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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 558

558. And the voice of their wings was as the voice of chariots of many horses running to battle.- That this signifies reasonings as though from truths of doctrine understood from the Word for which they must zealously combat, is evident from the signification of the voice of wings, as denoting reasonings, concerning which in what follows; and from the signification of the voice of chariots, as denoting doctrinals or truths of doctrine from the Word, concerning which also in what follows; and from the signification of horses, as denoting the understanding of the Word; see above (n. 355, 364, 372, 373, 381, 382); and from the signification of running to battle, as denoting the eagerness of combating, for war signifies spiritual combat, and to run denotes eagerness for it. From these considerations it is evident that the voice of their wings being as the voice of chariots of many horses running to battle, signifies reasonings as though from truths of doctrine understood from the Word, for which they must zealously fight. In order that these things may be understood, it must be observed, that spiritual combats, which are for truths against falsities, are maintained from the Word, and are confirmed by a series of arguments and conclusions, by which the mind is enlightened and fully convinced. This, therefore, is the signification of the voice of their wings being as the voice of chariots of many horses running to battle. The reasonings of the sensual man from falsities and on behalf of falsities, appear, in external form, to be quite similar to those of the spiritual man, but in the internal they are altogether dissimilar, for they do not possess any series of arguments and conclusions, but only persuasions derived from sensual scientifics, with which the mind is infatuated but not convinced; the nature of these scientifics will be explained in the following article. That wings signify spiritual truths, and that hence the voice of wings signifies discussions from them, consequently reasonings, and in the highest sense the Divine Spiritual, which is the Divine Truth, may be seen above (n. 283). But that chariots signify doctrinals, or truths of doctrine, was shown above (n. 355), when explaining the signification of a horse, as denoting the Intellectual, and, where the Word is treated of, as denoting the understanding of the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 558

558. And the voice of their wings was as the voice of the chariots of many horses running to battle, signifies reasonings seemingly from the truths of doctrine from the Word that are understood, and for which they must fight ardently. This is evident from the signification of "the voice of wings," as being reasonings (of which presently); also from the signification of "the voice of chariots," as being the doctrinals or truths of doctrine from the Word (of which also presently); also from the signification of "horses," as meaning the understanding of the Word (of which, n. 355, 364, 372, 373, 381, 382); also from the signification of "running to battle," as being the ardor in fighting, for "battle" signifies spiritual combat, and "to run" ardor for it. From this it can be seen that "the voice of their wings was as the voice of the chariots of many horses running to battle" signifies reasonings seemingly from the truths of the doctrine from the Word that are understood, and for which they must fight ardently. That this may be understood, it needs to be said that spiritual combats, which are combats for truths against falsities, are maintained from the Word, and are confirmed by a series of arguments and conclusions, whereby the enlightened mind is fully convinced; this therefore is what is signified by "the voice of their wings was as the voice of the chariots of many horses running to battle." The reasonings of the sensual man from falsities and in behalf of falsities appear quite similar in external form to the reasonings of the spiritual man, but in the internal form they are wholly unlike; for they have no series of arguments and conclusions, but merely persuasions from sensual knowledges [scientifica] with which the mind is infatuated but not convinced; of what quality these knowledges are will be told in the following article. (That "wings" signify spiritual truths, and therefore "the voice of wings" signifies discussions from them, consequently reasonings, and in the highest sense the Divine spiritual, which is Divine truth, may be seen above, n. 283; that "chariots" signify doctrinals or truths of doctrine, was shown above, n. 355, in treating of the signification of "horse," as meaning the understanding, and where the Word is treated of, as being the understanding of the Word.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 558 (original Latin 1759)

558. "Et vox alarum illarum sicut vox curruum equorum multorum currentium in bellum." - Quod significet ratiocinationes sicut ex veris doctrinae ex Verbo intellectis, pro quibus ardenter pugnandum, constat ex significatione "vocis alarum", quod sint ratiocinationes (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "vocis curruum", quod sint doctrinalia seu vera doctrinae ex Verbo (de qua etiam sequitur); ex significatione "equorum", quod sint intellectus Verbi (de qua supra, n. 355, 364, 372 [a] , 373, 381, 382); et ex significatione "currere ad bellum", quod sit ardor pugnandi; nam "bellum" significat pugnam spiritualem, et "currere" ardorem ad illam. Ex his constare potest quod "vox alarum illarum sicut vox curruum equorum multorum currentium in bellum", significet ratiocinationes sicut ex veris doctrinae ex Verbo intellectis, pro quibus ardenter pugnandum est. Ut haec intelligantur, dicendum est quod pugnae spirituales, quae sunt pro veris contra falsa, fiant ex Verbo, et confirmentur per series argumentorum et conclusionum, per quas mens illustrata plene convincitur; hoc itaque est quod significatur per "vocem alarum sicut vocem curruum equorum multorum currentium in bellum." Ratiocinationes sensualis hominis ex falsis et pro falsis plane similes apparent ratiocinationibus spiritualis hominis, in externa forma, sed prorsus dissimiles sunt in interna; non enim illis aliquae series argumentationum et concluSionum Sunt, sed solum persuasiones ex scientificis sensualibus (quae quales sunt in sequente articulo dicetur), quibus mens infatuatur sed non convincitur.

(Quod "alae" significent vera spiritualia, et inde "vox alarum" ventilationes ex illis, proinde ratiocinationes, ac in supremo sensu Divinum Spirituale quod est Divinum Verum, videatur supra, n. 283. Quod autem "currus" significent doctrinalia seu vera doctrinae, ostensum est supra, n. 355, ubi actum est de significatione "equi", quod sit intellectuale, et ubi agitur de Verbo, quod sit intellectus verbi.)

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