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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 481

481. Neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.- This signifies that they shall not be affected by evil and falsity arising from lusts, as is evident from the signification of the sun, which denotes the Lord as to Divine Love, and in reference to men, spirits, and angels, the good of love from the Lord and directed to the Lord; and in the opposite sense, as here, it denotes the love of self, and thence evil from lusts (ex concupiscentiis); see above (n. 401); and in the Heaven and Hell 116-125). And from the signification of heat, which denotes falsity from that evil, consequently falsity from lusts. For when a man is in heat, that is, when he becomes hot, then he eagerly desires drink that his heat may be allayed, for he is thirsty, and drinking signifies to drink in truths, and in the opposite sense, to drink in falsities, because water and wine (vinum), which are drunk or imbibed, signify truths.

[2] That heat signifies falsity from lusts, or the lust for falsity, is evident from the following passages.

Thus in Jeremiah:

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah, for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that spreadeth out his roots by the river; he shall not see when heat cometh, but his leaf shall be green; he shall not be anxious in the year of drought, neither shall he cease from yielding fruit" (Heaven and Hell 154-161).

[3] In Isaiah:

"For thou art become a place of defence to the poor, a fortress to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the inundation, a shadow from the heat; for the blast of the violent is as an inundation against the wall, as drought in a dry place; the tumult of strangers shalt thou subdue; the heat by the shadow of a cloud, the branch of the violent shall he repress" (25:4, 5).

By the poor and the needy are signified those who are destitute of good from ignorance of truth, and yet they desire these. It is called inundation and heat, when evils and falsities rise up and flow in from the proprium, and also from others who are in evil. The blast of the violent, signifies that those things are contrary to the goods and truths of the church; they are called violent who endeavour to destroy goods and truths, and their blast signifies their eager desire to destroy. The tumult of strangers shalt thou subdue, signifies that the Lord will allay and remove the irruption of falsities from evil; tumult signifies irruption, strangers signify falsities from evil, and to subdue signifies to allay and remove. To subdue the heat by the shadow of a cloud, signifies to defend from the lust for falsity, heat denoting the lust for falsity, and the shadow of a cloud, defence therefrom; for the shadow of a cloud tempers the heat of the sun, and assuages its intensity.

[4] In Jeremiah:

"His dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost" (36:30).

These words were said concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah, after he had burned the roll written by Jeremiah, and this act signifies that the truths of the church would perish through the lust for falsities, and thence by hatred of truths. The kings of Judah represented and thence signified in the Word truths from good, and the king there mentioned, the truth of the church which was about to perish. The roll which he burnt signifies the Word; this is said to be burnt when it is falsified and adulterated, and this takes place by means of the lust for falsity from evil. His dead body signifies the man of the church without that spiritual life which is acquired by means of truths from the Word. If this spiritual life becomes extinct, lust for falsities and an aversion to truths alone remain, and consequently he becomes dead, and in the spiritual sense a carcase. Lust for falsities is signified by heat in the day, and hatred of truths by frost in the night. For when the light of heaven, which in its essence is Divine Truth, flows in, those who are in falsities from evil are seized with cold, which is more or less intense according to the warmth of the falsity from evil.

[5] In the same:

"When they are heated I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may exult, and sleep the sleep of an age, and not awake" (Jeremiah 51:39).

These words are concerning Babylon, which signifies the profanation of good and truth. When they are heated, signifies the warm desire and lust to falsify truths and adulterate goods. To make their feasts, to make them drunken, and to exult, signifies from falsifications to be insane in an extreme degree; their feasts signify the adulterations of good and truth, drunkenness and rejoicing signify insanities in the highest degree, or such as are extreme. To sleep the sleep of an age, and not awake, signifies that they will not perceive truths for ever.

[6] In Hosea:

"They are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges; all their kings fall; there is none among them that calleth unto me" (7:7).

To be hot as an oven signifies lusting after falsity from love of it. To devour their judges, and all their kings to fall, signifies the destruction of all intelligence, the truths from which it arises having been destroyed; judges signify those that are intelligent, and, in an abstract sense, those things which belong to intelligence; and kings signify truths. There is none among them that calleth unto me, signifies that no one cares for truths from the Divine.

