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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 681

681. And the seventh angel sounded.- That this signifies the influx of Divine Truth through the heavens from the Lord, and thence the consequent final changes is evident from the signification of sounding, in reference to an angel, as denoting the influx of Divine Truth from the Lord, and a consequent change in the lower parts, where the evil are (concerning this see above, n. 489, 502). To sound has this signification, because a trumpet and a horn signify Divine Truth about to be revealed, and also revealed, as may be seen above (n. 55, 262). The final change from the influx of Divine Truth from the Lord, is meant by the sounding of the seventh angel, because the number seven signifies what is full and final, as may be seen above (n. 20, 24, 257, 300, 486). The changes in the lower parts, where the evil are, caused by a stronger or milder influx of Divine Truth through the heavens from the Lord, and thus by various kinds of influx, have been amply treated of above (n. 413:2, 418, 419, 426, 489, 493); it is therefore unnecessary to say any more concerning them in this place. That the separation of the evil from the good, and the casting of the evil into hell, and many other changes, resulted from these various kinds of influx, may be seen in the places cited. From these things the signification of the seven angels sounding is now evident.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 681

681. Verse 15. And the seventh angel sounded, signifies the influx of Divine truth through the heavens from the Lord, and the consequent final changes. This is evident from the signification of "sounding," in reference to an angel, as being the influx of Divine truth from the Lord, and a consequent change in the lower places, where the evil are (See above, n. 489, 502). This is the reason of this signification of "to sound," because "trumpet" and "horn" signify Divine truth about to be revealed or that has been revealed (See above, n. 55, 262). The "sounding of the seventh angel" means the final change caused by the influx of Divine truth from the Lord, because the number "seven" signifies what is full and final (See above, n. 20, 24, 257, 300, 486). As the changes in the lower places where the evil are, which are effected by a stronger or milder influx of Divine truth through the heavens from the Lord, thus by various kinds of influx, have been fully treated of above (n. 413, 418, 419, 426, 489, 493), it is unnecessary to say anything further about them. That the separation of the evil from the good, and the casting down of the evil into hell, and many other changes were effected by these various kinds of influx can be seen in the places indicated. From this now it is evident what is signified by "the seven angels sounding."

Apocalypsis Explicata 681 (original Latin 1759)

681. [Vers. 15.] "Et septimus angelus clanxit." - Quod significet influxum Divini Veri per caelos a Domino, et inde ultimas mutationes, constat ex significatione "clangoris", cum de angelo, quod sit influxus Divini Veri a Domino, et inde mutatio in inferioribus, ubi mali (de qua supra, n. 489, 502); quod "clangere" id significet; est quia "tuba" et "buccina" signicabat Divinum Verum revelandum et quoque revelatum (videatur supra, n. 55, 262): quod sit ultima mutatio ex influxu Divini Veri a Domino, quae per "septimi angeli clangorem" intelligitur, est quia numerus "septem" significat plenum ac ultimum (videatur supra, n. 20, 24, 257, 1

300, 486). De mutationibus in inferioribus, ubi mali, factis per influxum Divini Veri per caelos a Domino intensiorem et leniorem, ita per influxus varios, supra (n. 413 [a] 418 [a] 419 [a] , 426, 489, 493) ample actum est; quare denuo aliquid de illis dicere supersedetur. Quod per influxus illos factae sint separationes malorum a bonis, ac dejectiones malorum in infernum, ac plures aliae mutationes, in locis citatis videri potest. Ex his nunc patet quid per "angelos septem clangentes" significatur.


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