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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 530

530. Saying with a great voice.- That this signifies manifestation, is evident from the signification of saying with a great voice, which denotes manifestation, in the present case, concerning the future state of the church about the time of its end, which is predicted in that which follows. It is said a great voice, because it is stated of the Lord, and addressed to the whole heaven, as stated just above.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 530

530. Saying with a great voice, signifies manifestation. This is evident from the signification of "saying with a great voice," as being manifestation, here respecting the coming state of the church near its end, which is foretold in what follows. It is said "a great voice" because it has reference to the Lord and to the universal heaven (as has been said just above).

Apocalypsis Explicata 530 (original Latin 1759)

530. "Dicentem voce magna." - Quod significet manifestationem, constat ex significatione "dicere voce magna", quod sit manifestatio, hic de venturo statu ecclesiae circa finem ejus, de quo praedicitur in sequentibus: dicitur "vox magna", quia de Domino, et ad universum caelum (ut mox supra dictum est).

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