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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 583

583. Verses 20, 21. And the rest of the men who were not killed in these plagues, and repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not adore demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood; which can neither see, hear, nor walk. And they repented not of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their thefts.- "And the rest of the men who were not killed in these plagues," signifies those who have not perished from the disorderly desires (cupiditates) above mentioned; "and repented not of the works of their hands," signifies, who have not actually turned themselves away from such things as are from the proprium; "that they should not adore demons," signifies, that they should not worship their own disorderly desires; "and idols of gold and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood," signifies false doctrinals that are from [man's] own intelligence, and favour the loves of the body and of the world, and the principles arising therefrom; "which can neither see, hear, nor walk," signifies, in which and from which there is nothing of the understanding of truth and perception of good, and thus nothing of spiritual life. "And they repented not of their murders," signifies, who have not actually turned themselves away from extinguishing those things that pertain to the understanding of truth, to the will of good, and to spiritual life thence; "nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications," signifies from perverting good, and falsifying truth; "nor of their thefts," signifies from taking away the cognitions of truth and good, and consequently the means of procuring for themselves spiritual life.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 583

583. Verses 20, 21. And the rest of the men who were not killed in these plagues, and repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not adore demons, and idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and repented not of their murders, nor of their enchantments, nor of their whoredoms, nor of their thefts.

20. "And the rest of the men who were not killed in these plagues," signifies who did not perish by the cupidities above mentioned n. 584; "and repented not of the works of their hands," signifies who did not actually turn themselves away from such things as are from self [proprium] (n. 585); "that they should not adore demons," signifies that they should not worship their own cupidities n. 586; "and idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood," signifies the false doctrinals that are from self-intelligence, and that favor the bodily and worldly loves and the principles derived therefrom n. 587; "which can neither see nor hear nor walk," signifies in which and from which there is nothing of the understanding of truth or the perception of good, and thus nothing of spiritual life (n. 588).

21. "And repented not of their murders," signifies who have not actually turned themselves away from extinguishing the things that pertain to the understanding of truth, the will of good, and spiritual life therefrom n. 589; "nor of their enchantments, nor of their whoredoms," signifies nor from perverting good and falsifying truth n. 590; "nor of their thefts," signifies nor from taking away the knowledges of truth and good, and thus the means of acquiring for themselves spiritual life (n. 591).

Apocalypsis Explicata 583 (original Latin 1759)

583. VERSUS 20, 21.

"Et reliqui homines, qui non occisi sunt in plagis his, neque paenitentiam egerunt ex operibus manuum suarum, ut non adorarent daemonia, et idola aurea et argentea et aerea et lapidea et lignea, quae neque videre possunt, neque audire, neque ambulare. Et non egerunt paenitentiam ex homicidiis suis, neque audire, neque ambulare. Et non egerunt paenitentiam ex homicidiis suis, neque ex incantationibus suis, neque ex scortationibus suis, neque ex furtis suis."

20. "Et reliqui homines, qui non occisi sunt in plagis his", significat qui non perierunt ex cupiditatibus supradictis [n. 584] ; "neque paenitentiam egerunt ex operibus manuum suarum", significat qui non actualiter averterunt se a talibus quae ex proprio [n. 585] ; "ut non adorarent daemonia", significat ne colerent suasmet cupiditates [n. 586] ; "et idola aurea et argentea et aerea et lapidea et lignea", significat doctrinalia falsa, quae ex propria intelligentia, faventia amoribus corporis et mundi et principiis inde captis [n. 587] ; "quae neque videre possunt, neque audire, neque ambulare", significat in quibus et a quibus nihil intellectus veri et perceptionis boni, et sic nihil vitae spiritualis [n. 588] .

21. "Et non egerunt paenitentiam ex homicidiis suis", significat qui non actualiter averterunt se ab exstinguendo illa quae intellectus veri, voluntatis boni, et inde vitae spiritualis sunt [n. 589] ; "neque ex incantationibus suis, neque ex scortationibus suis", significat a pervertendo bonum et a falsificando verum [n. 590] ; "neque ex furtis suis", significat ab eripiendo cognitiones veri et boni, et sic media comparandi sibi vitam spiritualem [n. 591] .

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