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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 640

640. Verses 5, 6. "And if any one shall desire to hurt them, fire shall go forth out of their mouth, and shall devour their enemies; and if any one shall desire to hurt them, he must thus be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that the rain rain not in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague as often as they shall desire."

"And if any one shall desire to hurt them," signifies the protection of them by the Lord, lest they should be in any way injured; "fire shall go forth out of their mouth, and shall devour their enemies," signifies that those who should inflict injury upon them should fall into evils and falsities which are from hell, and which destroy them; "and if any one shall desire to hurt them, he must thus be killed," signifies that according to their attempt to inflict evil they perish. "These have power to shut heaven, that the rain rain not in the days of their prophecy," signifies that those who reject the goods and truths of heaven and the church, which proceed from the Lord, receive no influx from heaven; "and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood," signifies that truths with them are turned into falsities of evil; "and to smite the earth with every plague," signifies that the church with them perishes through the lusts (concupiscentiae) of evil; "as often as they shall desire," signifies to inflict evil upon them as often as man assaults the goods of love and the truths of doctrine, which bear witness of the Lord and from which he acknowledges and confesses the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 640

640. Verses 5, 6. And if anyone will hurt them, fire shall go forth out of their mouth and shall devour their enemies; and if anyone will hurt them, thus must he be killed. These have power to shut heaven that it rain no rain in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague as often as they will.

5. "And if anyone will hurt them," signifies protection of these by the Lord that they be not hurt in any way n. 641; "fire shall go forth out of their mouth and shall devour their enemies," signifies that those who would do them harm fall into the evils and falsities which are from hell, and these destroy them n. 642; "and if anyone will hurt them, thus must he be killed," signifies that according to their endeavor to inflict evil they perish n. 643.

6. "These have power to shut heaven that it rain no rain in the days of their prophecy," signifies that those who reject the goods and truths of heaven and the church, that proceed from the Lord, receive no influx out of heaven n. 644; "and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood," signifies that truths with such are turned into the falsities of evil (n. 645); "and to smite the earth with every plague," signifies that the church with such is destroyed by the lusts of evil n. 646; "as often as they will," signifies as often as a man assaults the goods of love and the truths of doctrine that bear witness of the Lord and from which man acknowledges and confesses the Lord, that he may inflict evil upon them n. 647.

Apocalypsis Explicata 640 (original Latin 1759)

640. VERSUS 5, 6.

"Et si quis illis voluerit nocere, ignis egredietur ex ore illorum, et devorabit inimicos illorum; et si quis illis voluerit nocere, ita oportet illum occidi. Hi habent potestatem claudere caelum, ut non pluat pluvia in diebus illorum prophetiae; et potestatem habent super aquas convertere illas in sanguinem, et percutere terram omni plaga, quotiescunque voluerint."

5. "Et si quis illis voluerit nocere", significat tutelam illorum a Domino ne ullo modo laedantur [n. 641] ; "ignis egredietur ex ore illorum, et devorabit inimicos illorum", significat quod illaturi damnum illis cadant in mala et falsa quae ab inferno, quae illos perdunt [n. 642] ; "et si quis illis voluerit nocere, ita oportet illum occidi" significat quod secundum conatum inferendi malum pereant [n. 643] .

6. "Hi habent potestatem claudere caelum, ut non pluat pluvia in diebus illorum prophetiae", significat quod illi qui rejiciunt bona et vera caeli et ecclesiae, quae a Domino procedunt, non aliquem influxum e caelo recipiant [n. 644] ; "et potestatem habent super aquas convertere illas in sanguinem" significat quod vera apud illos vertantur in falsa mali [n. 645] ; "et percutere terram omni plaga", significat quod ecclesia apud illos per concupiscentias mali pereat [n. 646] ; "quotiescunque voluerint", significat quoties homo aggreditur bona amoris et vera doctrinae, quae testantur de Domino, et ex quibus homo agnoscit et confitetur Dominum, ad malum illis inferendum [n. 647] .

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