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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 682

682. And there followed great voices in the heavens.- That this signifies enlightenment and joy in the higher heavens, is evident from the signification of great voices, in the heavens, as denoting enlightenment, wisdom, and joy, in the higher heavens; for voices in the Word, signify various things, as Divine Truth, revelation, the Word itself with us, also every precept and command of the Word; these, however, are signified by "voices out of heaven," but voices in heaven signify enlightenment from which the angels have wisdom and thence joy. For when the angels are in enlightenment, they are also in wisdom, and then they have great voices, by which they express the interior things (arcana) of wisdom; and there is consequent joy because the angels have joy from wisdom, therefore the voices are also called great, for great is said of the affection for good and truth, which is the source of joy in the heavens.

[2] The higher heavens are meant, because by means of them and from them there descend inflowings into the lower parts, by means of which the evil who have been conjoined as to externals to those who were in the lower heavens are separated; and so long as this conjunction continued the latter had no enlightenment or joy, but so far as separation was effected they had joy and enlightenment; this is the reason why the higher heavens are meant. For there is such a connection between higher and lower things in the spiritual world that so far as lower things are in order, the higher are also. For lower things there are like the lower parts of a house and its foundations; so far, therefore, as these are sound, so far the parts above are in a firm, secure, and perfect state, not swaying to and fro, tottering, and gaping open; or they are like the exterior things in man, as the organs of sight, taste, hearing, and touch, for as far as these are sound, so far do his interiors see, taste, and hear perfectly and have sensation by touch; for it is interior things that perceive or feel in exterior things, the latter being nothing in themselves. The case is similar in the heavens, the higher heavens close in and rest upon the lower heavens; between these therefore there is such a connection as exists between things prior and posterior, or between causes and effects; if the effect does not perfectly correspond to its cause, that is, if it does not contain in itself everything that is in the efficient cause, having reference to the forces and efforts of action, the cause is weakened, and acts imperfectly, for all things of the cause are inscribed on the effect; therefore it is the cause alone that acts; no effect acts apart from its cause. It is similar with the higher and lower heavens; and causes are in the higher heavens, and effects corresponding to the causes present themselves in the lower heavens. These things are said, in order that it may be known, whence it is, that great voices in heaven signify enlightenment, which is the source of wisdom and joy in the higher heavens, when the lower heavens are purified, that is, when the evil are separated from the good and removed.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 682

682. And there were great voices in the heavens, signifies enlightenment and joy in the higher heavens. This is evident from the signification of "great voices in the heavens," as being enlightenment, wisdom, and joy in the higher heavens; for "voices" have various significations in the Word, as Divine truth, revelation, the Word itself with us, also every precept and command of the Word; these are signified by "voices from heaven," but "voices in heaven" signify the enlightenment from which angels have wisdom and consequent joy; for when angels are in enlightenment they are also in wisdom, and they then have "great voices," by which they express the arcana of wisdom; and there is consequent joy, because the joy of angels is from wisdom; this, too, is why the voices are called "great," for "great" is predicated of the affection of good and truth, which is the source of joy in the heavens. The higher heavens are meant because through them and from them influxes descend into the lower parts, and by these the evil, who have been conjoined in externals to those in the lower heavens, are separated. So long as this conjunction continued there could be no enlightenment or joy, but so far as the separation was effected there was enlightenment and joy. Thence it is that the higher heavens are meant; since there is such a connection between higher things and lower things, in the spiritual world, that so far as lower things are in order, the higher are also. For lower things there are like the lower parts of a house and its foundations; so far, therefore, as these are unimpaired the higher parts are stable, secure, and complete, not swaying or tottering or gaping open. Or they are like the exterior things in man, as the organs of sight, taste, hearing, and touch, in that so far as these are unharmed their interiors see, taste, and hear clearly, and the touch is sensitive; for it is the interior things which sensate in the exterior, and the exterior sensate nothing of themselves. It is similar in the heavens; the higher heavens close into and rest upon the lower, and there is therefore between them an unbroken bond like that between things prior and posterior, or between causes and effects; if the effect does not altogether correspond to its cause, that is, if it does not have formed in itself everything that is in the effecting cause, which relates to the forces and the endeavor to act, the cause is weakened and acts imperfectly, for all things of the cause are inscribed on the effect, therefore it is the cause alone that acts, and no effect separate from a cause. It is similar with the heavens higher and lower; causes are in the higher heavens, and effects corresponding to the causes present themselves in the lower heavens. This has been said that it may be known why "great voices in heaven" signify enlightenment, which is the source of wisdom and joy in the higher heavens when the lower heavens are purified, that is, when the evil are separated from the good and removed.

Apocalypsis Explicata 682 (original Latin 1759)

682. "Et factae sunt voces magnae in caelis." - Quod significet in caelis superioribus illustrationem et gaudium, constat ex significatione "vocum magnarum in caelis", quod sit illustratio, sapientia et gaudium in caelis superioribus; per "voces" enim in Verbo varia significantur, sicut Divinum Verum, revelatio, ipsum Verbum apud nos, tum omne praeceptum et mandatum Verbi; sed haec significantur per "voces e caelo"; at per "voces in caelo" significatur illustratio, ex qua angelis sapientia et inde gaudium: quando enim angeli in illustratione sunt, etiam in sapientia sunt, et tunc illis sunt voces magnae, per quas arcana sapientiae exprimunt; quod etiam sit gaudium inde, est quia gaudium angelis est ex sapientia unde etiam voces dicuntur "magnae", nam "magnum" praedicatur de affectione boni et veri ex qua gaudium in caelis. Quod caeli superiores intelligantur, est quia per illos et ex illis facti sunt influxus in inferiora, per quos separati sunt mali, qui quoad externa conjuncti fuerunt illis qui in caelis inferioribus; et quantum conjuncti fuerunt, non illis illustratio et gaudium, sed quantum separati; inde est quod caeli superiores intelligantur. Est enim talis nexus superiorum et inferiorum in mundo spirituali, ut quantum inferiora in ordine sunt tantum etiam sint superiora; inferiora enim ibi sunt sicut inferiora domus ac sicut fundamenta ejus; quantum itaque haec integra sunt, tantum superiora in statu firmo, securo et perfecto sunt; non enim nutant, vacillant ac hiant: aut sicut quantum in homine exteriora ejus, sicut organa visus, gustus, auditus, tactus, non laesa sunt, tantum interiora ejus bene vident, gustant, audiunt, et tactu persentiscunt; nam interiora sunt quae sentiunt in exterioribus, et exteriora nihil a se. Similiter in caelis: inferiores caeli sunt in quos desinunt et quibus insistunt caeli superiores; inter quos ideo talis continens nexus est qualis est inter priora et posteriora, aut sicut inter causas et effectus; si effectus non prorsus correspondet suae causae, hoc est, si non habet in se formatum omne quod in causa efficiente est, quod se refert ad vires et conatus agendi, tunc causa labefactatur, et agit imperfecte; nam omnia causae inscripta sunt effectui; quare sola causa est quae agit, non autem quicquam effectus separatus a causa. Simile est cum caelis superioribus et inferioribus; in caelis superioribus sunt causae, et effectus causis correspondentes se sistunt in caelis inferioribus. Haec dicta sunt ut sciatur unde est quod per "voces magnas in caelo" Significetur illustratio ex qua sapientia et gaudium in caelis superioribus, quando caeli inferiores purificantur, hoc est, mali a bonis separantur et removentur.

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