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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 521

521. And many men died of the waters. - This signifies that all who were of such a character perished by means of the falsities into which the truths of the Word were changed, is evident from the signification of many in the Word, which are all who are of such a nature and from the signification of dying, as denoting to perish as to spiritual life, and to be damned (concerning this see n. 78, 186, 383, 487); and from the signification of waters, as denoting falsities, in this case the falsities of evil, because they became wormwood. For all spiritual life, which is also called life in the Word, and life eternal, comes to man by means of truths, and all spiritual death, which is damnation, comes upon him through the falsities of evil, and especially the falsities of evil, into which he converts the truths of the Word. The meaning of many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter, is therefore evident from these things.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 521

521. And many men died of the waters, signifies that all who were such were destroyed by the falsities into which the truths of the Word were changed. This is evident from the signification of "many" in the Word, as being all who are such; also from the signification of "to die" as being to perish in respect to spiritual life and to be damned (of which above, n. 78, 186, 383, 487). Also from the signification of "waters," as being falsities, here falsities of evil, because "they became wormwood." For all spiritual life, which in the Word is called "life," and "eternal life," man has by means of truths, and all spiritual death, which is damnation, man has by means of the falsities of evil; especially the falsities of evil into which he changes the truths of the Word. This makes clear the meaning of "many men died of the waters that became wormwood."

Apocalypsis Explicata 521 (original Latin 1759)

521. "Et multi homines mortui sunt ex aquis." - Quod significet quod omnes qui tales per falsa, in quae conversa sunt vera Verbi, perierint, constat ex significatione "multorum", in Verbo, quod sint omnes qui tales; et ex significatione "mori", quod sit perire quoad vitam spiritualem ac damnari (de qua supra, n. 78, 186, 383, 487); et ex significatione "aquarum", quod sint falsa, hic falsa mali quia "factae absinthium": omnis enim vita spiritualis, quae etiam in Verbo vocatur "vita", ac "vita aeterna", est homini per vera; et omnis mors spiritualis, quae est damnatio, est homini per falsa mali, imprimis per falsa mali in quae homo convertit vera Verbi: ex quibus patet quid intelligitur per quod "multi homines mortui sint ex aquis", factis absinthium.

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