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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 456

456. Standing before the throne, and before the Lamb.- That this signifies that they are in the kingdom of the Lord, is evident from the signification of throne, when spoken of the Lord, as denoting heaven and the church, upon which see above (n. 253). That the Lamb means the Lord as to the Divine Human, may also be seen above (n. 314). Therefore, by their standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, is signified that they are in the kingdom of the Lord. Heaven and the church, where the Lord is worshipped and where the Divine in His Human is acknowledged, form the kingdom of the Lord; all who acknowledge this in heart are in heaven, and come into heaven. It is said those who acknowledge this in heart, because no one can be in such acknowledgment, unless he be in the good of life, and thence in truths of doctrine. In the world many may be in such acknowledgment with the mouth, but yet no one with the heart unless he live well; but after the life in the world, none can speak thus with the mouth, and still less be in acknowledgment, except those who are in heaven, and those about to come into heaven. But more will be said upon this subject elsewhere.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 456

456. Standing before the throne and before the Lamb, signifies those in the Lord's kingdom. This is evident from the signification of "throne," as being, in reference to the Lord, heaven and the church (of which above, n. 253. That "the Lamb" means the Lord in relation to the Divine Human may also be seen above n. 314; consequently "standing before the throne and before the Lamb" signifies that they are in the Lord's kingdom. The Lord's kingdom is heaven and the church, where the Lord is worshiped, and where the Divine in His Human is acknowledged; all who acknowledge this in heart are in heaven and come into heaven; it is said those who acknowledge this in heart, since no one can acknowledge it unless he is in the good of life, and thence in the truths of doctrine. On the earth many can say this with the mouth, but yet they cannot acknowledge it in heart unless they live well; while after the life in the world only those who are in heaven and are coming into heaven can even say this with the mouth, still less acknowledge it. But more respecting this elsewhere.

Apocalypsis Explicata 456 (original Latin 1759)

456. "Stantes coram throno et coram Agno." Quod significet illos in regno Domini, constat ex significatione "throni", cum de Domino, quod sit caelum et ecclesia, de qua supra (n. 253); quod per "Agnum" intelligatur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, videatur etiam supra (n. 314); inde per "stantes coram throno et Agno" significatur quod illi in regno Domini sint. Regnum Domini est caelum et ecclesia, ubi Dominus colitur et ubi agnoscitur Divinum in Humano Ipsius; omnes illi qui id agnoscunt corde, in caelo sunt et in caelum veniunt; dicitur qui id agnoscunt corde, quoniam agnoscere id nemo potest nisi qui in bono vitae est et inde in veris doctrinae; in terris possunt multi id ore dicere, sed usque non agnoscere corde nisi qui bene vivit; at post vitam in mundo non potest alius, quam qui in caelo est et in caelum venturus est, id ore dicere, minus agnoscere; sed de hac re fusius alibi.

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