[7] In Job:

"He regardeth not the way of the vineyards; drought and heat shall consume the waters of snow" (24:18, 19).

Not to regard the way of the vineyards signifies to regard the truths of the church as of no importance. Drought and heat shall consume the waters of snow, signifies that the want of truth, and thence the lust for falsity will destroy all genuine truths, waters of snow denoting genuine truths.

[8] In Isaiah:

"He will say to the bound, Go forth, to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed upon the ways, and their pasture shall be on all heights. They shall not hunger nor thirst, neither the heat nor the sun shall smite them; for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, yea, even unto fountains of waters shall he guide them" (49:9, 10).

The signification of these words need not be explained in detail, since they are similar to those that we are now explaining in the Apocalypse, and are as follows:- "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat, for the Lamb shall feed them and lead them unto living fountains of waters."

These things in the Apocalypse, in a similar manner to those in the prophet, are spoken of the Lord. By the bound here mentioned, to whom he shall say, "Go forth," and by those who are in darkness, to whom he shall say, "shew yourselves," are signified also the Gentiles, who had lived in good according to their religion, and yet were in falsities from ignorance; they are said to be bound, when they are in temptations. Darkness denotes falsities arising from ignorance. That the heat shall not smite them, signifies that falsity from lust (ex concupiscentia) shall not affect them.

[9] In the Apocalypse:

"And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given unto him to scorch men with fire; and men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God" (16:8, 9).

These words will be explained hereafter in their proper place. Because the sun signifies the Divine Love, therefore also heat signifies ardent desire for truth, as in Isaiah 18:4; and Zech. 8:2, where heat is attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord. In many passages anger and wrath are predicated of God, and by anger is signified zeal for good, and by wrath zeal for truth; for wrath and heat are from the same word in the original tongue.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 481

481. Neither shall the sun fall on them, nor any heat, signifies that evil and falsity from lusts shall not come to them. This is evident from the signification of "the sun," as meaning the Lord in relation to Divine love, and with men, spirits, and angels, the good of love to the Lord from the Lord; and as meaning in the contrary sense as here the love of self and evil therefrom out of lusts (of which above, n. 401; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 116-125); also from the signification of "heat," as meaning falsity from that evil, and therefore falsity from lusts; for when man is in heat, that is, when he burns with heat, he craves drink that his heat may be allayed, for he is thirsty; and "to have drink" and "to drink" signifies to imbibe truths, and in the contrary sense, to imbibe falsities, because "water" and "wine," which are for drink, signify truths.

[2] That "heat" signifies falsity from lust or lust for falsity can be seen from the following passages.

In Jeremiah:

Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah; and he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, that sendeth out his roots by the river; he shall not see when heat cometh, but his leaf shall be green; therefore he shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall he cease from bearing fruit (Heaven and Hell 154-161).

[3] In Isaiah:

For Thou art become a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the inundation, a shadow from the heat; for the blast of the violent ones is as an inundation against a wall, as a drought in a dry place; the tumult of strangers shalt Thou humble, the heat by the shadow of a cloud, the branch of the violent ones shall he repress (Isaiah 25:4, 5).

"The poor and needy" signify those who are in the lack of good from the ignorance of truth, and yet have a desire for these; "inundation" and "heat" have reference to evils and falsities that rise up and flow in from the selfhood [proprium] and also from others who are in evil; "the blast of the violent ones" signifies things contrary to the goods and truths of the church; those are called "violent" who endeavor to destroy goods and truths, and "their blast" signifies eagerness to destroy; "the tumult of strangers shalt thou humble" signifies that the Lord will allay and remove the irruption of falsities from evil, "tumult" signifying irruption, "strangers" the falsities from evil, and "to humble" to allay and remove; "he shall repress the heat by the shadow of a cloud" signifies to defend from the lust of falsity, "heat" meaning the lust of falsity, and "the shadow of a cloud" defense from it, for the shadow of a cloud tempers the heat of the sun, and allays its fervor.

[4] In Jeremiah:

His dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost (Jeremiah 36:30).

