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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 662

662. Because those two prophets tormented them that dwell upon the earth.- That this signifies anxiety of heart in the devastated church from these, is clear from the signification of the two witnesses, here called two prophets, as denoting the goods and truths of doctrine; from the signification of tormenting, as denoting anxiety of heart; and from the signification of them that dwell upon the earth, as denoting those who live in the church, in this case, in the devastated church. By these words therefore is signified anxiety of heart from the goods of love and truths of doctrine with those who are of the devastated church. For the subject here treated of is the end of the church, when the loves of self and of the world, and their lusts (concupiscentiae), and the evils and falsities of those lusts, have dominion; then men are tormented by the goods of love and truths of doctrine, for interiorly or in their hearts they hold these in hatred, howsoever they may profess them with their lips; and when that which a man holds in hatred enters, it interiorly torments him.

[2] But such a man of the church, during his abode in the world, does not know that he holds those two witnesses in such hatred, and that he is interiorly tormented by them, for he does not know the state of his interior thought and affection, but only the state of the exterior thought and affection that pass immediately into the speech. But when he comes into the spiritual world, his exterior thought and affection are laid asleep, and the interior opened, and then he feels such a repugnance from hatred of the goods of love and truths of doctrine, that he cannot bear to hear them. When such a man therefore enters any angelic society, where spiritual love and faith prevail, he is severely tormented, which is a sign of interior repugnance, from hatred of them. The signification of those two prophets tormenting them that dwell on the earth is evident from these things. By them that dwell on the earth are meant, in a good sense, those in the church who are in good as to life but here, those who are in evil, for such are interiorly tormented by the goods of love and truths of doctrine. That to dwell signifies to live, and thus life, is evident from those passages in the Word, where to dwell is mentioned, as Isaiah 9:2; 13:20; 37:16; Jeremiah 2:6; 51:13; Dan. 2:22; 4:12; Ezekiel 31:6; Hosea 9:3; Psalm 23:6; 27:4; 80:1; 101:7; Zeph. 3:6; and elsewhere.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 662

662. Because those two prophets tormented them that dwell upon the earth, signifies anxiety of heart in the devastated church on account of these. This is evident from the signification of "the two witnesses," who are here called "two prophets," as being the goods and truths of doctrine; also from the signification of "tormenting," as being anxiety of heart; also from the signification of "them that dwell upon the earth," as being those who live in the church, here in the devastated church. Therefore these words signify the anxiety of heart from the goods of love and the truths of doctrine with those who are of the devastated church; for here the end of the church is treated of, when the loves of self and of the world, and their lusts and the evils and falsities of those lusts, have rule. Then men are tormented by the goods of love and the truths of doctrine, because inwardly or in their hearts they hate them, howsoever they may profess them with their lips; and when anything that is hated enters there is inward torment; and yet such a man of the church does not know, so long as he lives in the world, that he has so great hate for these two witnesses, and that he is inwardly tormented by them, for the reason that he does not know the state of his interior thought and affection, but only the state of his exterior thought and affection, which falls immediately into speech. But when he comes into the spiritual world his exterior thought and affection are laid asleep, and the interior are opened, and then he feels so great a repugnance from hatred against the goods of love and the truths of doctrine that he cannot endure hearing them. When, therefore, such a man enters any angelic society where spiritual love and faith rule he is grievously tormented, which is a sign of interior repugnance from hatred against love and faith. This makes clear what is signified by "those two prophets tormented them that dwell upon the earth." "Them that dwell upon the earth" mean those in the church who are in good in respect to life, but here those who are in evil, for such are interiorly tormented by the goods of love and the truths of doctrine. That "to dwell" signifies to live, and thus life, can be seen from passages in the Word, where "to dwell" is mentioned (Isaiah 9:2; 13:20; 37:16; Jeremiah 2:6, 15; 51:13; Daniel 2:22; 4:9; Ezekiel 31:6; Hosea 9:2, 3; Psalms 23:6; 27:4; 80:1; 101:7; Zephaniah 3:6; and elsewhere).

Apocalypsis Explicata 662 (original Latin 1759)

662. "Quoniam duo illi prophetae cruciaverunt habitantes super terra." - Quod significet anxietatem cordis ex illis in ecclesia devastata, constat ex significatione "duorum testium", qui hic vocantur "duo prophetae", quod sint bona et vera doctrinae; ex significatione "cruciare", quod sit anxietas cordis; et ex significatione "habitantium super terra", quod sint qui vivunt in ecclesia, hic in ecclesia devastata: inde per illa verba significatur anxietas cordis ex bonis amoris et veris doctrinae illis qui ab ecclesia devastata; agitur enim hic de fine ecclesiae, quando amores sui et mundi, ac illorum concupiscentiae, et concupiscentiarum mala et falsa regnant; tunc bona amoris et vera doctrinae cruciant homines, nam interius seu corde odio habent illa, utcunque ore confiteri illa possunt; et quod odio habetur, hoc dum intratur, interius cruciat: at talis homo ecclesiae, quamdiu in mundo vivit, nescit quod tanto odio habeat illa duo, et quod interius crucietur ab illis, ex causa quia nescit statum interioris suae cogitationis et affectionis, sed solum statum exterioris cogitationis et affectionis quae immediate cadit in loquelam; at cum in mundum spiritualem venit, exterior ejus cogitatio et affectio sopitur, ac interior aperitur, et tunc sentit repugnantiam ex odio contra bona amoris et vera doctrinae, in tantum ut non sustineat audire illa: quapropter cum talis homo intrat aliquam societatem angelicam, ubi spiritualis amor et fides regnat, tunc vehementer cruciatur, quod signum est interioris repugnantiae ex odio contra illa: ex his constare potest quid significatur per quod "duo illi prophetae cruciaverint habitantes super terra": per "habitantes super terra" intelliguntur qui in bono sunt quoad vitam in ecclesia; hic qui in malo, nam hos bona amoris et vera doctrinae interius cruciant.

Quod "habitare" significet vivere, proinde vitam, constare potest ex locis in Verbo, ubi

"habitare" dicitur (Ut Esaias 9:1[2] ; cap. Esaias 13:20; 37:16; Jeremias 2:6, 15; 51:13; Daniel 2:22; 4:9; Ezechiel 31:6; Hoschea 9:2, 3; Psalms 23:6; Psalms 27:4; Psalms 80:2[1] ; Psalms 101:7; Zephanias 3:6: et alibi).

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