name" signifies who knows the quality of all and disposes accordingly, for "name" in the Word signifies the quality of a thing or state.

[8] So, too, in John:

The sheep hear His voice, and He calleth His own sheep by name and leadeth them out (John 10:3);

where the same expressions, "to lead out" and "to call by name" are used as above in Isaiah, and they have a similar signification. (That "name" signifies the quality of a thing or state, see above, n. Psalms 147:4).

"To count the number of the stars, and to call them all by their names," signifies to know all truths and goods, and to dispose them according to their quality in heaven and the church. For what other reason could it be said of Jehovah that "He numbers the stars, and calls them by their names"?

[9] In Jeremiah:

In the cities of the mountain, in the cities of the lowland, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the circuits of Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass again by the hands of him that numbereth them (Arcana Coelestia 1565, 2566, 5913, 6048, 8937, 10609)

[10] In David:

Mount Zion shall be glad, the daughters of Judah shall exult, because of Thy judgments. Encompass Zion and encircle her; number her towers, set your heart to the bulwarks, mark ye well her palaces; that ye may tell the generation following (Psalms 48:11-13).

"Mount Zion which shall be glad," signifies the celestial church, in which are those who are in love to the Lord; "the daughters of Judah who shall exult," signify the affections of good and truth which those have who are of that church; "because of Thy judgments" signifies because of Divine truths which they have from the Lord; "encompass Zion and encircle her" signifies to embrace the things belonging to that church from love; "to number her towers" signifies to give thought to the higher or interior truths of that church, "to number" meaning to see and give thought to their quality, and "towers" meaning the higher or interior truths; "set your heart to the bulwarks" signifies to love the exterior truths that defend that church against falsities; "mark ye well her palaces" signifies to perceive the goods of truth, for "houses" mean goods, and "palaces" the more noble goods of truth; "that ye may tell the generation following" signifies their permanence to eternity.

[11] In Isaiah:

He that walketh in righteousness and speaketh uprightness, thine eyes 1shall see the king in his beauty; they shall behold the land of wide extent. Thy heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is the weigher? where is he that counteth the towers? Thou wilt not see an obstinate people, a people of depths of lip (Isaiah 33:15, 17-19).

"To walk in righteousness and to speak uprightness" signifies to live in the good of love and charity, and to think and perceive truths; for "to walk" signifies to live, "righteousness" is predicated of good, and "uprightness" is truth; "thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty" signifies that they shall attain to wisdom, "king" signifying truth from good, and "beauty" its wisdom, for in wisdom Divine truth is in its beautiful form; "they shall behold the land of wide extent" signifies the extension of wisdom into heaven, "land" signifying the church, and also heaven, and "wide extent" extension there; "thy heart shall meditate terror; where is the scribe? where is the weigher? where is he that counteth the towers?" signifies remembrance of the state of the church, when there is no intelligence, no wisdom, and when interior truths are falsified; "terror" meaning that state, "scribe" intelligence, "weigher" wisdom, "towers" interior truths; to destroy the quality of these by falsifications is here signified by "numbering them;" "thou wilt not see an obstinate people" signifies not seeing those who are in the falsities of evil, or in an abstract sense those falsities themselves; "a people of depths of lip" signifies falsities of doctrine confirmed until they appear as truths, "lip" signifying the truths of doctrine, here falsity that will not be seen.

[12] "To number" signifies also evil arrangement, consequently destruction by falsifications, as is evident in the same:

Ye have seen the breaches of the house of David that they are many; and ye have brought together the waters of the lower pool. And ye have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, that ye might tear down the houses to fortify the wall (Isaiah 22:9, 10).