This was said of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, after he had burned the scroll written by Jeremiah, which act signifies that the truths of the church will perish by a lust for falsities and a consequent aversion from truths. The kings of Judah represented and thence signified in the Word truths from good, and this king the truth of the church about to perish; "the scroll that he burned" signifies the Word, which is said to be burned when it is falsified and adulterated, and this is done by the lust of falsity from evil; "the dead body" signifies the man of the church without spiritual life, which is had by means of truths from the Word; when this life is extinct, only falsities are desired and truths are avoided, and in consequence man becomes dead, and in the spiritual sense "a dead body." The lust for falsities is signified by "the heat in the day," and aversion from the truths by "the frost in the night;" for when the light of heaven, which in its essence is Divine truth, flows in, those who are in falsities from evil become cold with an intensity corresponding to the warmth of the falsity from evil.

[5] In the same:

When they are heated I will set their banquets and I will make them drunken, that they may triumph, that they may sleep the sleep of an age and not awake (Jeremiah 51:39).

This is said of Babylon, which signifies the profanation of good and truth. "When they are heated" signifies the warmth and lust of falsifying truths and adulterating goods; "to set their banquets, to make drunken, and to triumph," signifies to be insane from falsifications to the last degree, "their banquets" signifying the adulterations of good and truth, "drunkenness and rejoicing" insanities in the highest or last degree; "to sleep the sleep of an age and not to awake" signifies not to have perception of truths to eternity.

[6] In Hosea:

They are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges; all their kings are fallen; not one among them calleth unto Me (Hosea 7:7).

"To be hot as an oven" signifies their lusting after falsity from the love of it; "they devour judges, and all their kings are fallen" signifies the destruction of all intelligence when the truths that constitute it are lost, "judges" signifying the intelligent, and in an abstract sense the things that belong to intelligence, and "kings" signifying truths; "not one among them calleth unto Me" signifies that no one cares for truths from the Divine.

[7] In Job:

He beholdeth not the way of the vineyards; drought and heat shall seize upon the waters of snow (Job 24:18, 19).

"Not to behold the way of the vineyards" signifies to make the truths of the church of no account; "drought and heat shall seize upon the waters of snow" signifies that the lack of truth, and the consequent lust for falsity will destroy all genuine truths, "the waters of snow" meaning genuine truths.

[8] In Isaiah:

He shall say to the bound, Go forth, to them that are in darkness, Reveal yourselves. They shall feed upon the ways, and in all the bare hills shall be their pasture. They shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heat or the sun smite them; for He that hath compassion on them shall guide them, even unto springs of waters shall He lead them (Isaiah 49:9, 10).

What the particulars signify need not be explained, for they are similar to those in Revelation now being explained, where it is said "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sun fall on them nor any heat smite them; for the Lamb shall feed them and shall guide them unto living fountains of waters." In Revelation, in like manner as in the prophet, these things are said of the Lord; "the bound, to whom He shall say, Go forth, and those who are in darkness, to whom He shall say, Reveal yourselves," signify the nations that had lived in good according to their religion, and yet were in falsities from ignorance; these are called "bound" when in temptations; and "darkness" means falsities from ignorance. "The heat shall not smite them" signifies that falsity from lust shall not affect them.

[9] In Revelation:

The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given unto him to scorch men with fire; and men were heated with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God (Revelation 16:8, 9).

These words will be explained hereafter in their proper place. As "the sun" signifies Divine love, so also "heat" signifies an ardent desire for truth, as in Isaiah 18:4; and Zechariah 8:2, where "heat" is attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord. In many passages "anger" and "wrath" are predicated of God, "anger" signifying zeal for good, and "wrath" zeal for truth; for wrath and heat in the original language come from the same word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 481 (original Latin 1759)

481. "Neque cadet super illos sol, neque ullus aestus." - Quod significet quod illis non erit malum et falsum ex concupiscentiis, constat ex significatione "Solis", quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Amorem; et apud homines, spiritus et angelos bonum amoris a Domino in Dominum; et quod in opposito sensu, ut hic, sit amor sui, inde malum ex concupiscentiis (de qua supra, n. 401, et in opere De Caelo et Inferno, n 116-125): et ex significatione "aestus", quod sit falsum ex illo malo, proinde falsum ex concupiscentiis; nam cum homo in aestu est, hoc est, cum aestuat a calore, tunc concupiscit potum, ut aestus sedetur, est enim siccus; et per "potari" et "bibere" significatur haurire vera, et in opposito sensu haurire falsa, ex causa quia "aqua" et "vinum", quae potantur seu bibuntur, significant vera.

