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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 480

480. They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more.- That this signifies that good and truth, and happiness thence, shall not fail them, is plain from the signification of hungering, which denotes a defect of good, therefore by not hungering is here denoted that there shall be no defect of good; and from the signification of thirsting, as denoting a defect of truth, therefore by not thirsting is here denoted that there shall be no defect of truth. The reason why happiness is also signified by the same words, is that all happiness and blessing with the angels in heaven are from the good and truth which they receive from the Lord, and are according to their reception of these. That all heavenly happiness, or all heavenly joy, is in the affection for good and truth, consequently in the marriage of good and truth, in which the angels of heaven are, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 395-414). They shall not hunger, signifies that good shall not fail them, because bread signifies the good of love; and to hunger is a term used of bread and food. And they shall not thirst, signifies that truth shall not fail them, because water and wine signify truth, and to thirst is a term used of water and wine. Hungering, therefore, and thirsting are frequently mentioned in the Word; they do not mean natural hunger and thirst, but spiritual hunger and thirst, and these are deprivation, defect, and ignorance of the knowledges of truth and good, and at the same time a desire for them. That these things are signified in the Word by hungering and thirsting, or by hunger and thirst, may be seen above (n. 386); where many passages in which these expressions occur are adduced and explained.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 480

480. Verse 16. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, signifies that good and truth shall not fail them, nor consequent felicity. This is evident from the signification of "to hunger," as being the lack of good, therefore here "they shall not hunger," means that there will be no lack of good; also from the signification of "to thirst," as being the lack of truth, therefore here "they shall not thirst" means that there shall be no lack of truth. These same words signify also felicity, because all the felicity and blessedness that angels have in heaven are from and according to the good and truth they receive from the Lord, that is, according to the reception of these. That all heavenly felicity, or all heavenly joy, is in the affection of good and truth, consequently in the marriage of good and truth, in which the angels are, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 395-414. "They shall not hunger" signifies that good shall not fail them, because "bread" signifies the good of love, and "to hunger" is predicated of bread and of food. "They shall not thirst" signifies that truth shall not fail them, because "water" and "wine" signify truth, and "to thirst" is predicated of water and of wine. This is why "to hunger" and "to thirst" are frequently mentioned in the Word, by which are meant not natural hunger and thirst but spiritual hunger and thirst, which are the deprivation, lack, and ignorance of the knowledges of truth and good, together with a desire for them. That this is the signification in the Word of "hungering and thirsting," or of "hunger and thirst," may be seen above, (n. 386), where many passages respecting hunger and thirst are cited and explained.

Apocalypsis Explicata 480 (original Latin 1759)

480. [Vers. 16.] "Non esurient amplius neque sitient amplius." - Quod significet quod illis non deficiet bonum et verum, et inde felicitas, constat ex significatione "esurire", quod sit defectus boni, hic itaque "non esurient" quod non erit defectus boni; et ex significatione "Sitire", quod sit defectus veri, hic itaque "non sitient" quod non erit defectus veri. Quod per eadem verba etiam significetur felicitas, est quia omnis felicitas et beatitudo, quae est angelis in caelo, est ex bono et vero quae recipiunt a Domino, et secundum illa, hoc est, secundum illorum receptionem. Quod omnis felicitas caelestis, seu quod omne gaudium caeleste insit affectioni boni et veri, proinde conjugio boni et veri, in quo sunt angeli, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 395-414).

Quod "non esurient" significet quod non deficiet illis bonum, est quia per "panem" significatur bonum amoris, et "esurire" dicitur de pane et cibo; et quod "non sitient" significet quod non deficiet illis verum, est quia per "aquam" et "vinum" significatur verum, et "sitire" dicitur de aqua et vino. Inde est quod pluries in Verbo dicatur "esurire et sitire", per quae non intelligitur esuritio et sitis naturalis, sed esuritio et sitis spiritualis, quae sunt deprivatio, defectus et ignorantia cognitionum veri et boni, et simul desiderium ad illas. Quod haec per "esurire et sitire", seu per "famem et sitim" in Verbo significentur, videatur supra (n. 386), ubi plura loca de fame et siti adducta sunt et explicata.

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