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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 49

49. And expectation of Jesus Christ. That this signifies where the knowledge of the Lord's Divine in His Human exists, is evident from the signification of the expectation of Jesus Christ, as being, when that time shall come when the church knows the Lord; and the church knows the Lord when it acknowledges the Divine in His Human. (That by Jesus Christ is meant the Lord as to the Divine in His Human, may be seen above, n. 26.) The church, of which these things are said, is a church which is to come after the present one, for it is said "in the expectation." The church which exists at this day knows, indeed, that the Divine is in the Lord's Human; for it knows, according to the received doctrine, that the Divine and the Human are not two but one Person; and also that they are like the soul and the body in man (see above, n. 10, 26). Still, it does not know that the Lord's Human is Divine, for it separates the one from the other. This is evident from the fact that it does not allow the use of the expression Divine Human, and also that it approaches the Father, praying that He may have compassion for the sake of the Son, although the very Divine Itself in heaven is the Divine Human (see in the work, Heaven and Hell 78-86). And because this knowledge and acknowledgment have thus perished, which nevertheless are the chief of all things in the church, as they are the chief of all things in heaven, therefore a New Church is being established by the Lord among the Gentiles, where these are not only known, but likewise acknowledged. This then is the signification of the expectation of Jesus Christ.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 49

49. And the [patient] expectation of Jesus Christ, signifies where there is knowledge of the Lord's Divine in His Human. This is evident from the signification of "the expectation of Jesus Christ," as being the coming of the time when the church shall know the Lord; and the church knows the Lord when it acknowledges the Divine in His Human. That by "Jesus Christ" is meant the Lord in respect to the Divine in His Human, see above n. 26. The church of which this is said is the church that is to come after the present one, for it is said "in the expectation. "

The church that is at this day knows, indeed, that the Divine is in the Human of the Lord; for it knows that according to the accepted doctrine, the Divine and the Human are not two but one person; also that they are like soul and body in man (See above, n. 10, 26). And yet it does not know that the Lord's Human is Divine, for it separates the one from the other, as is clear from this, that those who are of the church do not admit the expression "Divine Human;" also that they approach the Father, that He may have compassion for the sake of the Son when yet the Divine Itself in heaven is the Divine Human (See the work on Heaven and Hell 78-86). And because this knowledge and acknowledgment have thus perished, and yet it is the chief thing of all things of the church, as it is the chief thing of all things in heaven, therefore a new church is being established by the Lord among the nations, where this is not only known but also acknowledged. This, then, is what is signified by "the expectation of Jesus Christ."

Apocalypsis Explicata 49 (original Latin 1759)

49. "Et (patiente) exspectatione Jesu Christi." - Quod significet ubi cognitio Divini Domini in Humano Ipsius, constat ex significatione "exspectationis Jesu christi", quod significet quando id tempus venit cum ecclesia cognoscit Dominum; et cognoscit ecclesia Dominum cum agnoscit Divinum in Humano Ipsius. Quod per "Jesum Christum" intelligatur Dominus quoad Divinum in Humano Ipsius, videatur supra (n. 26). Ecclesia de qua haec dicuntur, est ecclesia quae ventura post hanc; nam dicitur "in exspectatione." Ecclesia quae hodie est, quidem scit quod Divinum sit in Humano Domini, nam illa secundum doctrinam receptam scit quod Divinum et Humanum sint non duo sed unica Persona, et quoque quod sint sicut in homine anima et corpus (videatur supra, n. 10, 26); sed usque non cognoscit quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, separat enim unum ab altero, quod patet ex eo, quod non admittant vocem Divini Humani, et quoque quod adeant Patrem ut misereatur propter Filium, cum tamen Ipsum Divinum in caelo est Divinum Humanum (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 78-86). Et quia haec cognitio et agnitio ita perierat, et tamen id est principale omnium ecclesiae sicut est principale omnium in caelo, ideo Nova Ecclesia apud gentes a Domino instauratur, ubi id non modo scitur sed etiam agnoscitur. Hoc nunc est quod significatur per "exspectationem Jesu Christi."

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