[2] Quod "aestus" significet falsum ex concupiScentia, seu concupiscentiam ad falsum, constare potest ex sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Jeremiam,

Beatus vir qui confidit in Jehovah, .... et erit sicut arbor plantata juxta aquas, juxta fluvium emittit radices suas; neque videbit cum venit aestus, sed erit folium ejus viride; unde in anno siccitatis non erit sollicitus, neque cessabit a ferendo fructum" (17:7, 8):

comparatur homo, qui se duci patitur a Domino, cum arbore et ejus crescentia et fructificatione, quia per "arborem" in Verbo significatur cognitio et perceptio veri et boni, proinde homo in quo illae sunt; per "arborem plantatam juxta aquas" intelligitur homo apud quem vera a Domino sunt ("aquae" sunt vera): "juxta fluvium emittit radices suas" significat extensionem intelligentiae a spirituali homine in naturalem; hoc dicitur quia per "fluvium" significatur intelligentia, et quia "radices" emittuntur e spirituali homine in naturalem: "neque videbit cum venit aestus" Significat quod non afficietur a concupiscentia falsi; "sed erit folium ejus viride" significat scientifica viventia ex veris; "folium" significat scientificum, ac "viride" vivens ex veris: "unde in anno siccitatis non erit sollicitus, neque cessabit a ferendo fructum", significat quod in statu quando non verum et bonum non erit in timore jacturae et deprivationis illorum, sed quod etiam tunc vera conjuncta bono se fructificabunt; "annus siccitatis significat statum jacturae et deprivationis veri. Hoc dicitur quia apud spiritus et angelos alternant status (de qua alternatione videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno n. 154-161).

[3] Apud Esaiam,

"Factus es munimentum pauperi, munimentum egeno, cum angustia illi, refugium ab inundatione, umbra ab aestu, nam spiritus violentorum sicut inundatio parietis, sicut siccitas in loco arido; tumultum alienorum humiliabis, aestum per umbram nubis, propaginem violentorum reprimet" (25:4, 5):

per "pauperem et egenum" significantur qui in defectu boni sunt ex ignorantia veri, et tamen desiderant illa; "inundatio" et "aestus" dicitur quando mala et falsa ex proprio et quoque ex aliis qui in malo sunt insurgunt et influunt: "spiritus violentorum" significat illa contra bona et vera ecclesiae; "violenti" dicuntur qui conantur destruere bona et vera, ac "spiritus eorum" significat cupiditatem destruendi: "tumultum alienorum humiliabis" significat quod Dominus sedaturus et sublaturus irruptionem falsorum ex malo; "tumultus" significat irruptionem, "alieni" significant falsa ex malo, et "humiliare" significat sedare et auferre: "aestum per umbram nubis reprimet" significat quod tutaturus a concupiscentia falsi; "aestus" est concupiscentia falsi, et "umbra nubis" est tutamen ab illa, nam umbra nubis calorem solis temperat et incalescentiam sedat.

[4] Apud Jeremiam,

"Cadaver ejus erit projectum aestui in die, et frigori in nocte" (36:30):

haec de Jojakimo rege Jehudae, postquam combussit volumen scriptum a Jeremia; et per id factum significatur quod vera ecclesiae peritura sint per concupiscentiam ad falsa et inde per aversationem ad vera; per reges Jehudae repraesentabantur et inde in Verbo significabantur vera ex bono, et ibi per illum regem verum ecclesiae quod periturum; per "volumen" quod combussit significatur Verbum; hoc "comburi" dicitur cum falsificatur et adulteratur, quod fit per concupiscentiam falsi ex malo: per "cadaver" significatur homo ecclesiae absque vita spirituali, quae ei est per vera ex Verbo; qua vita exstincta non concupiscit nisi falsa et aversatur vera, inde fit mortuus et in spirituali sensu cadaver: concupiscentia ad falsa significatur per "aestum in die", et aversatio ad vera per "frigus in nocte"; est enim illis qui in falsis ex malo sunt, quando influit lux caeli, quae est in sua essentia Divinum Verum, frigus, intensum secundum incalescentiam falsi ex malo.

