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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 620

620. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up.- That this signifies exploration, is evident from what precedes, namely, that by the little book is meant the Word, by the angel, the Lord as to the Word, and by devouring or eating it up, the reception, perception, and appropriation of it to oneself, consequently also exploration, in this case as to the quality of the understanding of the Word still remaining in the church. Exploration takes place by means of that which is perceived and according to perception; exploration therefore took place with the prophet John, because a prophet signifies the doctrine of the church, and in a universal sense the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 620

620. Verse 10. And I took the little book out of the hand of the angel, and ate it up, signifies exploration. This is evident from the things that precede, namely, that "the little book" means the Word, "the angel" the Lord in relation to the Word, and "to devour or to eat it" means to receive, perceive, and appropriate to oneself, consequently to explore, here of what quality the understanding of the Word still is in the church. Exploration is effected by means of a thing's being perceived and the way in which it is perceived; it was effected with the prophet John, because a "prophet" signifies the doctrine of the church, and in a universal sense, the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 620 (original Latin 1759)

620. [Vers. 10.] "Et accepi libellum e manu angeli, et devoravi illum." - Quod significet explorationem, constat ex illis quae praecedunt; quod nempe per "libellum" intelligatur Verbum, per "angelum" Dominus quoad Verbum, et per "devorare" seu comedere illum, recipere, percipere et sibi appropriare, proinde etiam explorare, hic qualis adhuc in ecclesia est intellectus Verbi. Exploratio fit per id quod percipiatur, et quomodo percipitur; hoc factum est apud prophetam Johannem, quia per "prophetam" significatur doctrina ecclesiae, et in universali sensu Verbum.

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