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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 525

525. And the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars.- That this signifies that all the good of love, all the good and truth of faith, and all cognition of good and truth perished, is evident from the signification of the third part, as denoting all (see above, n. 506); from the signification of the sun, which denotes the good of love from the Lord; and from the signification of the moon, which denotes the good and truth of faith from the Lord (see above, n. 401); and from the signification of stars, which denote the cognitions of good and truth, also, from the Lord (see above, n. 72, 402); and from the signification of being smitten, when stated of the goods of love and faith, and of the cognitions of good and truth, as denoting to perish. It is therefore evident, that by the third part of the sun being smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, is signified that all the good of love, all the good and truth of faith, and all cognition of good and truth, perished. The sun, moon, and stars, here mentioned, do not mean the sun, moon, and stars, seen by the eyes of men in our solar world, but the sun, moon, and stars, seen by the eyes of angels in the spiritual world; for there the Lord appears as a sun before the eyes of those who from Him, are in the good of love to Him, and as a moon before those who are in the good and truth of faith; hence it is that the sun signifies the good of love, and the moon the good and truth of faith. That sun, that moon, and those stars, were seen by John, as is evident from the fact of his being in the spirit when he saw them. That the Lord appears as a sun and as a moon in the angelic heavens may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 116-125). It is from appearance that those things are said to have been smitten, for when the good of love, and the good and truth of faith are no longer with man, they appear to him to have, as it were, no existence and to have perished; and the Word in the sense of the letter is written according to appearances.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 525

525. And the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, signifies that all good of love, all good and truth of faith, and all knowledge of good and truth, perished. This is evident from the signification of "the third part," as being all (See above, n. 506); from the signification of the "sun," as being the good of love from the Lord; from the signification of the "moon," as being the good and truth of faith from the Lord (See above, n. 401); from the signification of "stars," as being the knowledges of good and truth, also from the Lord (See above, n. 72, 402); and from the signification of "to be smitten," in reference to the goods of love and faith, and the knowledges of good and truth, as being to perish. This makes evident that "the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars," signifies that all good of love, all good and truth of faith, and all knowledge of good and truth perished. By "the sun, moon, and stars," are not meant here the sun, moon, and stars that appear before the eyes of men in our solar world, but the sun, moon, and stars that appear before the eyes of angels in the spiritual world; for the Lord appears there as a sun before those who are in the good of love to Him from Him, and as a moon before those who are in the good and truth of faith; and this is why the "sun" signifies the good of love, and the "moon" the good and truth of faith. Evidently it was that sun, that moon, and those stars that appeared to John, since he was in the spirit when he saw them. (That the Lord appears as a sun and as a moon in the angelic heavens may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 116-125.) It is from appearance that these are said to have been smitten, for when the good of love and the good and truth of faith are no longer with man, the appearance to him is that they no longer exist, and that they have perished; and the Word in the sense of the letter is written according to appearances.

Apocalypsis Explicata 525 (original Latin 1759)

525. "Et percussa est tertia pars solis, at tertia pars lunae, et tertia pars stellarum." - Quod significet quod perierit omne bonum amoris, omne bonum et verum fidei, et omnis cognitio boni et veri, constat ex significatione tertiae partis, quod sit omne (de qua supra, n. 506); ex significatione "solis", quod sit bonum amoris a Domino, et ex significatione lunae, quod sit bonum et verum fidei a Domino (de quibus supra, n. 401 [a-h]); ex significatione "stellarum", quod sint cognitiones boni et veri, etiam a Domino (de qua supra, n. 72, 402); et ex significatione "percuti", cum de bonis amoris et fidei, ac de cognitionibus boni et veri, quod sit perire: ex his patet quod per quod "percussa sit tertia pars solis, et tertia pars lunae, et tertia pars stellarum", significetur quod perierit omne bonum amoris, omne bonum et verum fidei, et omnis cognitio boni et veri. Per" solem", "lunam", et "stellas", hic non intelliguntur sol, luna et stellae, quae in mundo nostro solari coram oculis hominum apparent; sed Sol, Luna et stellae quae in mundo spirituali coram oculis angelorum: ibi enim Dominus apparet ut Sol coram illis qui in bono amoris ab Ipso in Ipsum sunt, ac ut Luna coram illis qui in bono et vero fidei: inde est quod per "solem" significetur bonum amoris, et per" lunam " bonum et verum fidei. Quod ille Sol, illa Luna et illae stellae apparuerint Johanni, constare potest ex eo, quod in spiritu fuerit cum illa vidit. (Quod Dominus ut Sol et ut Luna in caelis angelicis appareat, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 116-125.) Quod dicatur quod illa "percussa sint", est ex apparentia; cum enim bonum amoris et bonum et verum fidei non amplius sunt apud hominem, apparent ei sicut non sint, et sicut perierint, et Verbum in sensu litterae est secundum apparentias.

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