"The house of David" means the church in respect to the truths of doctrine; and "its breaches" signify falsities breaking in; "to bring together the waters of the lower pool" signifies to collect many things from the sense of the letter of the Word and from the natural man; the "pools in Jerusalem" signified such truths as are in the exterior and interior senses of the Word; "the waters of the higher pool" such truths as are in the interior sense of the Word, and "the waters of the lower pool" such as are in the exterior sense of the Word, that is, the sense of the letter, for "waters" mean truths, and the "pools" in Jerusalem have a similar signification as the "lakes" and "seas" outside of Jerusalem, namely, a collection of truths; "to number the houses of Jerusalem" signifies to falsify the goods of truth, "the houses of Jerusalem" signifying the goods of truth of the church, and "to number" signifying wrong apprehension and evil arrangement, which is to interpret falsely or to falsify; "that ye might tear down the houses to fortify the wall" signifies to destroy these goods in order to build up a doctrine consisting of mere falsities, "wall" meaning the truth of doctrine defending, here truth falsified, because without good.

[13] These things make evident what is signified by "numbering days, steps, and hairs," as in the following passages.

In David:

To number our days (Psalms 90:12).

In Job:

Dost Thou not number 2my steps? (Job 16:16).

Doth He not see my ways and number all my steps? (Job 31:4).

In Luke:

The hairs of your head are all numbered (Luke 12:7).

Here "to number" signifies to know the quality from least to greatest, and to arrange and dispose according to it, that is, to provide. What "days," "steps," and "hairs," signify has been told and shown elsewhere.


1. The photolithograph as "he," the Hebrew "thine eyes;" see AE 152, 304; AC 3863.

2. The photolithograph has "thou numberest."

Apocalypsis Explicata 453 (original Latin 1759)

453. "Quam numerare illam nemo poterat." - Quod significet quod quale et quantum boni et veri apud illos solus Dominus sciat, constat ex significatione "numeri", quod sit quale rei, inde "numerare", quod sit nosse quale rei, hic quale boni et veri apud illos de quibus nunc agitur; quod etiam significet quod Solus Dominus id sciat, intelligitur per "quam numerare nemo poterat"; nullus enim homo et nullus angelus scit quale boni et veri in omni serie et nexu quod apud alterum, solum aliquid quod apparet ex illo in externis; et tamen omne quale est infinitae extensionis, conjungit enim se et consociat cum innumeris quae interius latent, et quae exterius resident, et quae a latere undequaque sunt: haec nemo videt quam solus Dominus; quare Dominus solus ordinat et disponit omnes secundum quale eorum; videt enim apud unumquemvis quale ejus, ita qualis est, et quid eventurum ei in aeternum; nam visus Domini, qui vocatur omniscientia, praevidentia et providentia, est aeternus: inde est, quod nemo sciat quale boni et veri est apud aliquem, quam solus Dominus. Quod scire quale boni et veri, significetur per "numerare", apparet alienum; nam qui legit haec verba, manens in sensu litterae, non aliter cogitare potest quam quod intelligatur solum quod multitudo tanta fuerit ut numerari non potuerit; at usque in sensu spirituali "numerus" significat quale, et inde "numerare" significat scire quale, ac ordinare et disponere secundum illud:

[2] quia id per "numerare" significatur, ideo poena inflicta est propterea quod David numeravit populum; de qua re ita in Libro Secundo Samuelis,

"Addidit ira Jehovae exardescere in Israelem; ideo incitavit Davidem contra eos, dicendo, Abi, numera Israelem et Jehudam: et..dixit ad Joabum, ...Pervagare, age, omnes tribus Israelis a Dane usque ad Beerschebam, et numerate populum, ut noverim numerum populi." Dissuasit Joabus, sed praevaluit verbum regis. "Et percussit cor Davidis illum postquam numeraverat populum; et dixit David..., Peccavi valde quod feci; verumtamen, Jehovah, transire fac iniquitatem servi tui, quia stulte egi valde:".... quare propheta Gad missus est ad Davidem, denuntians ei tres poenas, ex quibus elegit pestem, ex qua mortui sunt septuaginta millia (24:1 ad fin. ):

quis non scit quod non aliqua iniquitas sit in numerando populum, sed quod tanta iniquitas fuerit ut propterea denuntiatae fuerint Davidi tres poenae, ex quibus unam eligeret, et quod ex peste, quam elegit, septuaginta millia hominum mortui fuerint? Verum causa erat quia per "Israelem et Jehudam" repraesentabatur et inde significabatur regnum Domini in caelis et in terris, et per "numerare" significabatur nosse quale eorum, et secundum id ordinare et disponere, quod tam en solius Domini est: inde patet quod "numerare" in Verbo Significet talia.

