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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 664

664. And after three days and a half.- That this signifies when completed, thus the end of the old church, and the beginning of a new church, is evident from the signification of three days and a half, as denoting fulness or completion at the end of the old church, when there is the beginning of a new church, concerning which see above (n. Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31), and the days there do not mean days, but the successive states of the regeneration of men at that time, and the consequent establishment of the church with them. So also elsewhere in the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 664

664. Verse 11. And after the three days and a half, signifies when it is finished, thus the end of the old church and the beginning of the New Church. This is evident from the signification of "the three days and a half," as being fullness and completion as to the end of the old church, when there is the beginning of the New Church (See above, n. Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31; 2:2);

and the "days" there do not mean days, but the successive states of the regeneration of men at that time, and the consequent establishment of the church with them. So also elsewhere in the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 664 (original Latin 1759)

664. [Vers. 11.] "Et post tres dies et dimidium." - Quod significet quando completum, ita finis ecclesiae veteris et incohamentum ecclesiae novae, constat ex significatione "dierum trium et dimidii", quod sint plenum seu completum ad finem ecclesiae veteris, quando incohamentum ecclesiae novae (de qua supra, n. 658). Quod dicatur "post dies tres et dimidium", est quia "dies" in Verbo significant status, hic statum ecclesiae ultimum; omnia enim tempora, sicut "horae", "dies", "septimanae", "menses", "anni", "saecula", in Verbo significant status, sicut hic statum ecclesiae ultimum, quando non amplius aliquod bonum amoris et verum fidei superest. Quoniam per "dies" significantur status, et in primo capite Geneseos agitur de instauratione Ecclesiae Antiquissimae, et instauratio fit successive ab uno statu ad alterum, ideo ibi dicitur

Quod "facta sit vespera et mane dies primus", "secundus", "tertius", "quartus", "quintus", "sextus", usque ad "septimum", quando completum (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31);

et per "dies" ibi non intelliguntur dies, sed successivi status regenerationis hominum tunc, et inde instaurationis ecclesiae apud illos. Ita quoque alibi in Verbo.

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