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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 676

676. And there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand.- That this signifies that in that change of state all the truths of good and thus all things of heaven and the church, perished with them, is evident, from the signification of being killed, as denoting to be spiritually killed, which is to perish by evils and falsities (see above, n. 315, 547, 572, 589); from the signification of earthquake, as denoting a change of the state of the interiors with those who are of the church (see above, n. 674); from the signification of names of men, as denoting the truths of good, and the consequent understanding of truth, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of seven thousand as denoting all things of heaven and of the church. For seven signifies all things, and is used of the holy things of heaven and of the church (the signification of this number may be seen above, n. 257); and its signification is retained when it is multiplied by 10, or 100, or 1000, for these numbers signify all things. From these things it is evident that there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand, signifies that in that change of state all the truths of good perished, and thus all things of heaven and of the church.

[2] That by names of men are signified truths of good, and the consequent understanding of truth, is evident from the signification of name, as denoting the quality of a thing and of state with man; and from the signification of man, as denoting intelligence, thus also the understanding of truth. Name signifies the quality of a thing and of state with man, because there are no names of persons in the spiritual world as in the natural world; but in the spiritual world all are named according to the quality of their life, thus, with a difference within the societies and out of them. Within the societies the quality of the state of each one's life is constant, for each one there dwells in a certain quarter, and at a distance from the midst, according to the quality of his affection and intelligence, therefore his name is according to this quality; when therefore the name of any one in a society is heard, his quality is also recognised. It is from this fact, that name, in the spiritual sense, signifies the quality of a thing and of the state of life. But outside the societies, this naming according to the quality of the state of the life of any one is not constant; for before a man-spirit enters into any society, he passes through many states, in order that he may put off those things that are not in agreement with his ruling love, and put on such as agree with it. Still every one is named according to the state in which he is, and also according to the idea and perception of the quality of his state.

That names, in the spiritual world, are expressed spiritually, may be seen above (n. 102[2]); that name, in the Word, signifies the quality of the state of the life (n. 148); and therefore the name of Jehovah, and the name of the Lord, signify all things by which He is worshipped, thus all things of love and of faith (n. 102, 135); and man, in the Word, signifies the spiritual affection for truth, and the consequent understanding of truth (n. 280, 546). From these things the signification of the names of men is evident.

[3] The reason why the truths of good, and consequently understanding derived from these perished by the remarkable change of state signified by a great earthquake, was stated in the preceding article, namely, that at the end of the church, when a last judgment is at hand, those who are spiritually good are taken away from those who are only naturally good, and when this is the case, then from the latter are also taken away all truths of good, consequently also all understanding of truth. For with the natural, in whom there is nothing spiritual, truths and goods reside in externals, and falsities and evils in internals; when therefore the good with whom they had communication as to externals are taken away, externals are also taken away, and internals are disclosed, which, as stated, are filled with mere falsities of evil. It is for this reason that these words signify that with those who remained all truths of good, and with these all understanding of truth, perished.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 676

676. And there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand, signifies that in that change of state all truths of good with them perished, and thus all things of heaven and the church. This is evident from the signification of "to be killed," as being to be killed spiritually, which is to perish by evils and falsities (See above, n. 315, 547, 572, 589); also from the signification of "earthquake," as being a change of state of the interiors with those who are of the church (See above, n. 674); also from the signification of "the names of men," as being the truths of good and the consequent understanding of truth (of which presently); and from the signification of "seven thousand," as being all things of heaven and the church, for "seven" signifies all things, and is predicated of the holy things of heaven and the church (of the signification of this number see above, n. 257; and its signification is retained when it is multiplied by ten, or one hundred, or one thousand, for these numbers signify all things. From this it can be seen that "there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand" signifies that in that change of state all truths of good perished, and thus all things of heaven and the church.

[2] That "the names of men" signify the truths of good and the consequent understanding of truth can be seen from the signification of "name," as being the quality of a thing or state with man; and from the signification of "man," as being intelligence, thus also the understanding of truth. "Name" signifies the quality of a thing or state with man because in the spiritual world there are no names of persons as in the natural world. In the spiritual world all are named according to the quality of their life, thus with a difference within societies and out of them. Within the societies the quality of each one's state of life is constant, for each one there dwells in a quarter and also at a distance from the center according to the quality of his affection and of his intelligence; therefore his name is in accord with this quality. When, therefore, the name of anyone in a society is heard his quality is also recognized. This is why "name" signifies in the spiritual sense the quality of a thing and of a state of life. But outside of societies this naming according to one's state of life is not constant; for before a man-spirit enters into any society he passes through many states in order that he may put off the things that disagree with his ruling love and put on such as agree with it, and yet everyone is named according to the state in which he is, and also according to the idea and perception of what his state is. That names in the spiritual world are uttered spiritually may be seen above n. 102; therefore "name" signifies in the Word what the state of the life is n. 148. So, too, "the name of Jehovah" and "the name of the Lord" signify all things by which He is worshipped, thus all things of love and faith (n. 102, 135); and "man" signifies in the Word the spiritual affection of truth, and thence the understanding of truth (n. 280, 546). From this it is clear what "the names of men" signify.

