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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 604

604. And I heard a voice out of heaven saying unto me, Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.- That this signifies a command from the Lord that those things should be reserved and not yet be manifested, is evident from the signification of hearing a voice out of heaven, as denoting a command from the Lord, which is, "write them not;" and from the signification of sealing up those things which the seven thunders uttered, as denoting that those things in which he was instructed, and which he perceived, concerning the last state of the church should be kept secret and reserved; and from the signification of, "write them not," as denoting that they are not yet to be made manifest; see just above (n. 603). That to seal up denotes to keep secret, and reserve until another time, is evident from what follows in this book where the middle state of the church is treated of, which occurs between the sounding of the sixth and seventh angels, that is, between the last state but one of the church and its last state, wherefore the things that are to take place in the last state, are those which must be reserved, and not yet manifested.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 604

604. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up the things which the seven thunders spake, and write them not, signifies command by the Lord that these things should be reserved and not yet be disclosed. This is evident from the signification of "to hear a voice from heaven," as being a command by the Lord, which is, "write them not;" also from the signification of "to seal up the things which the seven thunders spake," as being that these things in which he was instructed, and which he perceived respecting the last state of the church, were to be kept secret and reserved; also from the signification of "write them not," as being that they must not yet be disclosed (See just above, n. 603). That "to seal up" means to keep secret and to reserve until another time can be seen from what follows in this book; for what follows treats of the middle state of the church, which intervenes between the sounding of the sixth and of the seventh angel, that is, between next to the last state of the church and the last, therefore the things that are to take place in the last state are what must be reserved and not yet disclosed.

Apocalypsis Explicata 604 (original Latin 1759)

604. "Et audivi vocem e caelo dicantem mihi, Obsigna quae locuta sunt septem tonitrua, et ne illa scribas." - Quod significet mandatum a Domino, ut illa reserventur et nondum manifestentur, constat ex significatione "audire vocem e caelo", quod sit mandatum a Domino, quod est, "Ne illa scribas"; ex significatione "obsignare quae locuta sunt septem tonitrua", quod sit quod reticenda et reservanda sint illa quibus instructus est, et quae percepit de statu ultimo ecclesiae; et ex significatione "Ne illa scribas", quod sit quod nondum manifestanda sint (de qua mox supra, n. 603).

Quod "obsignare " sit reticere et reservare ad aliud tempus, constare potest ex sequentibus in hoc Libro; agitur enim in sequentibus de statu ecclesiae medio, qui intercedet inter clangorem sexti et septimi angeli, hoc est, inter statum ecclesiae penultimum et ejus ultimum; quare futura in ultimo statu, sunt quae reservanda et nondum manifestanda.

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