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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 463

463. And fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God.- That this signifies thanksgiving from humility of heart that so many were saved by the Lord, is evident from the signification of falling on the face and worshipping, as here denoting to give thanks from humility of heart. For falling on the face signifies humiliation of heart, because to fall on the face corresponds to that humiliation, and all the actions of the body correspond to the affections of the mind, so that they make one by correspondences. Thus "to fall on the faces before God" in worship makes one by correspondence with humiliation of the heart. Hence it was a solemn rite with the ancients, and still remains so amongst many nations, to fall on their faces in worship; but at this day in the Christian world, it is the custom merely to kneel. That worship here signifies thanksgiving that so many are saved, is evident from that which precedes, and that which follows; for the subject treated of is the salvation of those who have lived in good according to their religious faiths, although they have not been in genuine truths. Thanksgiving from the whole heaven, on this account, presently follows. It is said that they fell on their faces and worshipped God; and "to fall on the faces" denotes to manifest humiliation of heart from the good of love, while to worship God denotes to manifest humiliation of heart by means of truths from that good.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 463

463. And they fell before the throne upon their faces, and worshiped God, signifies thanksgiving from a humble heart that so many have been saved by the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "falling upon the face and worshiping," as being here to give thanks from a humble heart; for "falling upon the face" signifies humiliation of heart, since to fall upon the face corresponds to such humiliation; for all the acts of the body so correspond to the affections of the mind that the two make one by correspondences; thus to fall upon the face before God in worship makes one by correspondence with humiliation of the heart. From this it became a custom with the ancients, and it still continues with many nations, to fall upon the very face in worship; while in the Christian world at present it is the custom simply to fall upon the knees. That "worshiping" signifies thanksgiving that so many have been saved is evident from what precedes and follows; for the salvation of those who have lived in good according to their religions, although they have not had genuine truths, is here treated of; thanksgiving on this account by the universal heaven is what now follows. It is said "they fell upon their faces and worshiped God;" "to fall upon the face" is a testification of humiliation of heart from the good of love, and "to worship God" is a testification of humiliation of heart by truths from that good.

Apocalypsis Explicata 463 (original Latin 1759)

463. "Et ceciderunt coram throno super facies suas, et adoraverunt Deum." - Quod significet gratiarum actionem ex humili corde, quod a Domino tot salvati sint, constat ex significatione "cadere super facies et adorare", quod hic sit ex humili corde gratias agere; per "cadere" enim "super facies" significatur humiliatio cordis, quoniam cadere super facies correspondet illi humiliationi; omnes enim actus corporis correspondent affectionibus quae mentis sunt, adeo ut unum faciant per correspondentias; sic "cadere super facies coram Deo" in cultu, unum per correspondentiam agit cum humiliatione cordis; inde est quod apud antiquos solenne fuerit, et adhuc apud plures gentes solenne sit, in cultu cadere super ipsas facies, at hodie in Christianismo solum se demittere super genua: quod per "adorare" significetur gratiarum actio quod tot salvati sint, constat ex antecedentibus et consequentibus, agitur enim de salvatione eorum qui in bono secundum religiones suas vixerunt, tametsi non in genuinis veris fuerint; gratiarum actio ab universo caelo propter id est quae mox sequitur. Dicitur, "Ceciderunt super facies et adoraverunt Deum"; et "cadere super facies" est testificatio humiliationis cordis ex bono amoris, et "adorare Deum" est testificatio humiliationis cordis per vera ex illo bono.

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