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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 494

494. And the smoke of the incenses with the prayers of the saints ascended out of the angel's hand before God.- That this signifies the conjunction of all with the Lord, is plain from the signification of the smoke of the incenses, as denoting the truths of spiritual good, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the prayers of the saints, as denoting truths from good with those who are to be separated from the evil, and saved (see above, n. Deuteronomy 33:10).

The sons of Levi mean those who are in the truths of spiritual good, and those truths are signified by smoke [of incense], and celestial good is signified by the burnt sacrifice. The smoke of the incenses is also called a cloud of incense (Ezekiel 8:11). Hence also smoke, in the opposite sense, signifies falsity from evil; as in Isaiah (chap. 34:10; Joel 2:30; Nahum 2:13; Psalm 18:8, 37:20); because the fire which gives rise to that smoke signifies the evil of love.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 494

494. Verse 4. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended out of the angel's hand before God, signifies the conjunction of all with the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "the smoke of the incense" as being the truths of spiritual good (of which presently); also from the signification of "the prayers of the saints," as being truths from good with those who were to be separated from the evil and saved (of which above, n. Deuteronomy 33:10).

"The sons of Levi" mean those who are in truths of spiritual good; these truths are signified by "smoke," and celestial good is signified by "the whole burnt-offering." The smoke of incense is also called "a cloud of incense" (Ezekiel 8:11). Thence also "smoke" in the contrary sense signifies falsity from evil (in Isaiah 34:10; Joel 2:30; Nahum 2:13; Psalms 18:8; 37:20), because the fire that makes such smoke signifies the evil of love.

Apocalypsis Explicata 494 (original Latin 1759)

494. [Vers. 4.] "Et ascendit fumus suffituum precibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo." - Quod significet conjunctionem omnium cum Domino, constat ex significatione "fumi suffituum", quod sint vera boni spiritualis (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "precum sanctorum", quod sint vera ex bono apud illos qui separandi sunt a malis et salvandi (de qua mox supra, n. 493); et ex significatione "angeli" hujus, quod sit caelum (de qua supra, n. 490); inde "e manu angeli" est medio caelo: et ex significatione "coram Deo", quod sit quod conjuncti Domino (de qua supra, n. 462, 477, 488): exinde, per quod "ascendit fumus suffituum precibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo" significatur conjunctio omnium cum Domino medio caelo.

Quod "fumus suffituum" significet vera ex bono spirituali, est quia "thus", ex quo fumus, significabat bonum spirituale, et "ignis", quo accensum erat thus, bonum caeleste; inde "fumus" ex illis ascendens significat verum ex bono, nam ex bono procedit omne verum. Inde fumus factus est repraesentativus; fumus suffitus repraesentativus veri ex bono, qui gratus quia fragrans et suaveolens; nam per "fragrantiam" et "suaveolentiam " significabatur gratum et acceptum (videatur supra, n 1

324 [a]). Simile per "fumum" significatur apud Mosen,

Filii Levi "ponent fumum in nasum tuum, et holocaustum super altare tuum" (Deuteronomius 33:10):

per "filios Levi" intelliguntur qui in veris boni spiritualis sunt; illa vera significantur per "fumum", et bonum caeleste per "holocaustum." Fumus suffituum etiam vocatur "nubes suffimenti" apud Ezechielem 8:11). Inde etiam "fumus" in opposito sensu significat falsum ex malo (Apud Esaiam 34:10: apud Joelem 3:3 [B.A. 2:30] : apud Nahum 2:1[413] : apud Davidem, 18:9[8] ; Psalms 37:20); quia "ignis", per quem ille fumus, significat malum amoris.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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