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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 621

621. And it was in my mouth sweet as honey.- That this signifies that the Word, as to its external sense or sense of the letter, was still perceived as the delight of good, but delightful only because of its serving to confirm principles of falsity and the loves of evil, or principles springing from the love of self and the love of the world, all of which are falsities. That therefore the Word, which is meant by the little book, was perceived as sweet as honey, has been shown above.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 621

621. And it was in my mouth as honey, sweet, signifies that the Word, in respect to its external, or in respect to its sense of the letter, was still perceived as the delight of good, but as delight only for the reason that it served to confirm the principles of falsity, and the loves of evil, that is, the principles arising from the love of self and of the world, all of which are falsities. That the Word, which is meant by "the little book," was perceived on this account to be "sweet as honey," may be seen in what has been shown above.

Apocalypsis Explicata 621 (original Latin 1759)

621. "Et erat in ore meo sicut mel dulcis." - Quod significet quod Verbum adhuc quoad externum seu quoad sensum litterae ejus perciperetur sicut jucundum boni, sed modo jucundum ex eo, quod serviret ad confirmandum principia falsi et amores mali, seu principia oriunda ex amore sui et mundi, quae omnia sunt falsa; quod inde Verbum, quod intelligitur per "libellum", perceptum esset "dulce sicut mel", in superioribus ostensum videatur.

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