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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 72

72. (Verse 16) And he had in his right hand seven stars. That this signifies all the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth from Him, is evident from the signification of having in His right hand, as denoting from Himself; for hand signifies power, and hence whatever pertains to it, and thus also whatever is from it, the reason why the right hand is mentioned is because it signifies the power of good by means of truth (that the hand signifies power may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 878, 3091, 4931-4937, 6947, 10019; and therefore whatever pertains to it, and is from it, n. 9133, 10019, 10405; that the right hand signifies the power of good by truth, see n. 9604, 9736, 10061; and that the right hand of Jehovah signifies the Divine power of the Lord, thus omnipotence, see n, 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133, 10019); and from the signification of stars, as being the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth (concerning which in what follows); and from the signification of seven, as denoting all (concerning which see above, n. 20, 24).

[2] That stars signify the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, thus goods and truths, is from appearances in the spiritual world; for there the Lord is seen as a Sun, and the angels from a distance as stars. The reason why the angels are thus seen, is from the reception of light from the Lord as a Sun, thus from the reception of Divine truth, which is from the Lord; for this is the light of heaven. This is why it is said in Daniel,

"They that be intelligent shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that justify many, as the stars for ever" (Heaven and Hell 346-348).

[3] When it is known that the sun signifies the Lord as to Divine love, thus also Divine love from the Lord, and that stars signify the truths of the church, and the knowledges (cognitiones) thereof, it can also be known what is signified in the Word, where it is said that the sun shall be darkened, and that the stars shall withdrawn their shining, and also that they shall fall from heaven; and it may also be seen what stars signify when mentioned in other parts of the Word, as in the following passages in Isaiah:

I will make "the earth a waste, that he may destroy the sinners from it; the stars of the heavens and the constellations thereof shall not shine with their light; the sun shall be covered with darkness in his rising, and the moon shall not give forth the splendour of her light" (29).

[4] In Ezekiel:

"I will cover the heavens when I shall extinguish thee, and will darken the stars; the sun will I cover with a cloud, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine; all the luminaries of light will I darken over thee, and I will give darkness over the land" (63).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 72

72. Verse 16. And having in His right hand seven stars, signifies all knowledges of good and truth from Him. This is evident from the signification of "having in His right hand," as being from Him; for "hand" signifies power, thus it signifies whatever pertains to one, and so also whatever is from him. It is said "right hand," because "right hand" signifies the power of good through truth. (That "hand" signifies power, see Arcana Coelestia, n. Arcana Coelestia 878, 3091, 4931-4937, 6947, 10019; and consequently that it signifies whatever pertains to one, and so also whatever is from him, 9133, 10019, 10405; that the "right hand" signifies the power of good through truth, see n. 9604, 9736, 10061; and that "the right hand of Jehovah" signifies the Lord's Divine power, thus omnipotence, see n. 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133, 10019.) This is evident also from the signification of "stars," as being the knowledges of good and truth, of which more in what follows; and from the signification of "seven," as being all (See above, n. 20, 24).

[2] That "stars" signify the knowledges of good and truth, thus goods and truths, is from the appearance in the spiritual world; for there the Lord appears as a sun, and angels from afar off as stars. Angels appear thus from their reception of light from the Lord as a sun, thus from their reception of Divine truth, which is from the Lord, for this is the light of heaven. From this it is that it is said in Daniel:

The intelligent shall shine as the brightness of the expanse; and they that justify many, as the stars for ever and ever (Heaven and Hell 346-348).

[3] When it is known to any that the "sun" signifies the Lord in respect to Divine love, thus also Divine love from the Lord, and that "stars" signify the truths of the church and knowledges thereof, these can also know what is signified in the Word where it is said that "the sun shall be darkened," and that "the stars shall not give light," also that they "shall fall from heaven;" and also what "stars" signify when mentioned elsewhere in the Word, as in the following passages. In Isaiah:

I will make the land a waste, and destroy the sinners thereof out of it; the stars of the heaven and the constellations thereof shall not shine forth with their light; the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not make bright her light (29.

[4] In Ezekiel:

When I shall extinguish thee I will cover the heavens, and will make the stars dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not make her light to shine; all the luminaries of light will I make dark over thee, and I will set darkness upon the land (Arcana Coelestia 3448, 7236, 7988, 8019); in particular, such as combat against falsities (See n. 7277). From this Jehovah is called "Jehovah Zebaoth," that is, Jehovah of Hosts (See n. 3448, 7988).

[5] In Revelation:

The dragon with his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven to the earth (63).

Apocalypsis Explicata 72 (original Latin 1759)

72. (Vers. 16.) "Et habens in dextra sua manu stellas septem." - Quod significet cognitiones boni et veri omnes ab Ipso, constat ex significatione "habere in dextra sua manu", quod sit ab Ipso; "manus" enim significat potentiam, et inde quicquid est apud illum, ita quoque quicquid ab illo; quod "dextra manus" dicatur, est quia "dextra manus" significat potentiam boni per verum; (quod "manus" significet potentiam, videatur n. 878, 3091, 4931-4937, 6947, 1

10019; et inde quod significet quicquid apud illum, ita quoque quicquid ab illo, n. 9133, 10019, 10405; quod "dextra manus" significet potentiam boni per verum, n. 9604, 9736, 10061; et quod "dextra Jehovae" significet Divinam potentiam Domini, ita omnipotentiam, n. 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133, 10019); et ex significatione "stellarum", quod sint cognitiones boni et veri (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "septem", quod sint omnes (de qua supra, n. 20, 24).