[5] Apud eundem,

"Cum aestuaverint, ponam convivia eorum, et inebriabo eos, ut exultent, ut dormiant somnum saeculi, nec evigilent" (51:39):

haec de Babele, per quam significatur profanatio boni et veri; "cum aestuaverint" significat incalescentiam et concupiscentiam falsificandi vera et adulterandi bona: "ponere convivia eorum, inebriare et exultare", significat ex falsificationibus insanire in extremo gradu; "convivia eorum" significant adulterationes boni et veri, "inebriatio et exultatio" significant insanias in summo gradu seu extremas: "dormire somnum saeculi et non evigilare" significat quod in aeternum non percepturi vera.

[6] Apud Hoscheam,

"Omnes aestuant sicut clibanus, et comedunt judices suos; omnes reges eorum cadunt, non clamans inter eos ad Me" (7:7):

"aestuare sicut clibanus" significat concupiscere falsum ex amore ejus; "comedere judices, omnes reges eorum cadunt", significat perdere omnem intelligentiam, deperditis veris quae faciunt illam ; "judices" significant intelligentes, et in sensu abstracto illa quae intelligentiae sunt, ac "reges significant vera: "non clamans inter eos ad Me" significat quod nemo curet vera ex Divino.

[7] Apud Hiobum,

"Non respicit viam vinearum; siccitas et aestus rapient aquas nivis" (24:18, 19):

"non respicere viam vinearum" significat nihili facere vera ecclesiae: "siccitas et aestus rapient aquas nivis" significat quod defectus veri et inde concupiscentia ad falsum destruent omnia vera genuina; "aquae nivis" sunt vera genuina.

[8] Apud Esaiam,

"Dicet vinctis, Exite; eis qui in tenebris, Revelamini; super viis pascent, et in omnibus clivis pascuum eorum; non esurient neque sitient, neque percutiet eos aestus aut sol, nam miserescens eorum ducet eos, ita ut etiam ad fontes aquarum ducturus sit eos" (49:9, 10):

quid haec significant, singillatim exponere non opus est, quoniam similia sunt cum his quae nunc in Apocalypsi explicantur: dicitur hic, "Non esurient amplius nec sitient amplius, neque cadet super illos sol, neque ullus aestus, quoniam Agnus pascet eos, et deducet ad vivos fontes aquarum"; haec in Apocalypsi dicta sunt de Domino, similiter apud Prophetam; per "vinctos" quibus dicet "Exite", et per "eos qui in tenebris" quibus dicet "Revelamini", significantur etiam gentes, quae in bono vixerunt secundum religionem suam, et usque in falsis. ex ignorantia fuerunt, qui "vincti" dicuntur quando in tentationibus; et "tenebrae" sunt falsa ex ignorantia; quod "aestus illos non percutiet" significat quod non afficiet eos falsum ex concupiscentia.

[9] In Apocalypsi,

"Quartus Angelus effudit phialam suam in solem, et datum est illi aestu adurere homines per ignem; itaque aestuarunt homines aestu magno, et blasphemarunt nomen Dei" (16:8, 9):

sed haec infra in suo loco videantur explicata. Quoniam "sol" significat Divinum Amorem, inde etiam "aestus" significat 1

flagrans desiderium ad verum, Ut Esaias 18:4; et Sacharia 8:2; ubi "aestus" attribuitur Jehovae, hoc est, Domino. Multis in locis praedicatur "ira" et "excandescentia" de Deo; et per "iram" significatur zelus pro bono, et per "excandescentiam" zelus pro vero; nam ex eadem voce in lingua originali dicitur "excandescentia" et "aestus."


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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