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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 50

50. Was in the isle called Patmos. That this signifies revelation to the Gentiles, is evident from the signification of Patmos, as being the revelation contained in the Apocalypse. For all places mentioned in the Word signify things; and the things which they signify, are either from the worship there, from some memorable circumstance there enacted, or from their situation in or near the countries by which the religion of a nation is signified; hence Patmos signifies revelation, from the memorable fact that this revelation was there made to John. The reason why the revelation was made in an island is, that an island signifies a nation remote from true worship, but still desiring to be enlightened. That this is the signification of islands in the Word, will be evident from what follows. But something shall first be said concerning the circumstance that names of places in the Word signify things. All persons who are treated of in the Word, and also those by whom it was written, were led to places which had some signification, in order that all things might be significative of spiritual things; even the Lord Himself, for the same reason, went to similar places; as into Galilee, to Tyre and Sidon, to Jerusalem, and to the Mount of Olives there; and also, when an infant, He was carried into Egypt. That the case was the same with the prophets, and with several others mentioned in the historical Word, might be abundantly shown. For the same reason also, John was commanded to betake himself to the isle of Patmos, that the things which were to take place at the end of the church might be revealed there, because an isle signifies a nation about to receive the truths of doctrine. This isle is also in the Archipelago, where there are many other isles. This is why Greece in the Word signifies such nations, as thus in Arcana Coelestia 1224, 1264, 1876, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10329.)

[2] That isles signify nations about to embrace the true worship of God, is evident from the following passages in Isaiah:

"Glorify Jehovah in Urim, the name of the God of Israel in the isles of the sea" (24:15).


"He shall not extinguish, neither break to pieces, until he set

judgment in the earth; and the isles shall hope in his law. Sing to Jehovah a new song, his praises, ye ends of the earth; ye that go down to the sea, the isles, and the inhabitants thereof, shall give glory to Jehovah, and shall announce his praise in the isles" (42:4, 10, 12).


"Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken ye people from afar" (49:1).


"In me shall the islands hope, and upon mine arm shall they trust" (51:5).


"The islands shall trust in me, and the ships of Tarshish" (60:9).

In Jeremiah:

"Hear the words of Jehovah, O ye nations, and declare them in the islands from afar" (31:10).

And in Zephaniah:

Jehovah "will make lean all the gods of the land, that they may adore him, every one in his place; all the islands of the nations" (2:11).

And elsewhere, as in Isaiah 23:2, 6; 41:1, 5; 42:15; 66:19; Jerem. 2:10; 25:22; Ezekiel 27:3, 7, 15, 35. From these and other passages it is evident that isles signify the nations [or Gentiles], specifically as to the doctrine of truth, and elsewhere as to the doctrine of falsity; for most things in the Word have also opposite significations.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 50

50. Was in the isle that is called Patmos, signifies revelation to the nations. This is evident from the signification of "Patmos," as being the revelation contained in Revelation; for all places mentioned in the Word signify things, and the things they signify are from the worship there, or from some memorable event that occurred there, or from their location in or near countries whereby the religious principle of the nation is signified. "Patmos" signifies revelation, from the memorable fact that there a revelation was made to John. The revelation was made on an island, because an "island" signifies a nation remote from true worship, but still desiring to be enlightened. That this is signified by "islands" in the Word, will be clear from what follows; in the first place something shall be said about names of places in the Word signifying things.

All persons mentioned in the Word, and all by whom the Word was written, were led to places that were significant, in order that all things might be significative of spiritual things. Even the Lord Himself, for the same reason, went to places thus significative; as into Galilee, to Tyre and Sidon, to Jerusalem, and to the Mount of Olives there, and also, when an infant, He was carried into Egypt. It was similar with the prophets, and with many who are mentioned in the historical Word, as may be abundantly shown. For this reason, John also was commanded to betake himself into the isle of Patmos, that the things that are to be at the end of the church might there be revealed, because "island" signifies a nation about to accept truths of doctrine. This island, moreover, is in the archipelago, where there are numerous other islands; and from this also it is that by "Greece" in the Word such nations are signified. (Thus in Arcana Coelestia 1224, 1264, 1876, 1876, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10329)

[2] That "islands" signify nations that are about to accede to the true worship of God, is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Glorify Jehovah in Urim, the name of the God of Israel in the isles of the sea (Isaiah 24:15).

In the same:

He shall not quench nor break, until He have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall hope in His law. Sing unto Jehovah a new song, His praises, ye ends of the earth: ye that go down to the sea, the isles, and the inhabitants thereof. Let them give glory unto Jehovah, and declare His praise in the islands (Isaiah 42:4, 10, 12).