[3] Similiter per "numerare" apud Mosen,

"Cum sustuleris summam filiorum Israelis quoad numeratos eorum, et dabunt quisque expiationem animae suae Jehovae in numerando illos, ut non sit in illis plaga in numerando illos" (Exod 30:12):

etiam hic per "numerare" significatur nosse quale eorum seu quale ecclesiae apud illos, et secundum id ordinare et disponere; et quia hoc solius Domini est, ideo dicitur quod "quisque dabit expiationem animae suae Jehovae in numerando illos, ut non sit in illis plaga in numerando illos." (Sed haec fusius explicata videantur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 10216-10232.)

[4] Apud Danielem,

Belschazar quia bibit vinum ex vasis auri et argenti quae ex Templo Hierosolymae, exivit manus et scripsit in pariete, "Numeratus, numeratus es, appensus et dividentes, .... Numeravit Deus regnum tuum et finivit illud" (5:2, 5, 25, 26):

per "numeratus, numeratus" ibi significatur visus et exploratus quoad quale boni et veri; ac per "numeravit regnum" significatur ordinavit et disposuit. (Quid reliqua significant, videatur supra, n. 373.)

[5] Pariter apud Esaiam,

"Per emissionem dierum meorum abiturus sum ad portas inferni", (sepulchri, ) "numeratus sum, residuum annorum meorum" (38:10):

verba Hiskiae regis cum aegrotavit; et per "numeratus" significatur exploratus et conclusum.

Quod "numerare" et "numerari" aliud significet in sensu spirituali Verbi quam in littera seu in senSu ejus naturali, etiam constare potest ex eo, quod in caelo apud angelos ibi in idea eorum spirituali non sint numeri et mensurae, hoc est, quod non cogitent ex numeratione aut mensuratione, sed ex quali rei; quae cogitatio eorum cadit in numeros et in mensuras quando delabitur inde in sphaeram naturalem: et tamen Verbum scriptum est aeque pro angelis ac pro hominibus; quare angeli percipiunt per numeros ac per numerare in Verbo quale rei de qua agitur, cum homines intelligunt numeros et numerare; quod adhuc constare potest ex eo, quod unusquisque numerus in Verbo significet aliquid rei aut status (de qua re supra, n. 203, 336, 429, 430).

[6] Quoniam aliquibus in locis in Verbo dicitur "numerare", et per id significatur nosse quale rei, et secundum id ordinare et disponere, velim illa loca etiam in confirmationem adducere:

- Apud Esaiam,

"Vox tumultus regnorum gentium congregatarum; Jehovah Zebaoth numerans exercitum belli" (13:4)

per "regna gentium congregatarum", quarum tumultus, non intelliguntur gentes e regnis congregatae, est enim propheticum et non historicum; sed per "regna gentium congregatarum" significantur falsa mali quae fecerunt ut cohaererent, et per "tumultus" eorum minae et cupiditates pugnandi contra vera; "regna" enim praedicantur de veris et in opposito sensu de falsis, ac "gentes" significant bona et in opposito sensu mala (videatur supra, n. 175, 331); et "tumultus" dicitur de cupiditate pugnandi, hic contra vera: "Jehovah Zebaoth numerans exercitum" significat ordinationem verorum ex bono a Domino contra falsa ex malo; Dominus in Verbo vocatur "Jehovah Zebaoth" ex veris et bonis pugnantibus contra falsa et mala; Zebaoth enim significat exercitus, et "exercitus" significant vera et bona caeli et ecclesiae; ac "numerare" significat ordinare illa; ac "bellum" pugnam spiritualem.

