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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 488

488. As it were for half an hour.- This signifies a corresponding time, or pause, before all things were prepared to undergo the changes which follow, [as is evident from what now follows]. It is said "for half an hour" because the half and a half signify as much as is correspondent and what is sufficient, and an hour signifies a pause. Hour is frequently mentioned in the Word, where it signifies duration, greater or less, except that there is no thought concerning the time of any hour; and when a number is added, as when it is said the first, the second, the sixth, the tenth, or twelfth hour, duration of state is signified, and also the quality of the state, according to the signification of the number added. But concerning the signification of hour; see above (n. 194); and that half signifies as much as is correspondent, and as much as is sufficient, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 10255).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 488

488. As it were for half an hour, signifies a time corresponding to, or the delay before, the preparation of all things for undergoing the changes that follow. It is said "half an hour" because a "half" signifies as much as is correspondent and as much as is sufficient, and an "hour" signifies a delay. "Hour" is frequently mentioned in the Word, by which duration greater or less is meant, but the period of a certain hour is not thought of; and when a number is added, as when it is said the first, the second, the sixth, the tenth, or the twelfth hour, the duration of state is signified, and then also the quality of state according to the signification of the number added. (Of the signification of "hour" see above, n. 194; and that "half" signifies as much as is correspondent, and as much as is sufficient, see Arcana Coelestia 10255.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 488 (original Latin 1759)

488. "Quasi semihoram." - Quod significet tempus correspondens seu moram antequam omnia praeparata sunt ad subeundas mutationes sequentes [ex nunc sequentibus constare potest] : "semihora" dicitur, quia "dimidium" et "semissis" significat quantum correspondens et quantum satis, et "hora" significat moram. In Verbo pluries dicitur "hora", et per illam significatur duratio major aut minor, praeter quod non cogitetur de tempore alicujus horae; et cum adjicitur numerus, ut cum dicitur "hora prima", "secunda", "sexta", "decima", "duodecima", significatur duratio status, tum quoque quale status secundum adjecti numeri significationem. (sed de significatione "horae", videatur supra, n. 194; et quod "dimidium" significet quantum correspondens, et quantum satis, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 10255.)

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