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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 541

541. And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the well.- That this signifies that the light of truth from the Lord was made thick darkness by infernal falsities, is evident from the signification of the sun and the air being darkened, as denoting the light of truth from the Lord becoming thick darkness, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of by reason of the smoke of the well, which denotes by dense falsities from hell, thus by infernal falsities. That smoke signifies dense falsities, and that the well of the abyss signifies the hells where and whence they are, may be seen above (n. Psalm 36:5; 57:10; 108:4).

Mercy signifies the Divine Good of the Divine Love, and truth the Divine Truth, and because Divine Truth is the light of heaven, as just stated, therefore it is said, "Thy truth is even unto the skies." Skies therefore in the plural signify the Divine Light even to the highest heaven, where it is in the highest degree. Similar things are signified by skies in Psalm 77:18; Psalm 78:23, 24.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 541

541. And the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke of the pit, signifies that the light of truth from the Lord was made thick darkness by infernal falsities. This is evident from the signification of "the sun and the air darkened," as being the light of truth from the Lord being made thick darkness (of which presently) and from the signification of "by the smoke of the pit," as being by dense falsities from hell, thus by infernal falsities. (That "smoke" signifies dense falsities, and "the pit of the abyss" the hells where and from which are falsities, see above, n. Psalms 36:5; 57:10; 108:4).

"Mercy" signifies the Divine good of Divine love, and "truth" Divine truth; and as Divine truth is the light of heaven, as has just been said, it is said, "Thy truth is even unto the skies;" thus "skies" in the plural signify Divine light even to the highest heaven, where it is in the highest degree. ("Skies" have a similar signification in Psalms 77:17; Psalms 78:23, 24.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 541 (original Latin 1759)

541. "Et obscuratus est sol et aer a fumo putei." - Quod significet quod lux veri a Domino caligo facta sit per falsa infernalia, constat ex significatione "obscurari sol et aer", quod sit quod lux veri a Domino caligo facta sit (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "a fumo putei", quod sit a densis falsis quae ab inferno, ita per falsa infernalia.

(Quod "fumus" significet densa falsa, et quod "puteus abyssi" inferna ubi et unde illa, videatur supra, n. 536-539.) Quod "obscuratus sol et aer" significet quod lux veri a Domino caligo facta sit, est quia Dominus in caelo angelico est Sol, et Divinum Verum procedens a Domino ut Sole sistit omnem lucem ibi, ac illuminat angelorum tam visum quam intellectum; quare cum ille Sol ibi obscuratus est, fit lux veri, quae a Domino, caligo; falsa ab inferno obscurant illum. Ex luce caeli facta caligine per falsa mali, est omnis negatio Divini ac Divinorum ab illis qui mere naturales sunt; spectant enim Divina in caligine et inde sicut caliginem, quare negant illa. Etiam lux caeli, quando influit apud illos qui in falsis mali sunt, in mundo spirituali fit actualiter caligo; inde itaque est quod mali non solum non videant et intelligant spiritualia, hoc est, illa quae caeli et ecclesiae sunt, sed etiam quod corde negent illa. (Quod Dominus in Caelo Angelico appareat ut Sol, et quod Divinum Verum procedens a Domino ut Sole sistat omnem Lucem Caeli, ita omnem intelligentiam et sapientiam quae est Angelis, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 116-125, et n. 126-140.) Quod etiam dicatur quod "aer obscuratus sit", est quia intelligitur lux veri; "aer" enim lucet a sole. Simile per "aetheres" significatur apud Davidem,

"Jehovah, in caelis misericordia tua, veritas tua usque ad aetheres" (Psalms 36:6 [B.A. 5] ; Psalms 57:11[10] ; Psalms 108:5[4]):

"misericordia" significat Divinum Bonum Divini Amoris, et "veritas" Divinum Verum; et quia Divinum Verum est lux caeli, ut modo dictum est, ideo dicitur "Veritas tua usque ad aetheres"; per "aetheres" itaque in plurali significatur Divina lux usque ad caelum supremum, ubi est in summo gradu. (Similia significantur per "aetheres", Psalms 77:18[17] ; Psalms 78:25, 24.)

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