[7] Apud eundem,

"Tollite in altum oculos vestros, et videte quis creavit haec, qui eduxit in numerum exercitum eorum, omnes nomine vocat" (40:26):

per "exercitum caelorum" in sensu litterae intelliguntur sol, luna et stellae, nam illa vocantur "exercitus Jehovae" in Verbo; sed in sensu spirituali per "exercitum" significantur omnia bona et vera caeli et ecclesiae in complexu; nam per "solem" significatur bonum amoris, per "lunam" bonum fidei, et per "stellas" cognitiones boni et veri; inde patet quid significatur per "Tollite oculos vestros et videte quis creavit haec"; per "creare", cum de bonis et veris, significatur formare illa apud hominem, et illum regenerare; per "educere in numerum exercitum" significatur ordinare vera et bona secundum quale eorum apud quos sunt; "omnes nomine vocat" significat quod sciat omnium quale, et quod secundum id disponat; per "nomen" enim in Verbo significatur quale rei et status:

[8] ut quoque apud Johannem,

"Oves vocem Ipsius audiunt, et proprias oves vocat nomine tenus, et educit eas" (10:3);

ubi etiam dicitur "educere et vocare nomine", ut supra apud Esaiam; et per illa significantur similia.

(Quod "nomen" significet quale rei et status, videatur supra, n. 102, 135, 148.) Apud Davidem,

Jehovah, "qui numerat exercitum stellarum, omnes nominibus vocat" (Psalms 147:4):

per "numerare exercitum stellarum et omnes nominibus vocare" significatur nosse omnia vera et bona, et secundum quale eorum disponere illa in caelo et ecclesia: quid alioqui foret de Jehovah dicere, quod "numeret stellas, et illas vocet nominibus suis"?

[9] Apud Jeremiam,

"In urbibus montis, in urbibus planitiei, et in urbibus meridiei, et in terra Benjaminis, et in circuitu Hierosolymae, et in urbibus Jehudae, adhuc transibunt greges juxta manus numerantis" (33:13):

quid per "montem", "planitiem", "meridiem", "terram Benjaminis", "circuitus Hierosolymae" et "urbes Jehudae", in sensu spirituali significatur, videatur mox supra (n. 449 [b] , ubi explicata sunt): per "transire greges juxta manus numerantis" significatur quod erunt bona et vera interiora secundum ordinem et quale eorum in ecclesia; per "greges" enim significantur bona et vera interiora, sunt namque agni, oves, caprae, arietes, haedi, qui intelliguntur per "greges", per quos significantur bona et vera interiora, quae sunt bona et vera spiritualia; per "armenta" autem, quae consistunt ex vitulis, juvencis, vaccis et bobus, significantur bona et vera exteriora, quae sunt vera et bona naturalia. (Quod ita sit, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 1565, 2566, 5913, 6048, 8937, 10609.)

[10] Apud Davidem,

"Laetabitur mons Zionis, et exultabunt filiae Jehudae propter judicia tua; circumdate Zionem, circumcingite eam, numerate turres ejus, ponite cor vestrum ad antemurale, distinguite palatia ejus, ut enarretis generationi sequenti" (Psalms 48:12-14 [B.A. 11-13]):

per "montem Zionis" qui laetabitur, significatur ecclesia caelestis, in qua sunt qui in amore in Dominum; per "filias Jehudae" quae exultabunt, significantur affectiones boni et veri quae illis qui ab ea ecclesia; "propter judicia tua" significat propter Divina vera quae a Domino illis: "circumdare Zionem et circumcingere illam" significat ex amore amplecti illa quae istius ecclesiae sunt: "numerare turres ejus" significat expendere vera superiora seu interiora quae illius ecclesiae; "numerare" est videre et expendere quale eorum, et "turres" sunt vera superiora seu interiora: "ponere cor ad antemurale" significat amare vera exteriora tutantia illam ecclesiam contra falsa; "distinguere palatia ejus significat percipere bona veri, "domus" enim sunt bona, et "palatia" sunt bona veri nobiliora: "ut enarretis generationi insequenti" significat permanentiam eorum in aeternum.

