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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 568

568. Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet.- That this signifies concerning the perverted state of the church, at its very end, is evident from the signification of saying, as denoting those things which were revealed from heaven, and which now follow; and from the signification of the sixth angel having the trumpet, as denoting concerning the perverted state of the church at its very end. That these things are signified by the sixth angel sounding, is evident from the things stated just above (n. 566).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 568

568. Verse 14. Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, signifies respecting the perverted state of the church at its very end. This is evident from the signification of "saying," as being those things that have been revealed from heaven, and that now follow; and from the signification of "the sixth angel who had the trumpet," as being respecting the perverted state of the church at its very end. (That these things are signified by "the sixth angel sounding," can be seen from what has been said above, n. 566.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 568 (original Latin 1759)

568. [Vers. 14.] "Dicentem sexto angelo qui habebat tubam." - Quod significet de perverso statu ecclesiae in ipso fine ejus, constat ex significatione "dicere", quod sint illa quae e caelo revelata sunt, et quae nunc sequuntur; et ex significatione "sexti angeli habentis tubam", quod sit de perverso statu ecclesiae in ipso fine ejus. (Quod haec per "sextum angelum clangentes" significentur, constare potest ex illis quae mox supra, n. 566, dicta sunt.)

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