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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 487

487. There followed silence in heaven.- That this signifies astonishment that the state of the church was such, and that its end was at hand, is evident from what follows, where its destruction is treated of, and the condemnation of all with whom the church was not, that is to say, with whom no conjunction of truth and good, or of faith and charity existed, for this conjunction constitutes the church with every one. Because these things were perceived in heaven, and engaged the minds of the angels when the seventh seal was opened, there was thence astonishment, and from astonishment, silence. Silence has several significations; in general it signifies all those things which cause it, and amongst these astonishment especially induces it.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 487

487. There was silence in heaven, signifies astonishment that the church is such and that its end is at hand. This is evident from what follows, which describes the destruction of the church and the damnation of all in whom there was no church; that is, in whom there was no conjunction of truth and good or of faith and charity; for this conjunction makes the church in everyone. As these things, when the seventh seal was opened, were perceived in heaven, and therefore engaged the minds of angels, there was astonishment, and from astonishment silence. "Silence" has many significations; in general it signifies all things that cause it, and among these it is especially induced by astonishment.

Apocalypsis Explicata 487 (original Latin 1759)

487. "Factum est silentium in caelo." - Quod significet stuporem quod ecclesia talis, et quod finis ejus instet, constare potest ex sequentibus, ubi agitur de interitu ejus, et de damnatione omnium apud quos non ecclesia fuit, hoc est, apud quos nulla conjunctio veri et boni seu fidei et charitatis; haec enim conjunctio facit ecclesiam apud unumquemvis. Quia haec percipiebantur in caelo, et inde obversabantur animis angelorum, quando septimum sigillum apertum est, inde stupor, et ex stupore silentium. "Silentium" plura significat; in genere omnia quae faciunt illud, inter quae stupor imprimis illud inducit.

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