In the same:

Listen, O isles, unto Me, and hearken, ye peoples from afar (Isaiah 49:1).

In the same:

The isles shall hope in Me, and on My arm shall they trust (Isaiah 51:5).

In the same:

The islands shall trust in Me, and the ships of Tarshish (Isaiah 60:9).

In Jeremiah:

Hear the words of Jehovah, O ye nations, and declare them in the isles afar off (Jeremiah 31:10).

And in Zephaniah:

Jehovah will make lean all the gods of the earth, that they may worship Him, everyone in his place, even all the isles of the nations (Zephaniah 2:11).

(And elsewhere as in Isaiah 23:2, 6 (Isaiah 23:6); Isaiah 41:1, 5; 42:15; 66:19; Jeremiah 2:10; 25:22; Ezekiel 27:3 (Ezekiel 27:3), 7, 15, 35.) From these and other passages it is plain that "isles" signify nations, specifically nations in respect to the doctrine of truth, in other places in respect to the doctrine of falsity; for most things in the Word have also opposite significations.

Apocalypsis Explicata 50 (original Latin 1759)

50. "Eram in insula vocata Patmos." - Quod significet revelationem gentibus, constat ex significatione "Patmos", quod sit revelatio quae in Apocalypsi: omnia enim loca, quae in Verbo memorantur, significant res; et res, quas significant, sunt vel a cultu ibi, vel a memorabili quod ibi factum est, vel a situ in terris aut juxta terras per quas religiosum gentis significatur: quod "Patmos" significet revelationem, est a memorabili, eo quod ibi revelatio Johanni facta sit. Quod revelatio facta sit in insula, est causa quia "insula" significat gentem remotam a vero cultu, sed usque desiderantem illustrari; hoc per "insulas" in Verbo significatur, ut a sequentibus patebit. Primum de eo, quod nomina locorum in Verbo 1

significent res, aliquid dicetur. Omnes de quibus et per quos Verbum conscriberetur, perducti sunt ad loca quae significabant, ob causam ut omnia significativa essent rerum spiritualium; immo Ipse Dominus ad similia ob eandem causam ivit, ut quod in Galilaeam, ad Tyrum et Sidonem, ad Hierosolymam, in Montem Olivarum ibi, et quoque quod cum infans perductus sit in Aegyptum. Quod simile fuerit cum prophetis, et cum pluribus qui in Verbo Historico memorantur, multis ostendi potest. Ideo etiam Johannes jussus est in insula in Patmos se conferre, ut ibi revelarentur quae futura sunt in fine ecclesiae, quia "insula" significabat gentem accepturam vera doctrinae. Est quoque illa insula in Archipelago, ubi plures aliae insulae; inde quoque est, quod per "Graeciam" in Verbo etiam significentur gentes tales (Ut apud Danielem 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; Johannes 12:20, 21; Marcus 7:26, seq.). (Quod omnia nomina locorum in Verbo significent res, videatur n. 1224, 1264, 1876, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10329.)

[2] Quod "insulae" significent gentes quae accessurae ad verum cultum Dei, constat ex sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Esaiam,

"In Urim honorate Jehovam, in insulis maris nomen (Jehovae) Dei Israelis" (24:15);

apud eundem,

"Non exstinguet, neque confringet, donec ponat in terra judicium, et in lege Ipsius insulae sperent... Cantate Jehovae canticum novum, laudes Ipsius extremitates terrae, descendentes mare, ... insulae et habitatores illarum;... ponent Jehovae gloriam, et laudem Ipsius in insulis annuntiabunt" (42:4, 10, 12);

apud eundem,

"Attendite insulae ad Me, et auscultate populi e longinquo" (49:1);

apud eundem,

"In Me insulae sperabunt, et super brachio meo confident" (51:5);

apud eundem,

"Mihi insulae confident, navesque Tharschisch" (60:9);

apud Jeremiam,

"Audite verba Jehovae gentes, et annuntiate in insulis e longinquo" (31:10);

apud Zephaniam,

Jehovah "emaciabit onnes deos terrae, ut adorent Ipsum quisque in suo loco; omnes insulae gentium" (2:11);

et alibi (Ut Esaias 23:2, 6; 41:1, 5; 42:15; 66:19; Jeremias 2:10; 25:22; Ezechiel 27:3, 7, 15, 35). Ex his locis et ex aliis constat quod "insulae" significent gentes, in specie gentes quoad doctrinam veri, et alibi quoad doctrinam falsi; nam pleraque in Verbo etiam significant opposita.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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