[11] Apud Esaiam,

"Qui ambulat in justitiis, et loquitur rectitudines, ... regem in pulchritudine sua videbit, ...spectabunt terram longinquitatum, cor tuum meditabitur terrorem; ubi scriba? ubi expendens? ubi numerans turres? Populum obfirmatum non videbis, populum profunditatum labii" (33:15, 17, 18-19):

"ambulare in justitiis et loqui rectitudines" significat Vivere in bono amoris et charitatis, ac cogitare et percipere vera, "ambulare" enim significat vivere, "justitia" praedicatur de bono, et "rectitudines" sunt vera; "regem in pulchritudine sua videbit" significat quod adepturi sapientiam, "rex" enim significat verum ex bono, "pulchritudo" ejus sapientiam, nam in hac est Divinum Verum in sua pulchra forma: "spectabunt terram longinquitatum" significat extensionem sapientiae in caelum, "terra" enim significat ecclesiam et quoque caelum, et "longinquitas" extensionem ibi: "cor tuum meditabitur terrorem; ubi scriba ubi expendens? ubi numerans turres?" significat reminiscentiam status ecclesiae quando non intelligentia, non sapientia, et quando falsificatio veritatum interiorum; "terror" est status ille, "scriba" est intelligentia, "expendens" est sapientia, "turres" sunt vera interiora; quale eorum destruere per falsificationes significatur hic per "numerare illas": "populum obfirmatum non videbis" significat illos qui in falsis mali, et abstracte illa falsa: "populum profunditatum labii" significat falsa doctrinae confirmata usque ad apparentiam veri; "labium" significat doctrinae verum, hic falsum quod non visuri.

[12] Quod "numerare" etiam significet male disponere, proinde destruere per falsificationes, constat apud eundem,

"Rupturas domus Davidis vidistis quod plurimae sint, et congregastis aquas piscinae inferioris, et domos Hierosolymae numerastis, ut destrueretis domos ad muniendum murum" (22:9, 10):

per "domum Davidis" intelligitur ecclesia quoad vera doctrinae; et per "rupturas ejus" significantur falsa irrumpentia; per "congregare aquas piscinae inferioris" significatur colligere plura ex sensu litterae Verbi et ex naturali homine; "piscinae" in Hierosolyma significabant vera qualia sunt in Verbi sensu exteriori et interiori, "aquae piscinae superioris" vera qualia sunt in sensu interiori Verbi, et "aquae piscinae inferioris" vera qualia sunt in sensu exteriori, qui est sensus litterae Verbi; "aquae" enim sunt vera, ac "piscinae" in Hierosolyma simile significant ac "lacus" et "maria" extra Hierosolymam, nempe collectionem eorum: per "domos Hierosolymae numerare" significatur falsificare bona veri, "domus" enim "Hierosolymae" significant bona veri ecclesiae, et "numerare" significat sinistre capere, male disponere, quod est false interpretari seu falsificare: "ut destrueretis domos ad muniendum murum", significat destruere illa bona ad condendum doctrinam in qua mere falsa; "murus" est verum doctrinae tutans, hic falsificatum quia absque bono.

[13] Ex his constare potest quid significatur per quod "numerati sint dies", "gressus", "pili", ut in sequentibus:

- Apud Davidem,

"Ad numerandum dies nostros" (Psalms 90:12):

apud Hiobum,

"Annon gressus meos numeras?" (14:16):

apud eundem,

"Nonne Ille videt vias meas, et omnes gressus meos 1

numerat?" (31:4):

apud Lucam,

"Pili capitis vestri omnes numerati sunt" (12:6, 7):

per "numerare" hic significatur nosse quale a minimo ad maximum, et secundum id ordinare et disponere, hoc est, providere. Quid per "dies", "gressus" et "pilos" significatur, alibi dictum et ostensum est.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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