[3] Why the truths of good and thus the understanding from them were destroyed by the notable change of state which was signified by "a great earthquake" has been told in the preceding article, namely, that at the end of the church, when the Last Judgment is at hand, those who are spiritually good are taken away from those who are only naturally good; and when this is done, then also from the latter all truths of good and consequently all understanding of truth are also taken away; for with the natural, who are destitute of anything spiritual, truths and goods reside in their externals, but falsities and evils in their internals; therefore when the good with whom they had communication as to externals are taken away the externals also are taken away and the internals are disclosed, and these, as has been said, are filled with mere falsities of evil. This is why these words signify that all truths of good and all understanding of truth perished with those who remained.

Apocalypsis Explicata 676 (original Latin 1759)

676. "Et occisa sunt in terrae motu nomina hominum millia septem." - Quod significet quod in status mutatione illa perierint apud illos omnia vera boni, et sic omnia caeli et ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "occidi", quod sit spiritualiter occidi, quod 1

est perire per mala et falsa (de qua supra, n. 315, 547, 572, 589); ex significatione "terrae motus, quod sit mutatio status interiorum apud illos qui ab ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 674); ex significatione "nominum hominum", quod sint vera boni, et inde intellectus veri (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "septem millium", quod sint omnia caeli et ecclesiae, nam per "septem" significantur omnia, et praedicantur de sanctis caeli et ecclesiae (de qua ejus numeri significatione videatur supra, n. 257), et significatio ejus retinetur dum multiplicatur per decem, vel centum, vel mille, nam hi numeri significant omnia: ex his constare potest quod per quod "occisa sint in terrae motu nomina hominum millia septem" significetur quod in status mutatione illa perierint omnia vera boni, et sic omnia caeli et ecclesiae.

[2] Quod per "nomina hominum" significentur vera boni, et inde intellectus veri, constare potest ex significatione "nominis", quod sit quale rei et status apud hominem, et a significatione "hominis", quod sit intelligentia, ita quoque intellectus veri: quod "nomen" significet quale rei et status apud hominem, est quia nomina personarum non dantur in mundo spirituali sicut in mundo naturali; in mundo spirituali nominantur omnes secundum quale vitae eorum, sic cum differentia intra societates et extra illas; intra societates est constans quale status vitae cujusvis, nam quisque habitat ibi ad plagam, et quoque ad distantiam e medio, secundum quale suae affectionis et suae intelligentiae; quare secundum hoc quale est ejus nomen; inde est quod cum auditur nomen alicujus in societate, cognoscatur etiam quale ejus; ex eo est quod per "nomen" in sensu spirituali significetur quale rei et status vitae: at extra societates denominatio secundum quale status vitae alicujus non constans est; nam antequam homo spiritus in aliquam societatem venit, percurrit ille plures status, ob finem ut exuat discordantia cum regnante ejus amore, et induat concordantia cum illo; sed usque nominatur quisque secundum statum in quo est, et quoque secundum ideam et perceptionem de ejus quali status. Quod nomina in mundo spirituali enuntientur spiritualiter, videatur supra (n. 102 [a]) quod inde "nomen" in Verbo significet quale status vitae (n. 148); et quod inde "nomen Jehovae", ac "nomen Domini", significet omnia per quae colitur, ita omnia amoris et fidei (n. 102, 135); et quod "homo" in Verbo significet affectionem veri spiritualem, et inde intellectum veri (n. 280, 546): ex quibus constare potest quid significatur per "nomina hominum."

[3] Quod perierint vera boni, proinde intellectus qui ex illis, per insignem mutationem status, quae significatur per "terrae motum magnum", causa in mox superiori articulo dicta est; nempe quod in fine ecclesiae, quando instat ultimum judicium, auferantur illi qui spiritualiter boni sunt ab illis qui solum naturaliter; et cum illi ab his ablati sunt, tunc etiam ab his ablata sunt omnia vera boni, proinde etiam omnis intellectus veri; nam apud naturales, quibus nihil spirituale est, vera et bona resident in externis, ac falsa et mala in internis; inde cum auferuntur boni, cum quibus quoad externa communicationem habuerunt, etiam auferuntur externa, et patent interna, quae, ut dictum est, scatent a mere falsis mali: inde est quod per illa verba significetur quod 2

perierint apud illos, qui remanserunt, omnia vera boni, et cum [his] omnis intellectus veri.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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