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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 691

691. Because thou hast taken thy great power, and entered upon the kingdom.- That this signifies the establishment of a new heaven and a new church when the former heaven and church are destroyed, is evident from the signification of taking His great power, and entering upon the kingdom, as denoting that when the former heaven and former church have been destroyed, a new heaven and a new church will be established. This is meant by taking great power and entering upon the kingdom because the Lord then has omnipotence and the kingdom; for then His will is done, since the angels of heaven and the men of the church then suffer themselves to be led by Him, because He thus rules all, according to order, from Himself, by keeping them in Divine goods and truths, which go forth from Him, and withholding them from evils and falsities, which are from hell. This cannot be done before the evil are separated from the good, and are cast down into hell, and a new heaven is formed of the good. These things were accomplished by the Last Judgment, which is treated of in what follows.

[2] That then the Lord has power and sovereignty may be illustrated by a comparison with the sun of the world. During the winter the sun has no power or sovereignty in the earth, because its heat is not received, for the coldness of the air and of the earth counteracts it; but when spring returns, then the power and sovereignty of the sun return, for its heat is then received, and also its light, because conjoined with the heat, and from these the whole earth is vivified. The case is similar with the Lord's power and sovereignty, which come when the evil have been separated from the good and cast down into hell; for they are cold like the winter, and they extinguish the spiritual heat of the sun, which is love, and render inoperative the power and sovereignty of the Lord, although viewed in Himself He is perpetually in the same omnipotence, but not so in the subjects [thereof] until a new heaven and a new church come into existence.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 691

691. Because Thou hast taken Thy great power and entered upon the kingdom, signifies the establishment of the new heaven and the New Church, when the former heaven and church are destroyed. This is evident from the signification of "to take His great power and to enter upon the kingdom," as being that when the former heaven and former church are destroyed the new heaven and the New Church will be established; this is what is meant by "taking great power and entering upon the kingdom," because the Lord then has omnipotence and the kingdom; for then His will is done, since the angels of heaven and the men of the church then suffer themselves to be led by Him, and He thus rules all according to order from Himself, by keeping them in Divine goods and truths, which proceed from Him, and withholding them from evils and falsities, which are from hell, and this cannot be done until the evil have been separated from the good and the evil have been cast down into hell, and a new heaven has been made from the good. This is brought into actuality by the Last Judgment, which is treated of in what follows.

[2] That the Lord then has power and sovereignty can be illustrated by a comparison with the sun of the world; so long as the winter continues the sun has no power or sovereignty on the earth, because its heat is not received, for it is extinguished by the cold of the air and of the earth; but when spring is at hand the sun has power and sovereignty, for its heat is then received, and also its light, because it is joined with the heat, and from these the whole earth blossoms. It is similar with the Lord's power and sovereignty, which come when the evil have been separated from the good and cast down into hell; for the evil are colds like those of winter, and they extinguish the spiritual heat of the sun, which is love, and bring to naught the power and sovereignty of the Lord, although viewed in Himself He is perpetually in the like omnipotence, yet He is not so in subjects until the new heaven and the New Church come into existence.

Apocalypsis Explicata 691 (original Latin 1759)

691. "Quod adeptus sis potentiam tuam magnam, et regnum inieris." - Quod significet instaurationem novi caeli et novae ecclesiae, destructo priori et caelo et ecclesia, constat ex significatione "adipisci potentiam suam magnam et inire regnum", quod sit quod postquam prius caelum ac prior ecclesia destructa sunt, novum caelum et nova ecclesia instaurentur; quod hoc per "adipisci potentiam magnam" et per "inire regnum" intelligatur, est quia Domino tunc omnipotentia est et regnum; fit enim tunc Ipsius voluntas, nam angeli caeli et homines ecclesiae tunc se ab Ipso duci patiuntur; regit enim sic omnes secundum ordinem ex Se Ipso, tenendo in Divinis bonis et veris quae ex Ipso procedunt, ac detinendo a malis et falsis quae ab inferno, quod non potest fieri antequam mali a bonis separati sunt, et mali in infernum dejecti, et a bonis factum est novum caelum; haec in actum sistuntur per ultimum judicium, de quo in sequentibus agitur.

[2] Quod tunc Domino potentia et regnum, illustrari potest per comparationem cum sole mundi: quamdiu hiems est, non soli est aliqua potentia aut aliquod regnum in tellure, quia calor ejus non recipitur, nam frigus aeris et telluris illum exstinguit; at cum ver instat, tunc soli venit. potentia et regnum, recipitur enim tunc ejus calor, et quoque lux quia conjuncta calori, ex quibus universa tellus floret: simile est cum potentia et cum regno Domini, quae veniunt quando mali separati sunt a bonis, ac illi in infernum dejecti; illi enim sunt frigora sicut hiemis, quae calorem solis spiritualem, qui est amor, exstinguunt, ac faciunt ut non potentia et non regnum Domino sint, tametsi Ipse in Se spectatus perpetuo in simili omnipotentia est, quamvis non in subjectis antequam novum caelum et nova ecclesia existunt.

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