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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 582

582. And with them they do hurt.- That this signifies that thus they pervert the truths and goods of the church, is evident from the signification of hurting, as denoting to pervert the truths and goods of the church by crafty reasonings from sensual scientifics or fallacies. For the horses seen in the vision, of whose tails these things are said, signify falsifications of the Word by reasonings from fallacies, as may be seen above (n. 575). From the horses thus seen by John, the nature and quality of representative appearances in heaven is clear, namely, that affections there, when represented by animals, appear in the forms of such animals as are seen in our world, but still every where with variety as to their members, especially as to their faces, the details of which, from correspondence, signify various things connected with the affection represented. For example, in the present case, horses were seen, whose heads were like the heads of lions, and their tails were like those of serpents, and had heads, and those who sat upon the horses, had breast-plates which were fiery, purple (hyacinthinus), and sulphurous. Animals continually appear in the spiritual world in various forms, and they have also been frequently seen by me. And he who understands correspondences, knows the signification of each. For all the affections which flow from angelic minds, are imaged before their eyes by animals of every kind on the earth, in the air and in the sea, similarly by all those things that are in the vegetable kingdom of the earth, and all those things that are in the mineral kingdom of the earth. This is the reason, that such things in our world were made the representatives of celestial and spiritual things. Such representatives exist in the spiritual world, because interior and exterior spiritual things are there. Interior spiritual things are all those that relate to affection, and to thought therefrom, or to the intelligence of truth, and the wisdom of good; while exterior spiritual things are so created by the Lord, that they may clothe or invest interior spiritual things; and when these are clothed and invested, such forms then exist as are in the natural world, in which, therefore, interior spiritual things ultimately terminate, and in which they ultimately exist.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 582

582. And with them do they hurt, signifies that thus they pervert the truths and goods of the church. This is evident from the signification of "to hurt," as being to pervert the truths and goods of the church by means of crafty reasonings from sensual knowledges [scientifica] or fallacies; for the "horses" in the vision, about whose tails this is said, signify the falsifications of the Word by reasonings from fallacies (See above, n. 575). From the way these horses appeared to John, what the representative appearances in heaven are can be seen, namely, that affections there, when represented by animals, are presented in the forms of such animals as appear in our world, and yet everywhere with variety in respect to their parts, especially the face, the particulars of which from correspondence signify various things of the affection so represented; as here there were seen "horses, whose heads were as the heads of lions, and their tails like serpents, and had heads," and those who sat upon the horses had "breastplates, fiery, hyacinthine and brimstone-like."

[2] Animals of various forms appear daily in the spiritual world, and also I have often seen them; and by a knowledge of correspondences, it is there known what the particulars signify. For all the affections that flow from the minds of angels are imaged before their eyes by animals of all kinds that exist on the earth, in the air, or in the sea; likewise by the subjects of all things that are in the vegetable kingdom of the earth, and by the subjects of all things that are in the mineral kingdom of the earth. This is why such things in our world have been made representative of celestial and spiritual things. Such representatives exist in the spiritual world, because in that world there are spiritual things interior and exterior; interior spiritual things are all such as belong to affection, and to thought therefrom, or to the understanding of truth and the wisdom of good; and exterior spiritual things are so created by the Lord as to clothe or invest interior spiritual things; and when these are clothed and invested, there come into existence such forms as are in the natural world, and thus into these forms interior spiritual things finally close, and in them have their ultimate existence.

Apocalypsis Explicata 582 (original Latin 1759)

582. "Et in his laedunt." - Quod Significet quod sic pervertant vera et bona ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "laedere", quod sit pervertere vera et bona ecclesiae per ratiocinia astuta ex scientificis sensualibus seu fallaciis; nam per "equos" in visione, de quorum caudis haec dicuntur, significantur falsificationes Verbi per ratiocinationes ex fallaciis (videatur supra, n. 575 1

). Ex equis ita visis Johanni, videri potest quales sunt apparentiae repraesentativae in caelo; quod nempe affectiones ibi, quando repraesentantur per animalia, sistantur in talium animalium formis quales apparent in nostro mundo, sed usque passim cum varietate quoad membra eorum, imprimis quoad vultus; quorum singula ex correspondentia significant affectionis ita repraesentatae varia: ut hic, quod "visi sint equi, quorum capita essent sicut capita leonum, et caudae similes serpentibus, habentes capita"; et quod sedentes super equis haberent "thoraces igneos, hyacinthinos et sulphureos."

[2] Animalia in variis formis in dies apparent in mundo spirituali, et quoque a me saepius visa sunt; et qui correspondentias novit, is scit quid singula significant: omnes enim affectiones, quae fluunt ex mentibus angelicis, effigiantur coram oculis eorum per omnis generis animalia, quae super terra, quae in aere, et quae in mari: tum etiam per subjecta omnium quae in regno terrae vegetabili, et per subjecta omnium quae in regno terrae minerali. Inde est quod talia in nostro mundo facta sint repraesentativa caelestium et spiritualium. Quod talia repraesentativa in mundo spirituali existant, est quia ibi sunt spiritualia interiora et exteriora; spiritualia interiora sunt omnia illa quae sunt affectionis et inde cogitationis, seu quae sunt intelligentiae veri et sapientiae boni; et spiritualia exteriora ita creata sunt a Domino ut induant seu investiant spiritualia interiora; et cum haec induta et investita sunt, tunc existunt tales formae quales sunt in mundo naturali, in quae ideo interiora spiritualia ultimo desinunt, et in quibus ultimo existunt.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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