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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 672

672. Verse 13. And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand; and the rest became afraid, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

"And in that hour," signifies during that state; "there was a great earthquake," signifies a remarkable change of the state of the interiors in those who are of the church; "and the tenth part of the city fell," signifies that no truths of doctrine existed any longer with those who remained; "and there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand," signifies that in that change of state all the truths of good, and thus all things of heaven and the church, perished with them; "and the rest became afraid," signifies the disturbance of mind and the turning away of those who were in some degree spiritual; "and they gave glory to the God of heaven," signifies that they acknowledged and worshipped the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 672

672. Verse 13. And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand; and the rest became afraid, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

13. "And in that hour," signifies during that state (n. 673); "there was a great earthquake," signifies a notable change of state of the interiors with those who are of the church n. 674; "and the tenth part of the city fell," signifies that no truths of doctrine any longer existed with those who remained n. 675; "and there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand," signifies that in that change of state all truths of good also perished with them, and thus all things of heaven and the church n. 676; "and the rest became afraid," signifies the commotion of mind and turning away of those who were to some extent spiritual n. 677; "and gave glory to the God of heaven," signifies that they acknowledged and worshipped the Lord. n. 678).

Apocalypsis Explicata 672 (original Latin 1759)

672. VERSUS 13.

"Et in illa hora factus est terrae motus magnus, et decima pars urbis cecidit, et occisa sunt in terrae motu nomina hominum millia septem; et reliqui territi facti sunt, et dederunt gloriam Deo caeli."

13. "Et in illa hora", significat dum ille status [n. 673] ; "factus est terrae motus magnus", significat mutationem status interiorum insignem apud illos qui ab ecclesia [n. 674] ; "et decima pars urbis cecidit", significat quod nulla vera doctrinae amplius existerent apud illos qui remanserunt [n. 675] ; "et occisa sunt in terrae motu nomina hominum millia septem", significat quod in status mutatione illa apud illos etiam perirent omnia vera boni, et sic omnia caeli et ecclesiae [n. 676] ; "et reliqui territi facti sunt", significat commotionem animi et conversionem illorum qui aliquantum spirituales fuerunt [n. 677] ; "et dederunt gloriam Deo caeli", significat quod illi agnoverint et coluerint Dominum [n. 678] .

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