[2] Quod "stellae" significent cognitiones boni et veri, ita bona et vera, est ex apparentia in mundo spirituali; ibi enim Dominus apparet ut Sol, et angeli e longinquo ut stellae; quod angeli ita appareant, est ex receptione lucis ex Domino ut Sole, ita ex receptione Divini Veri quod a Domino, nam hoc est lux caeli. Inde est quod dicatur apud Danielem,

"Intelligentes fulgebunt sicut splendor expansi, et justificantes multos ut stellae in aeternum" (12:3);

"intelligentes" sunt qui in veris, et "justificantes" qui in bonis (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 346-348).

[3] Cum notum est (aliquibus) quod "sol" significet Dominum quoad Divinum Amorem, ita quoque Divinum Amorem a Domino, et quod "stellae" significent vera ecclesiae et illorum cognitiones, illi scire possunt quid in Verbo significatur per quod "sol obscurabitur", et quod "stellae non lucebunt", et quoque quod "cadent e caelo"; et praeterea quid "stellae" significant alibi in Verbo ubi nominantur; ut in sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Esaiam,

Ponam "terram in vastitatem, ut peccatores ejus perdat ex ea: stellae caelorum et sidera eorum non lucebunt luce sua; obtenebrabitur sol in ortu suo, et luna non splendere faciet lucem suam" (13:9, 10):

agitur ibi de vastatione ecclesiae, quae est cum non amplius bonum amoris et vera fidei; "terra" quae in vastitatem: ponetur est ecclesia; quod "terra" sit ecclesia, videatur supra (n. 29).

[4] Apud Ezechielem,

"Obtegam cum exstinxero te (caelos), et atrabo stellas, solem nube obtegam, et luna non lucere faciet lucem suam; omnia luminaria lucis .... atrabo super te, et dabo tenebras super terra" (32:7, 8);

"tenebrae super terra", sunt falsa in ecclesia.

Apud Joelem,

"Sol et luna atrati erunt, et stellae contrahent splendorem suum" (2:10, 11 ; cap. 4:15 [B.A. Joel 3:15);

apud Matthaeum,

In consummatione saeculi "post afflictionem dierum sol obscurabitur, luna non dabit lucem suam, et stellae cadent de caelo, et virtutes caelorum commovebuntur" (24:29; Matthaeum 13:24);

apud Danielem,

Ex uno de cornibus hirci caprarum "exivit cornu unum de exiguo, et crevit valde versus meridiem, et versus ortum, et versus decus, et crevit versus exercitum caelorum, et dejecit .... de exercitu et de stellis, et conculcavit eos; immo usque ad Principem exercitus extulit se" (8:9-11).

"exercitus caelorum" sunt bona et vera ecclesiae in complexu (n. 3448, 7236, 7988, 8019); in specie, quae pugnant contra falsa (n. 7277 2

); inde Jehovah dicitur "Jehovah Zebaoth", hoc est, Exercituum (n. 3448, 7988).

[5] In Apocalypsi,

Draco cauda "traxit tertiam partem stellarum caeli in terram" (12:4);

"stellae" etiam ibi sunt bona et vera ecclesiae et cognitiones eorum; "tertia pars" est plurima pars; quid autem "draco", dicetur in sequentibus. Alibi,

"Stellae caeli ceciderunt in terram" (Apocalypsis 6:13);


"Stella e caelo lapsa est in terram" (Apocalypsis 9:1);


"Cecidit e caelo stella magna, ardens velut lampas; cecidit in tertiam partem fluviorum et in fontes aquarum" (Apoc. 8:10 3


quia "stellae" significant vera et bona ecclesiae, et cognitiones eorum, per "cadere illas e caelo" significatur quod illa pereant.

Apud Davidem,

Jehovah "numerat numerum stellarum, omnibus nomina vocat" (Psalms 147:4);

apud eundem,

"Laudate Jehovam sol et luna, laudate Ipsum omnes stellae lucis" (Psalms 148:3);

in Libro Judicum,

"Venerunt reges, .... pugnarunt e caelo, pugnarunt stellae de viis suis" ([5:19,] 20).

Quoniam angeli in caelo spirituali lucent ut stellae, et quoniam omnia vera et bona quae apud illos sunt a Domino, ideo Dominus sicut vocatur "Angelus" etiam vocatur "Stella"; ut apud Mosen,

"Orietur Stella ex Jacobo, et Sceptrum surget ex Israele" (Numeri 24:17);

et in Apocalypsi,

"Jesus .... Stella splendida et matutina" (22:16).

Inde patet unde erat quod

Sapientes ex oriente viderint stellam, et secuti illam, et quod illa steterit ubi Jesus erat natus (Matthaeus 2:1, 2, 9).

Ex his nunc sciri potest quid significatur per "septem stellas" quae in dextra manu Filii hominis, qui ibi est Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum (videatur supra, n. 63)


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