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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 566

566. And the sixth angel sounded.- That this signifies influx out of heaven, manifesting the state of the church at its end as being completely perverted, is evident from the signification of sounding a trumpet, as denoting influx out of heaven, whence, in the lower [parts], changes take place, by means of which the quality of the state of the church is manifested; see above (n. 502); in this case, its quality at its end, because the sixth angel sounded. For the successive changes in the state of the church are described by the seven angels who sounded with the trumpets, and in this case its change about the end by the sixth angel sounding, for the end itself, which comes when a last judgment is at hand, is described by the sounding of the seventh angel; and because the state of the church at its end is completely perverted, therefore this is also signified by these words.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 566

566. Verse 13. And the sixth angel sounded, signifies influx out of heaven manifesting the state of the church at its end, that it is utterly perverted. This is evident from the signification of "sounding a trumpet" as being influx out of heaven, from which changes are effected in the lower parts, which manifest what the state of the church is (See above, n. 502); here what it is at its end, because it is the "sixth angel" that sounded; for the successive changes of the state of the church are described by the seven angels that sounded trumpets, and here its change near its end is described by the sixth angel sounding, for the end itself, which is when the Last Judgment is at hand, is described by the sounding of the seventh angel; and because at its end the state of the church is utterly perverted, this too is signified by these words.

Apocalypsis Explicata 566 (original Latin 1759)

566. [Vers. 13.] "Et sextus angelus clanxit." - Quod significet influxum e caelo manifestantem statum ecclesiae in fine ejus, quod plane perversus sit, constat ex significatione "clangere tuba", quod sit influxus e caelo, e quo mutationes in inferioribus, per quas manifestatur qualis est status ecclesiae (de qua supra, n. 502); hic qualis est in fine ejus, quia "sextus angelus" clanxit: successivae enim mutationes status ecclesiae describuntur per septem angelos qui tubis clanxerunt; hic mutatio ejus circa finem per sextum angelum clangentes, nam ipse finis, qui est dum ultimum judicium instat, describitur per clangorem septimi angeli; et quia in fine est status ecclesiae plane perversus, ideo etiam hoc per illa verba significatur.

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